By Dr. Samrat Roy   |   St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Kolkata
Learners enrolled: 542
This course develops a systematic exposition of models that try to explain the composition, direction and consequences of international trade and the determinants and effects of trade policy. It then builds on the models of open economy macroeconomics, focusing on national policies as well as international monetary systems. It  concludes with an analytical  account of the  causes and consequences of the rapid expansion of international financial flows in recent years. Although the course is based on abstract theoretical models, students will also be exposed to real-world examples and case studies.   
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Economics
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 25 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Industry Details : Trade and Manufacturing Sector
Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

Week 1
Module 1: Introducing  International  Trade  and  Global  Trade
  Module 2: Trade  and  Gains  from Trade 
  Module 3: Offer  Curve  and The Terms  of  Trade
Week 2
Module 4: Offer Curve  and  International  Equilibrium
      Module 5: Bases of International Trade
Module 6: PPC, CIC and  Trade Equilibrium
Week 3
Module 7: Gains  from  Trade  and its decomposition
Module 8: Absolute  Comparative  Cost  Theory  and  its failure  
Module 9: Comparative  Cost  Advantage and  Ricardo
Week 4
Module 10: Gains  from Trade  and  Ricardo
Module 11: Role of Supply and Demand  and  Ricardo
Module 12: World  PPF  and  Ricardo
Week 5
Module 13: Specific  Factor  Model
Module 14: Non-Traded  good  and  Dutch  Disease
Module 15: H-O Model-  Part 1:  Physical  Definition  and Price  Definition 
Week 6
Module 16: H-O  Model-  Part-II :Establishing  the Proposition
Module 17: Factor-Price  Equalization  Theorem
Module 18: Factor Intensity and Intensity  Reversal
Week 7
Module 19: Stolper-Samuelson  Theorem
Module 20: Rybczynski  Theorem 
Module 21: New  Trade  Theory- I : Intra-Industry Trade  and Monopolistic  Competition
Week 8
Module 22: New  Trade  Theory- I : Increasing  Returns  to Scale  and Trade 
Module 23: International  Trade  and Location of Firms
Module 24: Outsourcing  and  MNCs
Week 9
Module 25: Instruments  of  Trade  Policy: Free Trade  and  Protection
Module 26: Import  Tariff  and  Export  Subsidies
Module 27: Optimal  Tariff  and Metzler’s  Paradox 
Module 28: Infant  Industry  Argument
Week 10
Module 29: Quotas  and Non-Tariff Barriers
Module 30: Political  Economy  of Trade  Policy
Module 31: Distortion and  Immiserization 
Module 32: National Income Accounting in closed and open economy
Week 11
Module 33: Balance of Payment and National Income Accounting 
Module 34: Current  Account  Balance  and  Foreign  Trade  Multiplier
Module 35: Exchange  Rate  Systems :  Fixed  and  Flexible  Exchange Rates  
Module 36: Balance of Payments  and Exchange Rates 
Week 12
Module 37: IS-LM Model   and  Balance of Payment  Curve
Module 38: International  Monetary System
Module 39: Financial  Globalization  
Module 40: Financial  Crisis  
Week 13
Module 41: Trade and FDI interlinkages
Module 42: Multilateral Approaches  to Trade Policy
Module 43: Issues in Trade Liberalization
Module 44: Trade Indifference Curve and its derivation
Week 14
Module 45: Demand bias in Heckscher Ohlin model
Module 46: Increase in factor supply in specific factor model
Module 47: Applications of Neo-Classical Trade Models
Module 48: Import tariff and Quota under Perfect and Imperfect Competitions
Week 15
Module 49: Balance of Payments
Module 50: Intra Industry Trade and Gravity Equation 
Module 51: Sector wise trade patterns : A case study from Indian economy 
Module 52: Trade As An Engine Of Growth: Prospects In The Coming Decades

Books and references

  • Virtual Trade and Comparative Advantage- The Fourth Dimension(2020) (co-authored)   Springer International.
  • Economic Development in India Issues and Challenges (2018) (Co-edited), Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India
  • Byabosaik Arthoniti O Paribesh (Niti Ebong Samasya) (in Bengali) (2004) (co-authored)– BM Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Instructor bio

Dr. Samrat Roy

St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Kolkata
Dr. Samrat  Roy  is  the  Course  Coordinator.  He  is currently  the  Ph.D  Coordinator  of  St. Xavier’s  College(Autonomous)  Kolkata and  a  doctorate  in Economics.  He has  published  papers  in reputed  journals and  has  research insights  on  political  economy, globalization and its applications  in real world.  He  acted  as  resource persons  at  different  workshops  across institutions  of  repute.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.
Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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