Week 1: Schizophrenia, Symptoms of Schizophrenia, Types of Schizophrenia, Psychopathology of Schizophrenia
Week 2: Mood Disorders: symptoms of Depression, Sadness and Depression, Types of depressive disorders Part - 1 and Part - 2
Week 3: Bipolar disorders - 1 and 2, Suicide Ideation and Prevention
Week 4: Cluster A, Cluster B personality disorders, Cluster C Disorders Introduction, Antisocial Personality Disorder
Week 5: Borderline Personality Disorder, Self harm, Psychopathology models for cluster A and B Personality Disorders
Week 6: Psychopathology models for Cluster C Personality Disorders, Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders, DBT, Sexual Disorders (Clinical Picture)
Week 7: Gender Incongruence/ Dysphoria - Clinical Picture, Gender Incongruence/ Dysphoria - Current status in India & challenges, Paraphilia, Pedophilia
Week 8: Voyerism and Exhibitionism, Sexual Masochism and Sexual Sadism, Psychopathology of sexual disorders, Biological treatment
Week 9: Pharmacotherapy, Electroconvulsive therapy, Psychoanalytic therapy, History of Psychoanalytic therapy
Week 10: Psychoanalytic Therapy - Concepts, Techniques of Psychoanalytical therapy, Behaviour therapy, History of Behaviour therapy
Week 11: Concepts and Techniques of Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour therapy, History of Cognitive Behaviour therapy
Week 12: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Concepts and Techniques, Sleep disorders
Week 13: Neurocognitive disorders - Introduction and Assessment & remediation, Obsessive compusive related disorders (OCRDs), Behavioral disorders in children : Introduction
Week 14: Behavioral disorders in children : Assessment and remediation, Emotional disorders in children : Introduction, Assessment & Remediation, Community Mental Health