Communicative English

By Dr.Salia Rex   |   St.Paul’s College, Kalamassery
Learners enrolled: 6296
The course offers a comprehensive understanding of the English language and its four essential skills, serving as a tool for effective spoken and written communication for optimum language proficiency and academic excellence. The modules are strategically designed for enhancing application abilities, such as communicative skills, language skills, interpersonal skills, interview skills, people skills and presentation skills, all geared towards preparing students for employment.
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • English
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 13 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 25 May 2025 IST
Translation Languages : English
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Industry Details : Teaching
Exam Sift :

Shift 2

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Weeks Weekly Lecture Topics (Module Titles)

1 Day 1 Module 1  -   Introduction To The Theory of Communication
Day 2 Module 2 - Types of Communication 
Day 3 Module 3 - Modes of Communication 
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

2 Day 1 Module 4 - Four-Fold Skills –The Theoretical Side of The Four Skills
Day 2 Module 5  -  Reading: A Passive Skill – Its Importance
Day 3 Module 6  - Ten Important Reading Strategies And Their Benefits
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

3 Day 1 Module 7  - Listening: Importance And Benefits of Listening Skill
Day 2 Module 8 -  Different Types of Listening
Day 3 Module 9 - Strategies for Improving Listening
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

4 Day 1 Module 10  -  Importance of Speaking As An Active Skill.
Day 2 Module 11  -  Grammar,Vocabulary and Phonetics:Tools Of Communicative English
Day 3 Module 12  -   Fundementals of Grammar  Part - 1
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

5 Day 1 Module 13  -  Fundementals of Grammar  Part - 2
Day 2 Module 14  -  Fundamentals of Phonetics 
Day 3 Module 15 - Strategies for Effective Communication And Speaking Skills.
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

6 Day 1 Module 16 -  Techniques For Effective Public Speaking
Day 2 Module 17  - Group Discussion and Interview Skills
Day 3 Module 18 -  Role & Importance of English As A Means of Communication
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

7 Day 1 Module 19  -   Presentation Skills 
Day 2 Module 20  -  People Skills  
Day 3 Module 21 -   Academic & Creative Writing .
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

8 Day 1 Module 22 -    Different Styles of Writing
Day 2 Module 23   -  Tips To Improve Writing Skills
Day 3 Module 24  -  Fundamentals of English Usages
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

9 Day 1 Module 25 -  Making Notes And Resume
Day 2 Module 26  - Report Writing
Day 3 Module 27 -  Drafting An Academic Project
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

10 Day 1 Module 28 -  Fundamentals of Intonation
Day 2 Module 29  -  Correspondence Writing
Day 3 Module 30 - Means To Enhance Vocabulary and Ielts Score  .
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

11 Day 1 Module 31  -   Content Writing
Day 2 Module 32 -  Three Levels of English Language Proficiency
Day 3 Module 33  -   Close Reading
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

12 Day 1 Module 34  -  Professional Communication And Jargons
Day 2 Module 35  -  English as A Global Language
Day 3 Module 36  -  English for Careers 
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

13 Day 1 Module 37  - Business English 
Day 2 Module 38  -  Comprehension, Summary and Paraphrasing
Day 3 Module 39 - :Research Methodology and Documentation
Day 4 Discussion 
Day 5 Assignment

Books and references

1) Adler B. Ronald and Russell F. Proctor II. Looking Out, Looking In. Cengage Learning.2017.
2) Dianna L.Vanblerkom. College Study Skills.Wadsworth.2003
3) Aggarwal, R. (2003). Effective Communication Skills. Jaipur : Sublime Publications
4) Davies, F. 1995, Introducing Reading. Penguin Books.
5) Downs, Lisa. Listening Skills Training. USA; ASTD, 2008. Print.
6) Brown, G and G. Yule. Listening to Spoken English. Cambridge U P, 1983.
7)Andrew D.Wolvin, Carolyn Gwynn Coakley. Listening. W.C.Brown, 1985.
8)Davidson G., New Methods of Teaching English. 323, Ivy Publishing House Delhi.
9)Seely,John. The Oxford Guide to Writing and Speaking.OUP.1998
10)Kahn,John Ellison. How to Write and Speak Better. The Reader’s Digest Association. 1991.
11)Dawes, L. The Essential Speaking and Listening.Routledge, 2008.
12)Cornbleet, S., and Carter, R.The Language of Speech and Writing.Routledge, 2001.
13)Harvey, I. (1951). The Technique of Persuasion. London: The Falcon Press.
14)Anderson, A and Lynch, T. (1988)Listening, Oxford: Oxford University, Press.
15)Riggenbach, Heidi. Perspectives on Fluency.University of Michigan Press, 2000.
16)Dianna L.Vanblerkom. College Study Skills.Wadsworth.2003
17)Crystal, D. (2003). English as a Global Language. 2 nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
18)Anderson, Marilyn, Pramod K. Nayar. Critical Thinking, Academic Writing and Presentation Skills. Dorling Kindersley. India 2010
19)David Crystal Mother-tongue India Talk for Lingua Franca (ABC, Australia),January2005 http://www.globalenglish.com/blog/2014/06/10/indian-employers-report-business-english-is-essential-totheir-workforce/ by 12/3/14 at 6:15 pm
20)Crystal, David (2003). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language (2nd Ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-53033-4.


Instructor bio

Dr.Salia Rex

St.Paul’s College, Kalamassery
Dr. Salia Rex is an Assistant Professor of St. Paul’s College Kalamassery , Kerala from 2005 to 2024.She served as the Head of the Department of English from 2017 to 2020 and assumed the role of Dean of International Affairs since 2020. Dr. Rex actively advocates for women's empowerment, gender parity, and inclusive education through her educational lectures in national and international universities. She broadcasts an educational program titled "English Matters" on All India Radio Kochi and is a published author. She has presented at national and international academic seminars and is recognized as a research guide at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, in 2019. Her remarkable contributions have earned her two prestigious academic awards.

Academic profile : 

  •   M.A (English)
  •   NET (English Language and Literature)
  •   B.Ed. (Education
  •   Post- Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English (EFL   University Hyderabad)
  •   Ph.D. (Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam) 
  •   Post Graduate  Diploma in Higher Education (IGNOU)

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for internal assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.
Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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