Public Financial Administration

By Dr.Ansuman Rabboni & Dr.N.Milton Devadayavu   |   Madras Christian College (Autonomous), Tambram, Chennai
Learners enrolled: 840

This course aims at providing in depth knowledge of Public Financial Administration and it is recognised by University of Madras for 5 credit courses. The acronym POSDCoRB, “B” Stands for Budget. The entire Public Administration “Budget” plays an important and role and it is a border line between Politics, Economics and Public Administration. This MOOCS course is for 12 weeks with 52 modules as per SWAYAM guidelines. This course involves Q&A, online materials, reference books and online group discussions on periodically. This will enlighten students to get to know the updates related to Public Financial Administration. After completion of each week online assessment will be conducted on regular intervals and final assessment will be conducted post completion of the course. This course will also provide knowledge on budget, tax, constitutional provisions, political economy, NITI Aayog, Finance in rural and urban areas, insights of National Education Policy etc.

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 25 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Course Layouts

Week – 1

Introduction to Financial Administration, Significance of Public Finance  and Financial Administration, What is Budget, Concept and Principles of Budget.

Week 2

Functions of Budget, Budget as on an instrument of Financial Administration, Budget: Public Policy andManagement.
Week 3

Concept and types of Budgets, Stages in Budget preparation and process.

Week 4

Process of authorization of budget, the execution process of  budget in India.


Week 5

Introduction to Financial  Institutions, Union- State government relationship Financial

Administration, Ministry of Finance in   India.

Week 6 

Ministry of Finance in   India (Continuation), Finance Commission of India, Various components of Finance Commission.

Week 7

Functions of  Finance Commission (Continuation), Finance Commission-Indian Constitution.

Week 8

Functions of  Finance Commission (Continuation), Finance Commission List, Monetary Policy,



Week 9

Types and tools of Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and its types.


Week 10

Resource Mobilization and Public Borrowing and Deficit Financing.

Week 11

Tax Administration, Types of Tax, Issues and reforms of taxation.

Week 12

Introduction to CAG, role and functions of CAG, CAG reports, Appointment, tenure and removal of CAG, Legislative control over finances with special reference to Parliamentary Committees.

Books and references

v  Administrative Reforms Commission, 1980, Report on Centre-State Relationship, Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi.

v  Chandrapal, 1983, Centre-State Relations and Cooperative Federalism, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi.

v  Sarkar, R.C.S., 1986, Union-State Relations in India, National Publishing House, New Delhi.

v  Mahajan, A.P. (2015). Himachal Pradesh Financial Administration. Shimla, India: Minerwa Publishing House.

v  Amresh Bagchi (ed.), Readings in Public Finance, Oxford University Press (OUP), New Delhi, 2005.

v  Kaushik Basu (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Economics in India, OUP, New Delhi, 2009.

v  Handa, K.L. 1991. Expenditwe Control and Zero Base Budgeting, Indian Institute of Finance: New Delhi.

Instructor bio

Dr.Ansuman Rabboni & Dr.N.Milton Devadayavu

Madras Christian College (Autonomous), Tambram, Chennai
Dr.Ansuman Rabboni,Head & Assistant Professor is having 10+ years experience in teaching and research. Aim to stimulate intellectual dialogue and pedagogical creativity amongst the students. To adopt creative and innovative techniques leading to productive learning discussions. To endeavour research and social problem solving through academic enquiry and logical reasoning. To build confidence, guide, review and motivate students to maintain high standards and quality in their performance and focus on areas that needs frequent reinforcement. Periodically device and develop learning activities with a view to keep abreast of the latest trends in academics and Public Administration.
Addt. CC image
Dr.N.Milton Devadayavu  is working as an Assistant Professor of Department of Public Administration, Madras Christian College (Autonomous), Chennai. He has received his Under Graduation and Post Graduation degree from Madras Christian College (Autonomous), M.Phil from Annamalai University and Ph.D from Bharathiar University. His areas of specialization include Human Resource Management, Public Financial Administration, E-Governance, Environmental Administration, Disaster Management and Research Methodology.  He has participated and presented research papers in various National and International conferences and seminars and his research papers has published in conference proceedings and has contributed for book chapters.  Dr. Milton Devadayavu N also served as a   Co-Principal Investigator - Socio Economic and Psychological Wellness Survey conducted under ‘Vada Chennai Valarchi Thittam’ by the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority in coordination with the Greater Chennai Corporation, Directorate of Town & Country Planning and the Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board. He also served as Organizing Committee Member and One of the Coordinators in conference and seminar.  Dr. Milton Devadayavu N has received three awards for best paper presentation in conference. He is also serving as a NSS Programme Officer in Madras Christian College (Autonomous). 

Course certificate

30% for in course Assessment & 70% of end-term Proctored Exam

It is mandatory to secure 40% marks separately to pass the exam and get the certificate

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