Week 01: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics - Some Basic Concepts, National income: Concepts and Features
Week 02: Measurement of National Income, Paradoxes of Macro Economy, Problems in Measurement of National Income, Prices Indices
Week 03: Real GDP Vs Nominal GDP, National Income Accounting for Open Economy, Classical Theory of Income, Output and Employment
Week 04: Keynesian Criticism of Classical Theory, Keynesian Theory of Income, Output and Employment, Theory of Trade Cycle - Phases, Anti - Cyclical Policy Measures, Theories of Trade Cycle
Week 05: Keynesian Theory - Psychological Law of Consumption, Consumption Functions
Week 06: Marginal Efficiency of Capital and Rate of Interest, Principle of Multiplier, Acceleration Principle, The Interaction of Accelerator and Multiplier
Week 07: Inflation, Measures to Control Inflation, Inflation - Unemployment Trade Off
Week 08: Concept, Functions, Quantity Theory, High Power and Theory of Demand for Money
Week 09: Meaning and Function of Credit, Commercial Banking: Origin, Evolution and Role, Credit Creation and Control
Week 10: Meaning, Objectives and Tools of Fiscal Policy, Dimensions of Fiscal Policy, Role of Monetary Policy
Week 11: IS - LM Model - Introduction, IS - Derivation and Properties, LM - Derivation and Properties, Relative Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in IS - LM Framework
Week 12: Balance of Payment, Disequilibrium of Balance of Payment, Measures to Correct Disequilibrium in BOP, Public Finance and Private Finance
Week 13: Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Budget and Types of Budget, Public Revenue, Types of Public Expenditure, Public Debt & Types of Public Debt
Week 14: Real Business Cycles, New Classical School, New Keynesian School, Post Keynesian School