Food Microbiology

By Dr. Niranjan Raj S   |   Department of Studies Microbiology Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangotri
Learners enrolled: 1300
Food microbiology is the study of the microorganisms that inhabit, create, or contaminate food. Microbes are being used for the production of foods, food supplements and food ingredients. Microorganisms are widely used in fermentative production, processing, and preservation of various kinds of foods and beverages. Microorganisms are also responsible for food spoilage and food poisoning which result in loss of food products and also cause damage to human and animal health causing health and economic losses. Studying the food microbes and the effects of microbial contamination is vital to various food safety, production, processing, preservation, and storage aspects.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Agricultural and Food Engineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.0
Industry Details : Teaching
Exam Shift :

Shift - I

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week – I | 1. Introduction to food and nutrition | 2. Introduction to Food Microbiology | 3. History, Development and Scope of Food Microbiology | 4. Microorganisms in Food |

Week – II | 5. Food as Substrate for Microbes| 6. Microbial Growth in Foods | 7. Characteristics of Microorganisms in Food |

Week – III | 8. Enzymes | 9. Sterilizing Equipments| 10. Laminar Air Flow |

Week - IV | 11. Cultivation of Microorganisms (Part –I) |  12. Cultivation of Microorganisms ( Part -2) | 13. Control of Microorganisms in Foods – Part I |

Week – V | 14. Food spoilage by Microorganisms ( Part –I)| 15. Food Spoilage by Microorganisms (Part- 2)| 16. Microbial Spoilage of Fish, Meat, Poultry and Egg | 17. Mycotoxins in Poultry |

Week – VI | 18.Edible Mushroom and Preservation| 19. Food Borne Diseases (Part-I) | 20. Food Borne Diseases (Part-II)

Week – VII | 21. Food Poisoning | 22. Food Adulteration, Contaminants and Detection| 23. Basic Principle of Food Preservation| 

Week - VIII | 24.Modern Technologies in Food Preservation | 25. Principal and Traditional methods of food Protection in Preservation | 26. Downstream Processing of Fermented Food Products |

Week – IX | 27.Fermented Foods - Traditional | 28. Probiotics and Prebiotics | 29. Acidophilus Milk| 30.Fermented dairy products |

Week - X | 31.Yeast Fermentation and its Products | 32. Fermenter| 33. Vinegar |

Week - XI | 34. Wine | 35. Beer | 36. Distilled Spirits |

Week - XII | 37. Single cell Protien | 38. Food Laws and Regulations| 39. HACCP and ISO| 40. Trends in Modern food Microbiology |

Books and references

Reading material

Author & Year

Type of publication (article/notes)

Content Abstract

Number of pages

Basic Food Microbiology. Westport, Conn.: AVI. Chapter 4, Factors that affect microbial growth in food

Banwart GJ. 1979

Text Book

Food Microbiology


Food microbiology: fundamentals and frontiers. 2nd ed. Washington (DC): American Society for Microbiology

MP, Beuchat LR, Montville TJ, editors. 2001.

Text Book

Food Chemistry


The microbiological safety and quality of foods. Volume 1 & 2. Gaithersburg (MD): Aspen

Lund BM, Baird-Parker TC, Gould GW, editors. 2000

Text Book

Food Microbiology


Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers, Third Edition, ASM Press

Doyle, M. P. and Beuchat, L. R. 2007.

Text Book

Food Microbiology


Food Microbiology by Westhoff, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd.

William C Frazier and Dennis C. 1998.

Text Book

Food Microbiology


Instructor bio

Dr. Niranjan Raj S

Department of Studies Microbiology Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangotri
I, Dr. Niranjan Raj S., Principal Investigator for Food Microbiology course under Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), am currently heading the Department of Studies in Microbiology at the Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, and have completed my M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. from University of Mysore and have 18 years of post-graduate teaching/research experience. I am the course coordinator for M.Sc. Microbiology at KSOU. During the last two decades I have mainly worked on basic and advanced aspects of plant pathology with particular reference to host-pathogen interactions and plant disease management. I have investigated the applicability of induced systemic resistance and biological control strategies for the effective management of downy mildew disease of pearl millet. My research contributions in the field of biochemical, molecular and biotechnological aspects of cereal downy mildew has helped in obtaining disease resistant pearl millet varieties and also in practice of disease free agriculture both at national and international levels. I have more than 70 publications to my credit in international peer reviewed journals of high impact factors. I also have two national patents. I have extended his expertise to many students, professionals and researchers though seminars, symposia and conferences and also by extending training courses for seed industry personnel, MSc., and MPhil., students and also summer research students who have availed my guidance for projects and course work. I have several merits and awards to his credit from various National and International Agencies like ICAR, UGC, DANIDA, ISCA, ASMPP, IPS, NESA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Auburn University etc.

Course certificate

Assessment/Assignment marks will be considered for Internal Marks and will carry 30 percent for overall Result.

End Term Exam- will have 100 questions and will carry 70 percent of  overall Result.

*All students, who obtain 40% marks in in-course assessment and 40% marks in end-term proctored exam separately, will be eligible for certificate and credit transfer.

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