Prof. (Dr.) Subhrangshu Sekhar Sarkar
Tezpur UniversityProf. (Dr.) Subhrangshu Sekhar Sarkar after completing his Masters in Commerce from Gauhati University joined the academics. He has done his doctorate in the area of Taxation. He has undergone Faculty Development Programme in Management from XLRI, Jamshedpur. He has completed a Certificate Programme in Entrepreneurship Teaching from Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad. He has also undergone a programme on Case Teaching Pedagogy at Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. He holds CMI Level 5 Certificate Leadership and Management awarded by the Chartered Management Institute (UK). He has undergone an International programme in the Leadership in higher Education at Warwick University, UK. He has completed Leadership for Academicians Programme (LEAP) at IIT, BHU and Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA. He is associated with Tezpur University (A Central University of India) since 1995. He served at IIM Shillong (on lien from Tezpur University) during 2009-10 and helped the process of institution building. On completion of lien, he joined back Tezpur University and recently he has completed his term as Dean, School of Management Sciences. Currently, he is working as the Professor at the Department of Business Administration and Head in-charge, Department of Commerce. His areas of interest include Accounting, Taxation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management.