History of Modern East Asia-1 (c. 1840-1949)
Week 1
Module 1: Social Classes and groups in China
Module 2: Feudalism in China
Module 3: Tributary System
Week 2
Module 4: Confucianism
Module 5: Sino Centrism
Module 6: Canton Trade System I
Week 3
Module 7: Canton Trade System II
Module 8: Opium War-I
Module 9: Treaty of Nanking
Week 4
Module 10: Opium War-II
Modules 11: Opium War through Films
Module 12: Increasing western Economic Interests-The Treaty System
Week 5
Module 13: The Open Door Policy
Module 14: The Taiping Rebellion-I
Module 15: The Taiping Rebellion-II
Week 6
Modules 16: The Taiping Rebellion through Films
Module 17: Tung Chih Restoration
Module 18: Self Strengthening and Reform Movements in China 1860-98
Module 19: Boxer Rebellion-I
Week 7
Module 20: Boxer Rebellion-II
Module 21: Reforms of 1901-08 in China
Module 22: Revolution of 1911 in China part-I
Module 23: Revolution of 1911 in China part-II
Week 8
Modules 24: Revolution of 1911 in China through Films
Module 25: Sun Yat-sen-Principles and Politics-part-I
Module 26: Sum Yat-sen- Principles and Politics - part-II
Modules 27: Life and Works of Sun Yat-sen through Films
Week 9
Module 28: Emergence of the Republic Yuan She-kai and Warlordism-1916-28
Module 29: May Fourth Movement – Part 1
Module 30: May Fourth Movement – Part 2
Modules 31: May Fourth Movement through Films
Week 10
Module 32: Political crisis in China in the 1920s
Module 33: Nature of Industrialization and Changing Social Structure in China
Module 34: Comprador in Chinese society
Module 35: Kuomintang and the First United Front with the Communist Party of China (1924-27)
Week 11
Module 36: The Nanking Govt. under Chiang Kaishek 1928-37
Module 37: Soong Mei-ling, Madame Chiang Kai-shek
Module 38: Tung-Meng Hui
Module 39: Communist Movement in China-I
Week 12
Module 40: Communist Movement in China-II
Module 41: Communist Movement in China-III
Module 42: Mao’s ideas on education and culture
Module 43: Mao’s ideas on revolution
Week 13
Module 44: Peasant movement in Hunan
Module 45: Long March – the political history, socio-cultural implications
Module 46: The Long March through Films
Module 47: The Chinese Labour Movement
Week 14
Module 48: The Chinese Student Movement of 1880-1949
Module 49: Women's Movement and Change of Women's Status in China
Module 50: Paradigm Shifts in Early and Modern Chinese Religion
Module 51: Modern Chinese Literature
Week 15
Module 52: Contemporary Chinese Cinema
Module 53: ‘Age of Awakening’: A Chinese revolutionary drama
Module 54: Modern Chinese Art (1912-1949)
Module 55: Rabindranath Tagore's vision of India and China