Environmental Pollution and Global issues

By Dr. Javid A Parray   |   Government Degree College Eidgah, Cluster University Srinagar.
Learners enrolled: 1890
"Environmental Pollution and Human Health" is a Core Course in B.Sc. Environmental Science under the NEP-2020. The course would also be helpful as one of the compulsory subjects for all students of the undergraduate streams, e.g. arts, science, commerce and other biomedical sciences. The course is designed to supplement and enhance students' understanding of environmental contamination, which adversely affects human health. It will emphasize understanding the mechanisms of pollutants impacting human health by developing an understanding of different types of contaminants, their sources and mitigation measures. 
The objectives of this course are to give the target students/audience an understanding of :
Conception and significance of the variable factors causing deterioration of the environment
Monitoring and controlling measures of air, water, noise, radioactive and thermal pollution 
Importance of Environment and Human Health
Utilization of the latest scientific and mechanical technologies to control environmental deterioration 
Biotechnological interventions and pollution control 
The importance of implementing a worldwide eco-energy policy to tackle global warming and climate change problems
Environmental legislation, regulations and other policy mechanisms
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Environmental Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

1. Air Pollution  
2. Pollution case studies – I Air Pollution and Industrial Disaster 
3. Acid Rain   
4. Photochemical Smog
5. Climate Change 
6. Global Warming    
7. Ozone depletion  
8. Water Pollution I
9. Water Pollution II 
10. Marine Pollution 
11. Soil Pollution 
12. Pollution case studies – II Water and Soil Pollution 

13. Noise Pollution – I 
14. Noise Pollution – II  
15. Nuclear Pollution  
16. Nuclear accidents and holocaust 

17. Thermal Pollution 
18. Prevention of pollution 
19. Biotechnology in Pollution control  
20. Radioactive Pollution: waste management and control 

21. Biodegradation and Bioremediation 
22. Desertification 
23. Solid waste Management 
24. Wasteland reclamation 

25. Biocides and heavy metals: Impact on Aquatic life 
26. Concept of sustainable development 
27. Environmental ethics 
28. Environmental and Ethical issues of GMOs 

29. Need for public awareness in Environmental Studies 
30. Role of women and child in environmental protection 
31. Role of Individuals in conservation of natural resources 
32. Value Education 

33. Human rights and the Environment 
34. Environmental and Human Health – HIV/AIDS 
35. Role of Information Technology in Environmental and human health  
36. Resettlement and rehabilitation of people- its problems and concerns 

37. Problems in enforcement of environmental legislation 
38. Salient features of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act (1974) 
39. Salient features of The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act (1987) 
40. Salient features of the Environmental (Protection) Act (1986) 

41. Salient features of Biomedical waste (management and handling) rules (1998) 
42. Salient features of Noise pollution (regulations and control) rules (2000) 
43. Salient features of Municipal solid wastes (management and handling) rules (2000) 
44. Salient features of Hazardous waste management and handling rules (1989) 

Books and references

1. McConnell, Robert and Abel, Daniel (2008) Environmental Issues: An Introduction to Sustainability.  3rd Edition Publisher Pearson – Prentice Hall
2. Wright, Richard and Boorse, Dorothy (2011) Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future, 11th Edition Publisher Pearson 
3. Joseph, Benny, 2005. Environmental Studies, McGraw Hill companies. 
4. Hill, Marquita (2010) Understanding Environmental Pollution . Cambridge University Press; 3 edition (May 24, 2010)
5. De, Anil Kumar and De, Arnab Kumar, 2nd edition. New Age International Publishers. 
6. Kanagasabai, S. 2010. Text Book on Environmental Studies. PHI Learning. 
7. Sharma, P. D. 2015. Ecology and Environment. 
8. Chauhan, B. S. 2008, Environmental Studies. University Science Press. 
9. Kaushak and Kaushak. 2016. Perspectives in Environmental Studies. 
10. Jaiswal, P.S.2007.Environmental Law. Pioneer Publications, Delhi. 
11. Ghosh, G.K.1992. Environmental Pollution. Ashiah Publication, Delhi. 
12. Bandh SA And Parray JA (2018) Environemntal Perspective sand Issues. Castillo Reference 1st Ed .

Instructor bio

Dr. Javid A Parray

Government Degree College Eidgah, Cluster University Srinagar.
Dr. Javid A Parray has a Master’s in Environmental Science and completed his MPhil and PhD at the University of Kashmir. He has conducted post-doctoral research at the same university and has been awarded a Fast Track Young Scientist Project by SERB – DST, GoI New Delhi. Dr. Parray teaches at the Department of Environmental Science, GDC Eidgah Srinagar, Cluster University Srinagar. His research interests include ecological and agricultural microbiology, climate change and microbial biotechnology, environmental microbiome, environmental sustainability, and microbial genomics. He has published over 50 research papers and authored 21 books with international publishers. Dr. Parray is also involved in editorial boards, scientific organizations, and societies and has received accolades such as the “Emerging Scientist Year Gold Medal” for 2018 by the Indian Academy of Environmental Science. He is the Course Coordinator for 03 CeC-MOOCS National Swayam courses in Environmental Science and has been awarded a PIFI Visiting fellowship by the Chinese Academy of Science.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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