Diet Management in Health and disease

By Dr. Vipparti Vijaya Lakshmi   |   The English and Foreign Languages University (Host University)
Learners enrolled: 6829
Diet Management in Health and Disease
This course will give an insight into the diet management in health as well as in disease conditions. It helps in selection of foods, preparation methods and planning diet effectively to tackle the disease and to maintain body needs. Helps in reduction of malnutrition and improving the quality of life.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Public health
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Industry Details : Para Medical
Exam Shift: :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

WEEK- 01                                                                                                                     Objective

1 Determinants of Health
2. Energy Requirements for Humans
3. Nutrition in Adulthood
4. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation

WEEK- 02                                                                                                                    Objective

1. Nutrition in Infancy
2. Nutrition in Adolescence
3. Nutrition in Old age
4. Principles and Classification of Therapeutic Diets

WEEK- 03                                                                                                                    Objective

1. Therapeutic diets - Dietary modification in Diarrhoea
2.Therapeutic diets - Dietary consideration in Constipation
3. Nutritional management in Fevers
4. Routine hospital diets 

WEEK- 04                                                                                                                    Objective

1. Enteral and Parenteral Feeding
2. Low energy and very low calorie diet 
3. High energy diets for weight gain 
4. Diet for febrile conditions, infections and surgical conditions

WEEK- 05                                                                                                                    Objective

1. Diseases related to Mouth, Oesophagus and Stomach
2. Nutritional management in the diseases of the liver and pancreas 
3. Management of diabetes
4. Clinical and Nutritional aspects of Hyperlipidemia

WEEK- 06                                                                                                                   Objective

1. Dietary management of cerebrovascular diseases
2. Review of physiology and function of normal kidney
3. Diseases of kidney glomerulonephritis
4. Dietary management in uremia 

WEEK- 07                                                                                                                   Objective

1. Dietary management in Nephrotic syndrome and renal failure
2. Cancer – Nutritional and non-nutritional aetiological factors
3. Assessment of nutritional status in burns patients -  Nutritional management of burns patients
4. Nutritional management in diseases on the thyroid gland

WEEK- 08                                                                                                                   Objective

1. Hyperparathyrodisim
2. Interaction between drugs, nutrients and nutritional status

Books and references

Antia, T. 1996. Food and Nutrition. Oxford 0198327668.
Bettelheim and March. 1984. Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry. Harcourt Brace college Puplishers 0030202175 Sounders                college Puplishing.
Gopalan, G., Ramasastri, B.V. and Balasubramnian, S. C. 1989. Nutritive valve of the Indian Foods. National Institute of Nutrition, ICMR,                Hyderabad. http://www.fao.org/infoods/
Manay, S.N, Shadaksharaswamy, M.1998. Food-facts & Principles New Age International Publishers, New Delhi
Norman N. Potter and Joseph H. Hotchkiss. 1995. Food Science, 5th Ed. Chapman & Hall, NY, USA.
Passmore, R. and Eastwood, M. A. 1986. Human Nutrition & Dietetics. ELBS
Potter, N.N. (1996).  Food Science.  The AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Connecticut
Shankunthala, M. 1972. Foods-Facts, Principles & Procedure. The Eastern Press, Bengaluru.
Srilakshmi, B. 1995. Food Science. New Age International Publishers, New Delhi 
Srilakshmi. 2005. Dietetics. New age International 978-81-224-1611-4.
Srilakshmi. 2010. Food Science. New age International 978-81-224-2724-0.

Instructor bio

Dr. Vipparti Vijaya Lakshmi

The English and Foreign Languages University (Host University)
Dr. V.Vijaya Lakshmi was a recipient of ICAR, JRF for her M.Sc and ICSSR fellowship for her Ph.D. She has retired as the Dean for the Faculty of Community Science, in PJTS Agricultural University, Hyderabad. She has 36 years of experience in teaching, research and extension. She has 50 research papers to her credit. Presented papers in National and International conferences, Presented an 8 weeks MOOC programme on Nutrition, Health and Therapeutics with IIT Kanpur, NPTEL and COL, Vancouver, Canada and a 12 weeks course on Food Science & Processing, Diet Management in Health and Disease and Food safety and quality control from EFLU. She was the course coordinator for the Dietetics programme in B.Sc. Home Science from EFLU with 160 lessons and presented 10 lessons. Was involved in teaching all the UG, PG and PhD courses, 

1. Swayam courses of 12 weeks course on Food Science and Processing, 8 weeks courses on Diet management in health and disease and Food safety and quality control from Eflu.  

2. Guided more than 50 M.Sc. students and 12 Ph.D. students.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination Securing 40% in both seperately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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