Social Psychology

By Dr.Sobhana Mishra   |   EMRC Director (Retd) Madurai Kamaraj University
Learners enrolled: 626
Social Psychology is one of the important areas of Social Sciences which tries to find out the characteristics of social behaviour of human beings. Man is a social animal and depends upon other individuals in every walk of life. Humans started their primitive life and in due course they formed groups and moved from one place to another and later formed Society. After forming groups and societies they have framed their own rules, norms & codes and had their leader under whom they led their way of life.

In modern society we have different kinds of groups and organisations and societies. A common man is able to get contact with different kinds of members, groups and societies in different situations. So, ultimately men makes the society and the society makes the man. Their social behaviour is based on the individual and the society with whom he is in contact. Hence Social psychology is interested in studying the various characteristics of social reaction and social behaviour. It studies the individual behaviour in relation to his fellow men or society. So, Social Psychology is a systematic study of human behaviour in relation to his environment and the society.

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Sociology
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 09 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 17 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Exam Shift :

Shift - 2

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week - 1 

1. Introduction to social psychology I 
2. Introduction to social psychology II
3. The Meaning and it’s Relationship with Sociology and Anthropology
4. Key Assumptions and Approaches to Social Psychology

Week - 2 

5. Nature, Scope and Methods of Social Psychology
6. History of Social Psychology – an overview world and India
7. Areas of application – Health, Law and Work place
8. Social Psychology and Sustainable Development

Week - 3 

9. Human Behaviour I
10. Human Behaviour II

Week - 4

11. Dynamics of Human Behaviour - I
12. Dynamics of Human Behaviour - II

Week - 5

13. Psychology of socialization
14. Socialization I
15. Socialization II
16. Social influence

Week - 6

17. Self Concept - Process of Development of Self
18. Self and its Processes
19. Self-Presentation and Self Identity
20. Social Cognition

Week - 7

21. Attitude
22. Psychology of Social Interaction
23. Mechanisms of Social Interactions
24. Interpersonal Attraction

Week - 8

25. Pro-Social Behaviour
26. Aggression
27. Social Norms, Role and Status
28. Religion and Society

Week - 9

29. Group process I
30. Group process II
31. Group Dynamics 
32. Group performance and group decision making

Week - 10

33. Intergroup Prejudice and Intergroup Conflict
34. Intervention Techniques
35. Sociometry 
36. Public & Public Opinion

Week - 11

37. Propaganda I
38. Propaganda II
39. Social Psychology of Rumour
40. Democracy and Stereotypes of Social Psychology

Week - 12

41. Mass Behaviour - 1
42. Mass Behaviour - 2
43. Mass Behaviour - 3
44. Mass Behaviour - 4

Week - 13

45. Leadership - 1
46. Leadership - 2
47. Leadership - 3
48. Leadership - 4

Week - 14

49. Revolution and War - 1
50. Revolution and War - 2
51. Revolution and War - 3

Week - 15

52. Forms of Social Control
53 Contemporary Trends in Social Psychology

Books and references

1. Allport F.H: Social Psychology, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1929.

2. Ellwood, C.A: A History of social psychology (Prentice Hall, New York, 1958)

3. Lindzey, G. Handbook of social psychology

4. New comb, T. M: Social Psychology

5. Krech, D. E & Crutch field, R. S: Theory and problems of social psychology Mc Graw-Hill, New York 1948.

6. Bhattia Hans Raj: Elements of Social Psychology- Somaiya publication (p) Ltd., Mumbai

7. Kuppusamy B: An introduction to Social Psychology – Asia Publishing House, Chennai and Mumbai

8. Kimball Young: Hand book of Social Psychology – Routeledge and Kegan Paul, London

Instructor bio

Dr.Sobhana Mishra

EMRC Director (Retd) Madurai Kamaraj University

Dr. Sobhana Mishra did her Masters in Sociology and Ph.D., in Medical Sociology from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Have more than 17 years of research and teaching experience in the field of Sociology, Mass Communication and Educational Communication, Educational technology, radio/television broadcast and Social studies.  Undergone courses related to educational technology in USA sponsored by USAID in 1996.  Also undergone courses on educational television research and production organized by DECU Indian Space Research Organization, Ahmedabad, Government of India in 1988. Worked  as Director, Educational Multimedia Research Centre, Madurai Kamaraj University from 2010 to 2017 and retired.

Worked as Research Scientist for 16 years in Educational Media Research Centre, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, which includes media research, production of educational Television programmes and teaching of M.Phil and PG students of Development Communication and Sociology.  

• Have presented 9 research papers and Authored 22 research reports.
• Undergone training sponsored by USTTI for educational technology at Washington DC, USA and DECU ISRO. 
• Member of Central Preview Committee of CEC, New Delhi. 
• Guest faculty at Institute of Applied Man Power Research, Planning Commission, Govt of India, New Delhi. 
• Life member of various national and international bodies related to medical sociology, communication etc. 
• Member, Board of Studies of various organizations.  
• Produced 16 educational programmes including Bhatnagar Laureates Series for UGC Countrywide Classroom telecast.  Awarded as a co-producer of E-TV programme  ‘Mohanjodaro’  produced by EMRC, Madurai Kamaraj University as best programme award.  Apart from this Produced 44 videos and 40 e-contents in Sociology for NME-ICT project of MHRD. 
• As the Director of EMRC,  developed e-contents for 5 UG courses namely:

1. B.A Sociology, 2. B.A. Karnatic Music, 3. B.Ed Elementary education, 4. B.Ed Special Education for Visually Impaired 5.B.Sc Agricultural Science

39 MOOCs courses were developed in the above subjects under Dr.Sobhana’s guidance.

Since 2010 -  Resourse person in training the Teacher participants of HRDC MKU Avinashilingam Womens University Coimbatore and various other institutions in Tamilnadu in the Development of E-Contents. 

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.

Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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