Course Status : | Ongoing |
Course Type : | Core |
Language for course content : | English |
Duration : | 15 weeks |
Category : |
Credit Points : | 5 |
Level : | Undergraduate |
Start Date : | 13 Jan 2025 |
End Date : | 30 Apr 2025 |
Enrollment Ends : | 28 Feb 2025 |
Exam Date : | 17 May 2025 IST |
NCrF Level : | 5.0 |
Industry Details : | Teaching |
Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.
WEEK 1 |
Concept Of Gender: A Social Construct |
Gender: As Performative |
3.1 Gender, Sex and Sexuality |
3.2 Gender, Sex and Gender Identity |
3.3 Sex/gender system |
Masculinity and Femininity |
WEEK 2 |
5.1 Patriarchy |
5.2 Patriarchy and its ideological
foundation: Biological Determinism |
Gender Socialisation |
7.1 Agents of Gender Socialization:
Family and Peer Group |
7.2 Agents of Gender Socialization:
School and Media |
8.1 Gender Stereotypes |
8.2 Gender Stereotypes and Gender
Bias |
8.3 Gender Roles and gender attitudes
8.4 Factors affecting gender identity
and gender roles |
WEEK 3 |
9.1 Gender Discrimination |
9.2 Elimination of Gender
discrimination |
Gender Inequality |
11.1 Theorising gender based violence
11.2 Gender-based Violence |
Forms of Gender-based Violence |
WEEK 4 |
13.1 Factors affecting Gender -based
Violence |
13.2 Effects of Gender based violence |
Concept of Structural Violence |
Caste Gender And Society |
youth, Gender and Violence |
WEEK 5 |
Domestic and Familial Violence |
Gender and the Conflict Situation |
Violence, Harassment and the
Workplace |
Public Space and Violence |
WEEK 6 |
Gender violence and media |
Gender Stereotypes and Media |
Normalisation of Violence |
WEEK 7 |
24.1 Why women's work is not visible |
24.2. Reproductive and care work |
26.1 Changing Roles of Women |
26.2 Women Empowerment |
26.3 Ways to promote women
empowerment |
Violence against women in India: A
general overview |
WEEK 8 |
Sexual Violence and Harassment |
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace |
Impact of Sexual Violence |
WEEK 9 |
Female Feticide |
Spousal Violence |
Cyber Crime against Women |
WEEK 10 |
33.1 Sex Work: The status and
legality of sex work in India |
33.2 The Human Rights and the Dignity
of Sex Workers |
Violence during COVID-19 Pandemic |
Shadow Pandemic |
WEEK 11 |
Global Interventions for Curbing
Gendered Violence |
Legislative Measures in India for
Curbing Gendered Violence |
Role of NGOs in Combating Violence |
WEEK 12 |
Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence
Act-2005 |
Sexual Violence: Rape and Rape laws
in India |
Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace |
WEEK 13 |
The Protection Of Children From
Sexual Offences Act 2012 |
The Prohibition of Child Marriage
Act, 2006 |
National Policy of Empowerment of
Women 2001: An Overview |
WEEK 14 |
National Policy of Empowerment of
Women-2001 |
Legal Resources for Victims of
Violence |
Social Activism |
WEEK 15 |
Sexuality Education |
Gender Sensitisation |
Education for Gender Equality |
1. American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Gender. In
APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from
A. (1963). Social learning and personality development. Holt, Rinehart
and Winston.
K. (2000). Understanding gender. Women Unlimited.
Chattopadhyay, S. K. (2018). Gender
socialization and the making of gender in the Indian context. Sage.
Gould, M., & Kern-Daniels, R. (1977).
Toward a sociological theory of gender and sex. The American Sociologist,
12(4), 182-189.
6. Helgeson,
V. S. (2005). Psychology of gender (2nd ed.). Pearson.
Inter-agency Network for Education in
Emergencies. (2022). Gender relations.
8. National
Council of Educational Research and Training. (2013). Training material for
teacher educators on gender equality and empowerment: Perspectives on gender
and society (Vol. 1). NCERT