Week 1
Module 1: Introducing International Trade and Global Trade
Module 2: Trade and Gains from Trade
Module 3: Offer Curve and The Terms of Trade
Week 2
Module 4: Offer Curve and International Equilibrium
Module 5: Bases of International Trade
Module 6: PPC, CIC and Trade Equilibrium
Week 3
Module 7: Gains from Trade and its decomposition
Module 8: Absolute Comparative Cost Theory and its failure
Module 9: Comparative Cost Advantage and Ricardo
Week 4
Module 10: Gains from Trade and Ricardo
Module 11: Role of Supply and Demand and Ricardo
Module 12: World PPF and Ricardo
Week 5
Module 13: Specific Factor Model
Module 14: Non-Traded good and Dutch Disease
Module 15: H-O Model- Part 1: Physical Definition and Price Definition
Week 6
Module 16: H-O Model- Part-II :Establishing the Proposition
Module 17: Factor-Price Equalization Theorem
Module 18: Factor Intensity and Intensity Reversal
Week 7
Module 19: Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
Module 20: Rybczynski Theorem
Module 21: New Trade Theory- I : Intra-Industry Trade and Monopolistic Competition
Week 8
Module 22: New Trade Theory- I : Increasing Returns to Scale and Trade
Module 23: International Trade and Location of Firms
Module 24: Outsourcing and MNCs
Week 9
Module 25: Instruments of Trade Policy: Free Trade and Protection
Module 26: Import Tariff and Export Subsidies
Module 27: Optimal Tariff and Metzler’s Paradox
Module 28: Infant Industry Argument
Week 10
Module 29: Quotas and Non-Tariff Barriers
Module 30: Political Economy of Trade Policy
Module 31: Distortion and Immiserization
Module 32: National Income Accounting in closed and open economy
Week 11
Module 33: Balance of Payment and National Income Accounting
Module 34: Current Account Balance and Foreign Trade Multiplier
Module 35: Exchange Rate Systems : Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates
Module 36: Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates
Week 12
Module 37: IS-LM Model and Balance of Payment Curve
Module 38: International Monetary System
Module 39: Financial Globalization
Module 40: Financial Crisis
Week 13
Module 41: Trade and FDI interlinkages
Module 42: Multilateral Approaches to Trade Policy
Module 43: Issues in Trade Liberalization
Module 44: Trade Indifference Curve and its derivation
Week 14
Module 45: Demand bias in Heckscher Ohlin model
Module 46: Increase in factor supply in specific factor model
Module 47: Applications of Neo-Classical Trade Models
Module 48: Import tariff and Quota under Perfect and Imperfect Competitions
Week 15
Module 49: Balance of Payments
Module 50: Intra Industry Trade and Gravity Equation
Module 51: Sector wise trade patterns : A case study from Indian economy
Module 52: Trade As An Engine Of Growth: Prospects In The Coming Decades