School Organization: Administration & Management

By Dr. Minila K.George   |   Providence College of Teacher Education for Women, Calicut, Kerala
Learners enrolled: 1886
The main objective of this course is to familiarize students on the need and importance of school organization, administration and management. This course gives a clear understanding about different types of school timetables and its construction. It helps learners familiarize with the structure and functions of school management committee and appreciate Total Quality Management(TQM). This course also creates awareness on the importance of health and physical education, lifestyle diseases and its management and also first aid. The course is also designed in a way learners can critically evaluate the importance of food and nutrition and it’s in human life as well as yoga and its benefits. This course will enable you to integrate your knowledge on school organization as well as health and physical education.

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Teacher Education
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 20 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 25 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Exam Shift :

Shift 2

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1

Module 1 : School organization
Module 2 : Educational management
Module 3 : Institutional climate

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 2

Module 4 : Organizational process in schools
Module 5 : Educational leadership
Module 6 : Head master

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 3

Module 7 : Performance appraisal
Module 8 : School plant
Module 9 : School Complex

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 4

Module 10: School records and registers
Module 11: Stock register
Module 12: Supervision and Inspection

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 5

Module 13: Institutional planning
Module 14: School management committee
Module 15: School development plan

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 6

Module 16: Staff and student council
Module 17: Timetable
Module 18: TQM

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 7

Module 19: Organizing Physical and health Education Activities in Schools
Module 20: Aims and Objectives of Physical Education
Module 21: Health Education and Health Instruction

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 8

Module 22: Importance of Health Education in a Teacher Education Programme
Module 23: Mental, Emotional health and Sex Education, 
Module 24: Physical Fitness and Wellness

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 9

Module 25: Physical Activity, Exercise and Physical Fitness
Module 26: Hypokinetic Diseases-Part 1 
Module 27: Hypokinetic Diseases-Part 2

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 10

Module 28: Postures-Part 1
Module 29: Postures-Part 2
Module 30: Food and Nutrition

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 11

Module 31: First Aid
Module 32: First Aid and emergency care in various situations-Part 1
Module 33: First Aid and emergency care in various situations-Part 2

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 12

Module 34: First Aid for common injuries
Module 35: First Aid and emergency care in various situations-Part 3
Module 36: Yoga education

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Week 13

Module 37: Benefits of Yoga
Module 38: Concept of Asana
Module 39: Yoga and Stress Management

Interaction based on the above  three modules covered

Books and references

Book References

    1. Chandra S.S, Chakraborthy A.K, (2010), School Administration Organization and Management, Raj Printers, New Delhi, India.

    2. Dash D.N, (2013), School Organization and Administration and Management, Neelkamal Publications PVT.LTD, Hyderabad.

    3. Kochhar S,K, (2011), School Administration and Management, Sterling Publishers , New Delhi.

    4. Kulbir Singh Sidhu, (2011), School Organization and Administration, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.

    5. Dr.Sachdeva M.S, School Administration and Management, Tandon Publicastions, Ludhiyana.

Online References 

    1. https://www.academia.edu/1322796/The_Organizational_Communication_Process_in_Schools
    2. http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/102109/chapters/School-Organization.aspx
    3. https://www.oecd.org/education/school/school-learning-organisation.pdf

Instructor bio

   Dr. Minila K. George

Dr. Minila K. George
, Assistant Professor at Providence College of Teacher Education for Women, Calicut, Kerala holds four Master’s Degrees: in Physics, Management, Education and Psychology. She has qualified UGC-NET in Education. She is a dynamic teacher educator, actively involved in the development of innovative strategies for teaching. She holds a doctorate in Education awarded from Kannur University in the area “Development of e-learning materials to teach high school Physics”. She has an experience of over 14years as a teacher educator and has attended more than 20 International/National Conferences and presented several research and thematic papers. She was associated with the development of e-content for EMMRC Calicut, Kerala. She is the recipient of the National Award for Blooming Faculty in Teacher Education- 2018 by Council for Teacher Education (CTE).

Course certificate

Course Completion will carry 70% weightage of end term exam and 30% weightage of internal assessments. A minimum 40% in each is required to qualify for the Course Completion Certifcate

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