Positive Psychology

By Dr. Hemlata Joshi   |   JNV University, Jodhpur
Learners enrolled: 473
Lightner Witmer established clinical psychology when he established the first
"psychological clinic" at the University of Pennsylvania in 1896 (Reisman,
1991). Witmer and other pioneering clinical psychologists focused their work
on helping young children who were having academic or learning difficulties
rather than "patients" with "mental disorders" (Reisman, 1991; Routh, 2000).
As a result, rather than being inspired by psychoanalytic theory's emphasis on
psychopathology, they were more influenced by psychometric theory and its
emphasis on precise measurement. But after Freud's 1909 visit to Clark
University, clinical psychology and psychiatry were quickly dominated by
psychoanalysis and its offshoots (Korchin, 1976).
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 18 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Instructor bio

Dr. Hemlata Joshi

JNV University, Jodhpur
Dr. Hemlata Joshi MA, UGC- NET, RPSC-SLET, Ph. D. H.No.4, Sitaram Nagar, Behind Latiyal Vatika, Pal Road, Jodhpur, RAJ. Contact: +91 9460589900 Email: drjoshijnvu9@gmail.com To nurture and inspire young minds to equip themselves with the right knowledge and skills so as to become the troch-bearers of a psychologically – enlightened community and thereby pave the way for mental health and well-being for all. Career Sketch  Assistant Professor: Department of Psychology, Jai Narain Vyas university, Jodhpur, from Feb. 2013 till date.  Teaching Experience: UG & PG - 9 years Scholastics  Ph. D. Awarded on “A Comparative Study of Mental Health Potentialities, Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles of Different Age groups.” in Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, on 27th December, 2006.  Qualified UGC NET in June 2012.  Qualified RPSC SLET in 2012.  M.A. in Psychology from Jai Narain Vyas University in 2004, Gold Medalist.  B.A. (English Literature, History, Psychology) from Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur in 2002.  Senior Secondary (Science-Biology with Computer Science) from Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in 1999 with 65% (School : Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girls’ Public School)  Secondary from Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in 1999 with 74%. Publications  COVID-19 Rapidly Revamps Consumer Behaviour: An Online Survey, published in volume 16, No.2, July-December 2021, Journal of Psychosocial Research, a Peer-reviewed Journal, indexed in American Psychological Association (APA), ISSN 0973-5410 e- ISSN 0976-3937 Rekha and Hemlata Joshi  Covid 19 Pandemic as a Means to Strengthening Positive Attitude Towards Yoga: A Survey, published in Journal Of Well-Being, Volume 16/ Number 2/ July 2021, a Refereed Biannual Journal, ISSN 0974-8717, Neelam Kalla, Dr. Hemlata Joshi.  Attitude Towards Yoga As A Healthcare Practise Amid The COVID 19 Pandemic: A Survey, published in Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, a UGC Approved Care Listed Journal , Volume 11/Issue 41/ January-March, 2021, ISSN 2229-3620, Dr. Hemlata Joshi, Dr. Neelam Kalla.  Consumer Behaviour and Covid Nexus: An online Survey of Economic Impact on Households, published in volume 8, issue 29, January to March 2021, of Shodh Sarita, a UGC care listed journal 2348-297, Hemlata Joshi Rekha  Emotional Fitness Training For Sustainable Development, published in Journal of Well Being, Volume 14/Number 2/ July 2020, a Refereed Journal, ISSN 0974-8717, Hemlata Joshi, P.S.Chouhan  Work life blending during covid-19: Challenges and Remedies for organisations during tough times, published in volume 9, issue 4, December 2020 in the International Journal Education and Psychological Research, ISSN: 2349-0853, e-ISSN:2279-0179  Impact of Life Skills among Adolescents: A Review, published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, a UGC approved Journal (No. 43602), Vol.6, Issue 2, April-June,2019. Impact Factor 5.75. ISSN 2349-5138  Psychological Well-Being and Social Relationships: A Systematic Review, published in International Education and Research Journal, a Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal. Vol.5, Issue 7, July 2019. Impact Factor 4.064  A Comparative Study Between Coping Styles of Adolescents and Adults, published in International Journal of Scientific Research, UGC approved (No. 49217) Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Indexed International Journal.Vol.-7, Issue-7, July-2018. Impact Factor 4.758 ISSN No. 2277-8179, INDEX COPERNICUS IC VALUE 93.98.  The Use of Information Technology in Counselling: A Review, published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, a UGC approved (No. 43602), Vol.6, Issue 2, April-June,2019. Impact Factor 5.75. ISSN 2349-5138 A Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence of Different Age Groups, published in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Peer Reviewed & Referred Multidisciplinary International Journal, Vol.5, Issue 2, April-June,2018. Impact Factor 3.215, Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236. ISSN 2349-5138  Teen Suicides in India: Exploring the Psychological, Social and Academic Factors, published in International Journal of Social Sciences Review, UGC approved (No.41948), Vol.7, Issue 5 – I, May, 2019.ISSN – 2347-3797  A Comparative study of Mental Health Potentialities Between Different Age groups, published in Journal Well Being, Volume 7/Number 1/January 2013, ISSN 0974-8717

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