Social Stratification

By Dr Gautam Sood, Assistant Professor   |   Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology | Punjabi University, Patiala
Learners enrolled: 558
The Massive Open Online Course on “Social Stratification” intends to bring innovation in curriculum design, teaching- learning, and rational assessment of the learners through developing their understanding of studying the relationship between society and different forms of social inequalities, forms and bases of stratification and various theoretical paradigms on social stratification and the operational dynamics of social stratification in India as well as the world besides understanding the dynamics associated with social mobility. 
The learners are expected to acquire conceptual constructs related to society, social inequality, social differentiation, social hierarchy (stratification), forms and bases of stratification including caste, class, race, ethnicity and gender; theoretical paradigms including the functional theories of stratification, the conflict tradition and stratification and the Weberian model on stratification; the and realize the importance of interventions that enhance the social mobility of various sections of the society. 
Moreover, the learners would also be able to take advantage of this course in qualifying for various relevant competitive examinations at national and state levels. The course will not only enhance their conceptual understanding but also practical applications of sociological concepts like social stratification. 
Interestingly, the course is designed in such a way that it would provide a unique interdisciplinary approach to teaching-learning and research that links researchers in social sciences to their social settings, to various disciplines like sciences and law; according to the mandate of implementation of the recently introduced-National Education Policy (NEP), 2020. 

The major learning objectives of this course will be to: 
Obtain in-depth understanding of various concepts related to Social Stratification and Social Inequality.
Build a resource pool of knowledge pertaining to the theoretical foundations of social stratification.
To gain understanding of the multiple manifestations of social stratification  viz. racial, ethnic and linguistic stratification, gendered stratification, caste and class dimensions of stratification, feminism and stratification and the formation of social identities. 
Gain an insight into the process and dimensions of social mobility and the socio-cultural bases of reproducing social mobility. 
Identify various strategies to address various forms of disparities 
Realise the importance of education as a strategic intervention in producing social mobility and guiding the pace and direction of social change. 

Upon completion of this course, the learners will be able to: 
Comprehend different forms of social inequalities, the forms and bases of social stratification, besides understanding the dynamics associated with social mobility. 
Recognize various aspects and manifestations of social stratification viz. ethnic, racial,  gendered and socio-cultural stratification.
Understand fundamental differences between open (class based) and closed (caste based) models of social arrangements. 
Understand the role of culture and social structure in producing social inequalities. 
Obtain in-depth understanding of various concepts related to Social Stratification and Social Inequality.
Build a resource pool of knowledge pertaining to the theoretical foundations of social stratification.
To gain understanding of the multiple manifestations of social stratification  viz. racial, ethnic and linguistic stratification, gendered stratification, caste and class dimensions of stratification, feminism and stratification and the formation of social identities. 
Gain an insight into the process and dimensions of social mobility and the socio-cultural bases of reproducing social mobility. 
Identify various strategies to address various forms of disparities 
Realise the importance of education as a strategic intervention in producing social mobility and guiding the pace and direction of social change.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Sociology
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 25 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.0
Course Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

The contents of the course are:

