Gender & Violence

By Dr. Naziya Hasan   |   Department of Teacher Training and Non-Formal Education, Jamia Millia Islamia
Learners enrolled: 453
Gender is a social construct that is related to attitude, feelings, behaviours and socially designed roles, assigned to different categories of gender. Society prescribes different gender roles. As it is socially constructed, it varies from society to society and culture to culture. Gender intersects with caste, class, religion, disability, and region to create an unequal society for girls, women and other marginalised categories. The deep-rooted patriarchal norms encourage gender inequality and promote gendered violence. Gendered violence is a reality of every society. It appears in different forms and affects the individuals as well as the larger society. It is needed to equip people with proper knowledge and understanding of gender related issues, mainly gendered violence, so that an equal and better society can be created for everyone.
The main objectives of this course are to enable learners to describe the concepts of gender, sex, and sexuality; to discuss gender stereotypes and gender bias; to analyze prevalence of gender discrimination and gender-based violence; to explain structural violence with suitable examples; to study gender in relation to caste, disability, conflict situation, workplace and public space; to define sexual violence; to elaborate the impact of sexual violence; to identify different forms of gendered violence prevalent in our society; to explore the acts, and policies at national and global levels for addressing gendered violence; and to critically analyze the role of education in bringing gender equality.
After successful completion of this course, learners are expected to explain gendered violence and its different forms, discuss the concept of gender, sex, sexuality, gender bias and gender stereotypes, explore and analyze occurrence of structural violence, critically examine the role of education in bringing gender equality, identify the impact of gendered violence and describe the relationship of gender with caste, disabilities, and other factors. In addition, this course will enable them to explore and critically analyse different acts and policies implemented for addressing gendered violence. 
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Political Science
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 17 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.0
Industry Details : Teaching


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout


Concept Of Gender: A Social Construct


Gender: As Performative


3.1 Gender, Sex and Sexuality


3.2 Gender, Sex and Gender Identity


3.3 Sex/gender system


Masculinity and Femininity


5.1 Patriarchy


5.2 Patriarchy and its ideological foundation: Biological Determinism


Gender Socialisation


7.1 Agents of Gender Socialization: Family and Peer Group


7.2 Agents of Gender Socialization: School and Media


8.1 Gender Stereotypes


8.2 Gender Stereotypes and Gender Bias


8.3 Gender Roles and gender attitudes


8.4 Factors affecting gender identity and gender roles  


9.1 Gender Discrimination


9.2 Elimination of Gender discrimination


Gender Inequality


11.1 Theorising gender based violence


11.2 Gender-based Violence


Forms of Gender-based Violence


13.1 Factors affecting Gender -based Violence


13.2 Effects of Gender based violence


Concept of Structural Violence


Caste Gender And Society


youth, Gender and Violence


Domestic and Familial Violence


Gender and the Conflict Situation


Violence, Harassment and the Workplace


Public Space and Violence


Gender violence and media


Gender Stereotypes and Media


Normalisation of Violence


24.1 Why women's work is not visible


24.2. Reproductive and care work


26.1 Changing Roles of Women


26.2 Women Empowerment


26.3 Ways to promote women empowerment


Violence against women in India: A general overview


Sexual Violence and Harassment


Sexual Harassment in the  Workplace


Impact of Sexual Violence


Female Feticide


Spousal Violence


Cyber Crime against Women


33.1 Sex Work: The status and legality of sex work in India


33.2 The Human Rights and the Dignity of Sex Workers


Violence during COVID-19 Pandemic


Shadow Pandemic


Global Interventions for Curbing Gendered Violence


Legislative Measures in India for Curbing Gendered Violence


Role of NGOs in Combating Violence


 Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence Act-2005


Sexual Violence: Rape and Rape laws in India


Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace


The Protection Of Children From Sexual Offences Act  2012


The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006


National Policy of Empowerment of Women 2001: An Overview


National Policy of Empowerment of Women-2001


Legal Resources for Victims of Violence


Social Activism


Sexuality Education


Gender Sensitisation


Education for Gender Equality


Books and references

1.      American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Gender. In APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from https://dictionary.apa.org/gender

2.      Bandura, A. (1963). Social learning and personality development. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

3.      Bhasin, K. (2000). Understanding gender. Women Unlimited.

4.      Chattopadhyay, S. K. (2018). Gender socialization and the making of gender in the Indian context. Sage.

5.      Gould, M., & Kern-Daniels, R. (1977). Toward a sociological theory of gender and sex. The American Sociologist, 12(4), 182-189.

6.      Helgeson, V. S. (2005). Psychology of gender (2nd ed.). Pearson.

7.      Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies. (2022). Gender relations. https://inee.org/eie-glossary/gender-relations

8.      National Council of Educational Research and Training. (2013). Training material for teacher educators on gender equality and empowerment: Perspectives on gender and society (Vol. 1). NCERT

Instructor bio

Dr. Naziya Hasan

Department of Teacher Training and Non-Formal Education, Jamia Millia Islamia
Dr Naziya Hasan is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Training & Non-Formal Education (IASE), Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She has also worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Education, Manipur University, Imphal for more than 8 years. She completed her B.Ed. and M.Ed. From Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. She received her PhD degree from IASE, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in the area of English Language Teaching (ELT). Her areas of interest are English Language Teaching (ELT), Gender Issues in Education, Teacher Education, Language Education, Educational Technology and Curriculum Development. 

She is an active contributor in the development and preparation of MOOCs. She has prepared more than 70 e-contents, modules and video lectures for different MOOCs. She is the course coordinator of three MOOCs namely; Education in Contemporary India, Educational Technology and Youth, Gender and Identity. In the past cycles, these courses were joined by more than 25000 students worldwide. 

To her credit, she has many articles and research papers published in national and international journals of repute. She has contributed many chapters in different books on education and ELT. She has presented a good number of papers in national and international conferences and seminars. In addition to these, she has attended and delivered lectures in workshops sponsored by UGC, NCERT and RCI. Dr Hasan has keen interest in writing on the issues concerning education.

Course certificate

30 marks will be allocatedd for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.
Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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