Learners enrolled: 769
Drama involves the sensibilities of the dramatist and the viewers. Though the dramatist writes a play with a particular end in view, ultimately it is the viewer who shares unique perspectives on the dimensions of the play. Europe has witnessed several experimental manoeuvers in drama and each production is a reflection of the age in which it has been produced. The course traces the origin if drama, moves on to discuss drama from various parts of the world and then specifically analyses select plays of Henrik Ibsen, Bertolt Brecht, Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco, who have significantly contributed to the growth of European drama and served as the impetus for several dramatic improvisations thereof. Thereby, the development of theatre and the emergence of drama as one of the most effective modes of communication is evinced. 

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • English
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 31 Mar 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 18 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Exam Shift :

Shift - I

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Weeks Weekly Lecture Topics Assignment (No. & Type)*

Day1: Module 1 - Introduction to Drama
Day 2: Module 2 - A Comprehensive View of the Featuresand Categories of Drama and Theatre- Part I
Day 3: Module 3- A Comprehensive View of the Features and Categories of Drama and Theatre- Part II and live online class through Google meet
Day 4: Discussion
Day 5: Assignment and live online class through Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1- World Drama: An Overview- PART 1
Day 2. Module 2-World Drama: An Overview- PART 2
Day 3. Module 3- Drama of the 19th century and Henrik Ibsen and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1-Modern Drama and Henrik Ibsen
Day 2. Module 2-Explanation and Analysis of Act I- Ghosts
Day 3. Module 3-Explanation and Analysis of Act II-Ghosts and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1

Day 1. Module 1-Explanation and Analysis of Act III-Ghosts
Day 2. Module 2-A Critical Study of the Drama Ghosts and Henrik Ibsen as a Dramatist
Day 3. Module 3- Modern Drama and Bertolt Brecht and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1-The Contribution of Bertolt Brecht to Drama
Day 2. Module 2-Summary and Analyses of Prologue and Scene One: The Good Woman of Setzuan
Day 3. Module 3-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Two and Three: The Good Woman of Setzuan and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Objective - 1
Day 5. Assignment and and live online class through
Google meet


Day 1. Module 1-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Four and Five: The Good Woman of Setzuan.
Day 2. Module 2-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Six and Seven: The Good Woman of Setzuan.
Day 3. Module 3-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Eight and Nine: The Good Woman of Setzuan and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1-Summary and Analyses of Scene Ten and Epilogue: The Good Woman of Setzuan
Day 2. Module 2-A Critical Study of The Good Woman of Setzuan and Bertolt Brecht as a Dramatist
Day 3. Module 3- The Theatre of the Absurd and live
online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1-The Dramatists of the Theatre of the Absurd: An Outline
Day 2. Module 2-Samuel Beckett, the Dramatist
Day 3. Module 3-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 1- Part 1 and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 1- Part 2
Day 2. Module 2-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Part 1
Day 3. Module 3-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Part 2 and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1-A Critical Study of the Drama Waiting for Godot and Samuel Beckett as a Dramatist - PART 1
Day 2. Module 2-A Critical Study of the Drama Waiting for Godot and Samuel Beckett as a Dramatist –PART 2
Objective - 1
Day 3. Module 3-Eugene Ionesco and the Theatre of the Absurd and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet


Day 1. Module 1-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 1
Day 2. Module 2-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Scene 1
Day 3. Module 3-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Scene 2 and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1


Day 1. Module 1-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 3
Day 2. Module 2- A Critical Study of the Drama Rhinoceros and Eugene Ionesco as a Dramatist.
Day 3. Module 3- Significance of the Theatre of the Absurd and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet

Books and references

Abrams. M.H., and Geoffrey Galt Harpham. A Glossary of  Literary Terms. 11th ed. Cengage Learning, 2015. 
Albert, Edward. History of English Literature. 5th ed. Oxford UP, 1979. 
Fischer-Lichte, Erika. History of European Drama and  Theatre. Translated by Jo Riley. Routledge, 2002.
Krasner, David. A History of Modern Drama. Vol.1. Wiley-  Blackwell,  2012. 
---. An Actor's Craft: The Art and Technique of Acting.  Macmillan International Higher Education, 2011. 
Kuritz, Paul. The Making of Theatre History. Prentice Hall, 1988. 
Morley, Michael, editor. The Continuum Companion to Twentieth  Century Theatre. Colin Chambers, 2002.
 Styan, J.L. Modern Drama in Theory and Practice: Volume 1, Realism  and Naturalism. Cambridge UP, 1981. 
---. Modern Drama in Theory and Practice: Volume 2: Symbolism, Surrealism, and the Absurd. Cambridge UP, 1981.

Instructor bio


Dr. C.G.Shyamala is Assistant Professor and Research Supervisor in the Post-graduate Department of English and Research Centre for Comparative Studies, Mercy College, Palakkad, Kerala. Besides teaching, she is involved in preparing and delivering e-content modules. She is the Principal Investigator of the MOOC Course- Literary Criticism. Co-author of a book on American Literature, she serves as the Reviewer of several national and international journals.  Her research papers have been published in national and international journals of repute. She not only serves as a Resource person for seminars and conferences but also as a member of the Editorial Board of several national journals of English literature. 

Course certificate

Course Completion  will carry 70% weightage of end term exam and 30% weightage of internal assessments. A minimum 40% in each is required to qualify for the Course Completion Certificate.

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