Weeks Weekly Lecture Topics Assignment (No. & Type)*
Day1: Module 1 - Introduction to Drama
Day 2: Module 2 - A Comprehensive View of the Featuresand Categories of Drama and Theatre- Part I
Day 3: Module 3- A Comprehensive View of the Features and Categories of Drama and Theatre- Part II and live online class through Google meet
Day 4: Discussion
Day 5: Assignment and live online class through Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1- World Drama: An Overview- PART 1
Day 2. Module 2-World Drama: An Overview- PART 2
Day 3. Module 3- Drama of the 19th century and Henrik Ibsen and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-Modern Drama and Henrik Ibsen
Day 2. Module 2-Explanation and Analysis of Act I- Ghosts
Day 3. Module 3-Explanation and Analysis of Act II-Ghosts and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-Explanation and Analysis of Act III-Ghosts
Day 2. Module 2-A Critical Study of the Drama Ghosts and Henrik Ibsen as a Dramatist
Day 3. Module 3- Modern Drama and Bertolt Brecht and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-The Contribution of Bertolt Brecht to Drama
Day 2. Module 2-Summary and Analyses of Prologue and Scene One: The Good Woman of Setzuan
Day 3. Module 3-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Two and Three: The Good Woman of Setzuan and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Objective - 1
Day 5. Assignment and and live online class through
Google meet
Day 1. Module 1-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Four and Five: The Good Woman of Setzuan.
Day 2. Module 2-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Six and Seven: The Good Woman of Setzuan.
Day 3. Module 3-Summary and Analyses of Scenes Eight and Nine: The Good Woman of Setzuan and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-Summary and Analyses of Scene Ten and Epilogue: The Good Woman of Setzuan
Day 2. Module 2-A Critical Study of The Good Woman of Setzuan and Bertolt Brecht as a Dramatist
Day 3. Module 3- The Theatre of the Absurd and live
online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-The Dramatists of the Theatre of the Absurd: An Outline
Day 2. Module 2-Samuel Beckett, the Dramatist
Day 3. Module 3-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 1- Part 1 and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 1- Part 2
Day 2. Module 2-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Part 1
Day 3. Module 3-Waiting for Godot: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Part 2 and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-A Critical Study of the Drama Waiting for Godot and Samuel Beckett as a Dramatist - PART 1
Day 2. Module 2-A Critical Study of the Drama Waiting for Godot and Samuel Beckett as a Dramatist –PART 2
Objective - 1
Day 3. Module 3-Eugene Ionesco and the Theatre of the Absurd and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Day 1. Module 1-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 1
Day 2. Module 2-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Scene 1
Day 3. Module 3-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 2- Scene 2 and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet
Objective - 1
Day 1. Module 1-Rhinoceros: Explanation and Analysis of Act 3
Day 2. Module 2- A Critical Study of the Drama Rhinoceros and Eugene Ionesco as a Dramatist.
Day 3. Module 3- Significance of the Theatre of the Absurd and live online class through Google meet
Day 4. Discussion
Day 5. Assignment and live online class through
Google meet