Introductory Macroeconomics

By Dr. Manasi Kurtkoti   |   Savitribai Phule Pune University
Learners enrolled: 900
Introductory macroeconomics is a course useful to all the learners and teachers of the subject. The meticulously made structures and the course material has made the subject interesting and easy for the learners. The easy course material, PPT’s, self-learning material along with the answers will help the students in understanding the subject.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Economics
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 6.0
Industry Details : Eduication, finance, retail and sales sector
Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 01: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics - Some Basic Concepts, National income: Concepts and Features
Week 02: Measurement of National Income, Paradoxes of Macro Economy, Problems in Measurement of National Income, Prices Indices
Week 03: Real GDP Vs Nominal GDP, National Income Accounting for Open Economy, Classical Theory of Income, Output and Employment
Week 04: Keynesian Criticism of Classical Theory, Keynesian Theory of Income, Output and Employment, Theory of Trade Cycle - Phases, Anti - Cyclical Policy Measures, Theories of Trade Cycle
Week 05: Keynesian Theory - Psychological Law of Consumption, Consumption Functions
Week 06: Marginal Efficiency of Capital and Rate of Interest, Principle of Multiplier, Acceleration Principle, The Interaction of Accelerator and Multiplier
Week 07: Inflation, Measures to Control Inflation, Inflation - Unemployment Trade Off
Week 08: Concept, Functions, Quantity Theory, High Power and Theory of Demand for Money
Week 09: Meaning and Function of Credit, Commercial Banking: Origin, Evolution and Role, Credit Creation and Control
Week 10: Meaning, Objectives and Tools of Fiscal Policy, Dimensions of Fiscal Policy, Role of Monetary Policy
Week 11: IS - LM Model - Introduction, IS - Derivation and Properties, LM - Derivation and Properties, Relative Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in IS - LM Framework
Week 12: Balance of Payment, Disequilibrium of Balance of Payment, Measures to Correct Disequilibrium in BOP, Public Finance and Private Finance
Week 13: Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Budget and Types of Budget, Public Revenue, Types of Public Expenditure, Public Debt & Types of Public Debt
Week 14: Real Business Cycles, New Classical School, New Keynesian School, Post Keynesian School

Books and references

- D. M. Mithani, Himalaya Publication
- Theory and Applications - 2nd edition - G. S. Gupta, Mc Graw hill Publishing House
- Macroeconomic Theory - 10th edition- T. N. Hajela 
- Macroeconomic Theory - 14th edition - M. C. Vaish, Vikas Publication
- Understanding Macroeconomic Theory - John M. Barron, Bradley T. Ewing, Gerald J. Lynch
- Macroeconomic Theory - Jean-Pascal Benassy
- Macroeconomics - Theory and Policy - 1e Paperback – 2010, Agarwal
- Macroeconomics Paperback – 29 Aug 2011 - Samuelson

Instructor bio

Dr. Manasi Kurtkoti
. Professor and Head, Dept. of Economics
. IQAC coordinator since 2009 at Dr. D. Y. Patil ACS College, Pimpri, Pune 
. One patent on product design
. Editor of international book by Redshine publications 
. Author of 21books - one reference and other text books
. National Talent Agency invited as a Subject expert
. 22 articles in international and national journals (Scopus indexed and or UGC care list)
. More than 30 publications in peer review journals
. National course coordinator of MOOCS- the course is run on Swayam portal since last 4 years and the only course in Maharashtra in the subject of Economics that is selected to be translated in regional language
. Has been BOS Member- Humanities, SPPU
. Sub expert- Business Economics, SPPU
. Has been BOS member in MIT, College of Engineering, Alandi
. PhD and MPhil research guide
. Invited by colleges in and around Pune for guidance regarding NAAC and as subject expert
. Has mentored more than 15 colleges for NAAC accreditation and reaccreditation

Course certificate

Dear Learners,
For getting the certificate and credits, you are required to attempt a minimum of 5 weekly assessments and appear for the end course proctored examination in person. The announcement of the proctored examination will be done separately in due course of time.

The SWAYAM Board considers marks for best of 5 assessments. You have to secure a minimum of 40% marks average in all the assessments to be eligible for the end course proctored examination. 

The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). Announcement will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.

Average assignment score = 30% of average of best 5 assessments out of the total assessments given in the course.
Exam score = 70% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=12/30 AND EXAM SCORE >= 28/70. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Note: Only the e-certificate will be made available. Hard copies will not be dispatched.

Happy learning.

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