Mod No
Name of the module
1Social Stratification: Introduction, Nature and Characteristics
2Social Stratification: Bases and Types
3Social Stratification: Socio-Cultural
4Social Stratification: Global Context
5Social Stratification and the Indian Society
6Social Stratification: Gender and Society
7Education and Social Stratification
8Social Stratification and Social
9Theoretical foundations of Social Stratification: Hierarchy, Status and Power
10Marxist, Weberian and Functional Perspectives on Social Stratification
11Marx and Social Stratification: Economic Determinism, Materialist Interpretation
12Marx and Social Stratification: Historical and Dialectical Materialism
13Marx and Social Stratification: Class Struggle and Social Change
14Weber and Social Stratification: Class as a basis of Social Stratification
15Weber: Class, Status and Party;
16Weber: Role of Social Stratification in Society
17Functional Interpretation of Social Stratification
18Davis and Moore: Functions of Social Stratification
19Talcott Parsons: Functional Aspect of Social Stratification
20Social Stratification: A Critical Analysis
21Social Stratification: Identities and Inequalities
22Caste: Features, Notions of Purity and Pollution
23Caste and Modernity
24Racial Stratification: Race and Inequality
25Racial Stratification: Manifestations
26Ethnic Stratification: Ethnicity and Inequality
27Ethnic Stratification in Urban, Rural and Tribal India
28Modernity and Ethnic Stratification
29Feminism and Stratification: Features, Manifestations, Socio- Cultural Explanations
30Feminism and Stratification: Feminist Movements
31Gender and Stratification: Socio- Cultural and Politico-Economic Manifestations
32Gender and stratification: Strategies and Interventions to address Gender based Exclusion
33Social Mobility: Concepts, Forms and Forces of Agencies of Mobility
34Social Mobility in Pre-Modern Societies: Sanskritisation, Brahiminisation
35Social Mobility in Modern Societies: Modernisation
36Social Mobility in Caste and Class: Consequences
37Education, Social Mobility and Social Change
38Mobility and Reproduction: Role of Structure in reproducing Social Mobility
39Socio-Cultural Reproduction of Social mobility
40Reproduction of Social Mobility and Social change
41Max Weber: Power, Authority and Bureaucracy
42Social Stratification: Conceptual Constructs
43Ethnic Stratification: Religious Ethnicity in India
44Ethnic Stratification: Linguistic Ethnicity in India
45Emerging Class Patterns: Middle Class and New Middle Class
46Change and Continuity in Caste in India
47Social Mobility in Modern Societies: Urbanisation
48Social Mobility in Modern Societies: Westernisation
49Understanding law as a means of social change
50Impact of Technology on Social Change

Instructor bio

Dr Gautam Sood, Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology | Punjabi University, Patiala

Name                           :           DR. GAUTAM SOOD


Educational Qualifications

·      Doctorate                    :           2017    Punjabi University, Patiala

·      Post-Graduation          :           2008    Panjab University, Chandigarh

·      Graduation                  :           2000    Panjab University, Chandigarh

·      Matric                          :           1995    Central Board of Secondary Education


 Areas of Specialisation

·      Social Impact Assessment

·      Environmental Sociology

·      Sociology of Development

·      Theoretical Perspectives

·      Social Change and Social Problems

·      Punjabi Society

·      Demography

·      Gender Studies



·      Teaching                                    :           16 Years


o   Assistant Professor                      November 2011 till date 06 years of teaching and research experience

o   Revised and Updated syllabus for M.A. courses Taught 06 papers


·      Research                                    :           08 Years

o   Assistant Professor                      November 2011 till date Ph. D: Enrolled: 05, Completed - 03; M. Phil.: Completed 08; PG Diploma in Social Impact Assessment: Awarded: 08


o   Research Projects: Research Associate, International Project on Redefining Security in the 21st Century: Youth Perspective – A Multidisciplinary Project in academic collaboration with Centre for Global Women Leadership, State University of Rutgers, New Jersey, U.S.A. and Women’s Studies Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala in 2012-13


o   PI, Juvenile Delinquency - An Institutional Framework Research Project awarded by Punjab State Commission for Protection of Child Right, Govt of Punjab,


o   Co-Coordinator completed one and two ongoing Research Projects on Social Impact Assessment for Land Acquisition in Punjab


o   Coordinator, State Social Impact Assessment Authority, Punjabi University, Patiala


o   Member, Juvenile Justice Board, District Patiala


o    Coordinator, VPIC, Punjab University Patiala 


·      Administration              :           10 Years

o   Coordinator Vehicle Pass Cell (2015-till date) Punjabi University, Patiala (an independent grievance redressal and public dealing office, a first in the Northern Region)


o   Member Board of UG and Post Graduate Studies Sociology, Punjabi University, Patiala


o   Have been dealing with students, in various academic and administrative capabilities


o   Developed a dedicated, mass accessible and user friendly office procedure to deal with vehicle entry management


·      Any Other

o   Nodal Officer representing the department for N.A.A.C. evaluation

o   SME in SWAYAM UG Course on Sociology of Gender


o   Developed study material for post graduate courses for the Department of Distance Education, Punjabi University Patiala.


o   Developed study material for post graduate courses for the University School of Open Learning, Panjab University Chandigarh.


Research Publications: Research papers/Articles/Edited Proceedings – 09


Seminars/Conferences attended: International: 12, National: 15


Membership/Positions held in Professional Bodies

o   Life Member of North West Indian Sociological Association (since 2012)

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.

Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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