Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders

By Dr. Mridula Apte   |   Savitribai Phule Pune University
Learners enrolled: 292
This course will highlight the following:
1. An introduction to 4 psychological disorders, namely schizophrenia, mood disorders, personality disorders, and sexual disorders and an introduction to variations in sexuality.
2. Correct and adequate information about symptoms, clinical presentation, contributory factors.
3. Introduction to various treatments-biological and psychological- including various forms of psychotherapies and their use with the disorders mentioned above.
Students should be able to identify, at least theoretically, the various disorders in question as well as develop some idea as to how they are managed by mental health professionals. Sexual identity disorder is no longer a disorder and variations in sexuality can be spoken about, including gender dysphoria or incongruence. Psychological disorders and mental health issues fall on a spectrum. Often the student of psychology gets stuck in the words ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’, while reality is quite complex. There have also been several changes in the classification of disorders over the past few years. Students would choose specialization options after their undergraduate degree.  This particular course/subject will give them insights into the field of clinical psychology. Psychological disorders and their treatments come under essential topics  that psychology students must learn to develop into well rounded psychologists.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 6.0
Industry Details : Health Education and Training Sector
Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1: Schizophrenia, Symptoms of Schizophrenia, Types of Schizophrenia, Psychopathology of Schizophrenia
Week 2: Mood Disorders: symptoms of Depression, Sadness and Depression, Types of depressive disorders Part - 1 and Part - 2
Week 3: Bipolar disorders - 1 and 2, Suicide Ideation and Prevention
Week 4: Cluster A, Cluster B personality disorders, Cluster C Disorders Introduction, Antisocial Personality Disorder
Week 5: Borderline Personality Disorder, Self harm, Psychopathology models for cluster A and B Personality Disorders
Week 6: Psychopathology models for Cluster C Personality Disorders, Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders, DBT, Sexual Disorders (Clinical Picture)
Week 7: Gender Incongruence/ Dysphoria - Clinical Picture, Gender Incongruence/ Dysphoria - Current status in India & challenges, Paraphilia, Pedophilia
Week 8: Voyerism and Exhibitionism, Sexual Masochism and Sexual Sadism, Psychopathology of sexual disorders, Biological treatment
Week 9: Pharmacotherapy, Electroconvulsive therapy, Psychoanalytic therapy, History of Psychoanalytic therapy
Week 10: Psychoanalytic Therapy - Concepts, Techniques of Psychoanalytical therapy, Behaviour therapy, History of Behaviour therapy
Week 11: Concepts and Techniques of Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour therapy, History of Cognitive Behaviour therapy
Week 12: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Concepts and Techniques, Sleep disorders
Week 13: Neurocognitive disorders - Introduction and Assessment & remediation, Obsessive compusive related disorders (OCRDs), Behavioral disorders in children : Introduction
Week 14: Behavioral disorders in children : Assessment and remediation, Emotional disorders in children : Introduction, Assessment & Remediation, Community Mental Health

Instructor bio

Dr. Mridula Apte
ounder-director is a Clinical Psychologist, qualified from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore. Extensively worked for over 29+ years in clinical, industrial and community settings in different parts of the country including Delhi, Noida, Kolkata and Pune. Worked as a consultant clinical psychologist at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune. Ethically sound expertise and knowledge are at the core of her practice. As a multifaceted professional, she not only works as a psychotherapist but also is a dedicated teacher, remarkable trainer and a compassionate mentor. Her vision is to help students to sharpen their clinical skills in tune with the formal training to cater to the increasing demands of the society. She also believes in making these services economically viable to enhance its accessibility for people.

Course certificate

Dear Learners,
For getting the certificate and credits, you are required to attempt a minimum of 5 weekly assessments and appear for the end course proctored examination in person. The announcement of the proctored examination will be done separately in due course of time.

The Swayam Board considers marks for best of 5 assessments. You have to secure a minimum of 40% marks average in all the assessments to be eligible for the end course proctored examination. 

The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). Announcement will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.

Average assignment score = 30% of average of best 5 assessments out of the total assessments given in the course.
Exam score = 70% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=12/30 AND EXAM SCORE >= 28/70. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Note: Only the e-certificate will be made available. Hard copies will not be dispatched.

Happy learning.

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