
By Dr P.T. Bharathi   |   Department of Geography, Maharajas College, University of Mysore
Learners enrolled: 380
Biogeography deals with the World Biomes in addition, this area of Biogeography focuses on the Geographical Distribution of Fungi, Flora, Fauna etc. It also consists of detailed account of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Human Races, Glaciations Cycles and Extinctions and Ecology. Man-Environment Relationship, Population and Settlement and Domestication of Life are also dealt with.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 18 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Industry Details : Teaching
Exam Shift :

Shift - II

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week – 1 | 1. Biogeography an outline  | 2. World Climatic Zones  | 3. World Biomes Part -1 | 4. World Biomes Part -2

Week – 2 | 5. The Tundra Biomes  | 6. Classifying the Bio climatic Zones | 7. Biogeography Processes |  8. Geographical Distribution of Fungi | 

Week – 3 | 9. Global Distribution of Plants | 10. Global Distribution of animals | 11. Types and Distribution of Forest |

Week - 4 | 12. Types and Distribution of Fisheries | 13. Phytogeography | 14. Phylogeography | 

Week – 5 | 15. Natural Vegetation and Ecosystem | 16. Island Biogeography | 17. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution |

Week – 6 | 18. Human Races in India | 19. Human Races of the World | 20. Issues related to Human Races | 21. Agro ecological zones Part – 1 |

Week – 7 | 22. Agro ecological zones Part - 2 | 23. Types and Distribution of Flora and Fauna | 24. Glaciations | 25. Glaciations Cycles and Extinctions |

Week - 8 | 26. Geographical range | 27. Aquatic system - Marine | 28. Aquatic system - Fresh water | 29. Habitat Destruction |

Week – 9 | 30. Health Geography | 31. Ecology and Geography | 32. Geo-terrestrial Ecosystem | 33. Ecosystem Budget |

Week - 10 | 34. Human Induced Community Change | 35. Major Gene Centre | 36. Geography of Communities | 37. Lifestyle of Humankind | 

Week - 11 | 38. Population and Settlement | 39. Man-Environment Relationship | 40. Domestication of life |

Books and references

Reading material

Author & Year

Type of publication (article/notes)

Content Abstract

Number of pages

Biogeography, Pravalika, Publications, Allahabad.

Pro.Savindra Singh,



Nature of Biogeography,

Ecosystem and Ecology.


Biogeography and Biodiversity,

Rawat, Publication, Jaipur.

R. B.Singh(editor),



Ecosystem, Biodiversity.



Rajesh Publications,

New Delhi.

N. N. Bhattacharya,



Approaches in biogeography, Ecology, Biosphere, and Bio energy cycles.


Fundamentals of Biogeography, Routledge taylor&francis group London and New York.

Richard John Haggett,



Bio geographical process,

Climate and life,

Topography and life.


Biogeography: An Ecological Approach, Calisto Reference,

New York.

Neil Griffin (Editor),



Ecosystems, Conservation of Biosphere.


Environmental Geography,

Pravalika, Publications, Allahabad.

Pro.Savindra Singh,



Plant kingdom,

Animal kingdom, Environmental pollution.


Study Material for Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management: Department of Agricultural Entomology, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad

Raghavaiah, G. and Ramesh Babu, T. (2012)

Laboratory Manual: Course No. Ento. 231 (2+1).

Predators, Parasitoids, Beneficial insects, IPM, etc.


Instructor bio

Dr P.T. Bharathi

Department of Geography, Maharajas College, University of Mysore
I Dr P.T. BHARATHI, Principal Investigator/ Course coordinator for BIOGEOGRAPHY course under Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Studies GEOGRAPHY, MAHARAJAS COLLEGE, University of Mysore, Mysuru, obtained Bachelor’s, Masters and Doctoral degrees with distinction from the University of MYSORE. I have more than 6 years of research and 21 years of teaching experience.
I am a recipient of 2 Gold Medals and one cash prize for the Master's Degree. I have participated in more than 50 national and international Conferences / Seminars / Workshops, besides I am having a life membership of academic bodies like Union Geographers Information Technologists, (UGIT) Bengaluru and UG. Board of Studies in Geography, University of Mysore. I have more than 10 research publications to my credit in the journals of national and international repute, besides I have organised one National seminar.
I have also served as one of the organisers in more than four state and national seminars and conferences. I have also associated with the development of curricula for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Geography. I have been serving as an external examiner in Geography in different colleges. I have a guide ship for PhD s. and currently four candidates have been working for their PhD degree in Geography. In addition, I am serving as a Faculty Advisor at, the University of Mysore, and Mysuru. I have participated as a subject expert/scriptwriter for 8 modules in the subject of Geography in Audio/Visual based lecture programmes in the multimedia production/e-content development under the NME-ICT project of CEC-UGC through the Educational Multimedia Research Centre, University of Mysore, Mysuru.

Course certificate

Assessment/Assignment marks will be considered for Internal Marks and will carry 30 percent for overall Result.

End Term Exam- will have 100 questions and will carry 70 percent of  overall Result.

*All students, who obtain 40% marks in in-course assessment and 40% marks in end-term proctored exam separately, will be eligible for certificate and credit transfer.

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