Food Preservation Technology

By Dr. Girish, K   |   Department of Microbiology at Government Women’s College, Kolar, Bengaluru North University.
Learners enrolled: 1002
Food preservation technology is a multi disciplinary course aimed towards imparting knowledge for students studying Microbiology, Food technology, Food and Nutrition, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Chemistry.  The course has wide applications in Food industry (Chocolate, Bread and Biscuits, Jams, and all other ready to eat packed foods and beverages), Dairy industry (For preservation of Milk and Milk products like Flavoured milk, cheese, etc.,) Pharmaceutical industry (As a part of Nutraceuticals many pharma industry expect students to have the knowledge of Food preservation techniques). 

In all these industries knowledge of Food preservation technology is very essential, therefore the current course deals mainly with various food products and their preservation techniques. 

The course is completely Industry oriented and includes all the techniques that are expected in commercial industries. The student will be well versed with advanced techniques which are the need of the hour for providing employment opportunities.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Agricultural and Food Engineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 25 May 2025 IST
Translation Languages : Kannada
NCrF Level   : 5.0
Industry Details : Teaching
Exam Shift :

Shift - I

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week – 1 | 1. Basic Principle of Food Preservation | 2. Principle and Traditional Methods of Food Protection in Preservation | 3.Bio-Preservation and Chemical Preservatives | 

Week – 2 | 4. Modern Technologies in Food Preservation | 5.  Microorganisms in Food | 6. Characteristics of Microorganisms in Food | 7. Food Spoilage by Microorganisms | 

Week – 3 | 8. Control of Microorganisms in Foods | 9. Food Borne Disease | 10. Proteins and Enzymes | 11. Preservation by Salt and Sugar | 

Week - 4 | 12. Fruits – Classification and Composition | 13. Fruits and Vegetable Products | 14. Dehydration of Fruits and Vegetables | 15. Squashes and Cordials |

Week – 5 | 16. Pectin | 17. Jams, Jellies and Marmalades | 18. Fruit Juice Concentration | 19. Tomato Product |

Week – 6 | 20. Enzymes in Fruit Processing/Liquefaction | 21. Value Addition to Fruits and Vegetables through Processing | 22. Bottling Food Products | 23. Freezing of Products | 

Week – 7 | 24. Introduction to Refrigeration and Freezing (Part-1) | 25. Refrigeration and Freezing – Pressure Enthalpy and freezing methods (Part 2) | 26. Steam Evaporation and Dehydration | 27. Meat and Poultry Industry in India | 

Week - 8 | 28. Preservation of Meat: Chilling and Freezing | 29. Preservation of Meat: Irradiation | 30. Preservation of Meat: Thermal Processing | 31. Canning of fish |

Week – 9 | 32. Fish Curing and Smoking | 33. Microbial Spoilage of Fish, Meat, Poultry and Egg | 34. Chilling and Freezing of Fish | 35. Design of Activated Sludge Process |

Week - 10 | 36. Laminar Air Flow (LAF) Cabinet | 37. Post-Harvest Losses of Fruits, Vegetables and Preservation | 38. Sterilizing Equipments |

Week - 11 | 39. Identification of Hazards | 40. Sanitation and Sanitizers |

Books and references

1. Foods Facts and Principles, N. Shakunthala Manay and M. Shadaksharaswamy, 2001.
2. Food Science Third edition, B. Srilakshmi, 2003.
3. Food Science, Fourth edition Norman N. Potter,2013
4. Nutrition Facts, Karen Frazier, Aug 2015.
5. Modern Food Microbiology, Seventh edition, James M. Jay , Martin J. Loessnerm, David A. Golden,2005.
6. Food Processing, Carl J. Schaschke, 2011

Instructor bio

Dr. Girish, K

Department of Microbiology at Government Women’s College, Kolar, Bengaluru North University.
Dr. Girish, K., is presently working as Associate Professor at the Department of Microbiology at Government Women’s College, Kolar, Bengaluru North University. He did his M.Sc. from University of Mysore securing First Rank and Gold Medal. He obtained his Ph.D. in Microbiology from University of Mysore. 

Dr. Girish has more than 15 years of teaching and research experience. He has been teaching Food Microbiology to M.Sc., students. He has served as IQAC co-ordinator at Maharani’s Science College for Women, Mysuru for 6 years (2010-11 to 2015-16). He had been the course study material writer and resource person for contact classes at Karnataka State Open University (KSOU), Mysuru. He has served as a member of BOS and BOE of various Universities in India. He has authored two book chapters and two books.

Dr. Girish has completed three research projects funded by UGC and one project funded by SERB. He has guided about 20 M.Sc., students for their dissertation. He has published more than 45 research papers in peer reviewed National and International Journals. He is the recipient of “Junior Scientist of the year Award” in 2011 conferred by National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), India; “HarGobind Khorana Young Scientist Award” 2013 conferred by Bose Science Society (BSS), India and “Best Administrator Award – Coordinator” by PEARL, India in 2017.

Course certificate

Assessment/Assignment marks will be considered for Internal Marks and will carry 30 percent for overall Result.

End Term Exam- will have 100 questions and will carry 70 percent of  overall Result.

*All students, who obtain 40% marks in in-course assessment and 40% marks in end-term proctored exam separately, will be eligible for certificate and credit transfer.

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