Lesson Plan
Week 1: 1. Political Theory : Meaning and Significance
2. Politics and Different Concepts
3. Liberalism
4. Socialism
5. Marxism
Week 2: 6. Anarchism
7. Concept of State – (Definition and Elements)
8. State - Functions and Justifications
9. Origin of the State - Divine Theory
10. Austin’s theory of sovereignty
Week 3: 11. Theory of Origin of State- Social Contract Theory
12. Evolutionary Theory of the Origin of the State
13. Theory of Origin of State- - Force Theory
14. Pluralism
15. Public welfare State
Week 4: 16. Nationalism Part -1
17. Nationalism Part -2
18. Concept of Power
19. Concept of Authority
20. Sovereignty
Week 5: 21. Law- Concept and Characteristics
22. Liberty
23. Laski and Mill’s Views on Liberty
24. Marxist Notion of Liberty
25. Concept of Equality
Week 6: 26. Concept of Justice
27. Concept of Rights
28. Bentham and Utilitarianism
29. Feminism Part-1 - Approach and Perspective
30. Feminism Part- 2 - Personal is Political
Week 7: 31. Meaning of democracy (Liberal, Direct and Indirect democracy)
32. Merits and Demerits of Democracy (Democracy in India)
33. Modern Approach- Foreign Policy Dimension (Democracy Promotion)
34. Classical Democracy
35. Participatory Democracy
Week 8: 36. Deliberative Democracy and Social Democracy
37. People’s Democracy
38. Pluralist Theory
39. Elitist Theory
Week 9: 40. Marxist Theory
41. Cosmopolitan Democracy
42. E-Democracy
43. Principles of Adult or Universal Franchise
44. Concept of Direct Election
Week 10:45. Concept of Indirect Election, Proportional Representation and Single Transferable Vote System
46. List System
47. Accountability
Week 11:48. Citizenship (Concept)
49. Types of Citizenship
50. Election Commission - Organizations, Powers and Functions
51. Electoral Reforms (Pre 2000)
52. Electoral Reforms (Post 2000)
Week 12:53. Electoral Reforms (Issues, Challenges and Suggestions)
54. The Party System (Single Party System)
55. The Party System (Multi Party System)
56. Public Opinion (Concept, Tools and Present Scenario)