Banking and Insurance

Learners enrolled: 1429
Banking and Insurance are two sectors which are fast evolving and witnessing a transformational change. Banks are the backbone of all activities, because every transaction where money is involved, the bank is the main character. Insurance business is one of the prominent financial services in modern times. Keeping these aspects in mind, this Course on Banking and Insurance has been designed to train participants in basic concepts and latest updates in the banking and insurance. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and regulations governing the banking and insurance industries. This course would also touch upon emerging trends shaping the future of banking and insurance, such as digital transformation, fintech innovations, cybersecurity challenges, sustainable finance practices, and changing customer preferences. You would gain insights into how these trends are reshaping the industry landscape and driving strategic changes in financial institutions.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Commerce
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 17 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

W1L1_Introduction to banking
W1L2_Bank and Customer Relationship
W1L3_Types of Customers of a Bank
W2L4_Types of Deposits in Banking
W2L5_Evolution of Banking in India
W2L6_Financial Services offered by Commercial Banks
W3L7_The changing role of Commercial Banks
W3L8_Types of Banks
W4L9_Introduction to Cheque
W4L10_Types & rules of crossing & Endorsement of Cheques
W4L11_Duties of a Holder of a Cheques
W5L12_Statutory Protection in due course
W5L13_Duties of a collecting Bankers
W5L14_Statutory Protection for Holder in due course
W6L15_Principles of sound lending
W6L16_Secured versus Unsecured Advances
W6L17_Types of Advances in Banking
W7L18_Advances against various Securities 
W8L20_Introduction to Electronic Banking
W8L21_Introduction to Information Technology and Internet
W8L22_Home Banking and Virtual Banking
W9L23_Internet Banking Hands on Experience
W9L24_Mobile Banking
W9L25_E Payments
W10L26_Understanding ATM and Debit Cards
W10L27_NEFT, RTGS, ECS- Credit and Debit
W10L28_Smart Cards and Bio Metric Cards
W11L29_Basics of Credit Cards
W11L30_Introduction to E Money
W11L31_Basics of Electronic Purse and Digital Cash
W12L32_Introduction to Insurance
W12L33_Introduction to Risk
W12L34_Classification of Risk 
W13L35_Risk Assessment
W13L36_Risk Transfer
W13L37_Basic principle of utmost good faith
W14L39_Proximate cause
W14L40_Principle of subrogation and contribution
W14L41_Economic functions of Insurance
W15L42_Types of Insurance
W15L44_Coordination of benefits
W15L45_Risk and return relationship in insurance
W16L46_Evolution of Insurance in India
W16L47_Powers and function of IRDA
W16L48_Online Insurance

Instructor bio



Dr. NILAM PANCHAL, D.Litt (Management), PhD, M.Phil. (Gold Medalist), MBA, PGDIRPM (Gold Medalist) is working as an Associate Professor & Head - Department of Public Policy and Governance (DPPG), B. K. School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University. She is FDP & SFDP Alumnus of INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT(IIMA). She has teaching Experience of 23 Years in Academics. She is acting as a Chairman of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD) - Ahmedabad Chapter.  She has developed MOOCs and more than 500 E-Contents Modules under UGC- HRDC on various subjects of Economics, Commerce and Management which is part of SWAYAM PRABHA, DTH channel devoted to telecasting of high-quality educational Programmes since 2016. She has authored more than 30 books and more than 130 Research Papers and developed Course contents for PG Courses of BAOU and MGNCRE, Government of India. She has keen interest in Entrepreneurship and has travelled in India and many member countries of ASEAN and the UK for academics. She is a Life Member of different National Organizations like AIMS, ISTD, NEMA etc. She has conducted FDPs in the areas of Developing MOOCs, Research and different areas of Management. She is involved in Corporate Training and has trained more than 10,000 professionals in different areas of Management since 2008.She is passionate about developing MOOCS, teaching, research and training and has been engaging in enabling Individuals and Organizations through coaching, training, and learning and development. She has been member of Editorial Boards of various national and International Journals and Chief Editor of IJMPR, Gujarat University.

Course certificate

70% end term exam and 30% internal assessment 
Minimum 40% in each would be required to pass the course and get completion certificate

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