Indian Government And Politics

By Aijaz Ashraf Wani (PhD)   |   Department of Political Science, University of Kashmir
Learners enrolled: 1082
The course “Indian Government and Politics” is a core course in B.A. Political Science under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The course is specially designed to supplement and enhance the understanding of students about the philosophical, theoretical and functional aspects of Indian Polity. The course starts from the varied perspectives regarding Indian Political System followed by the Constitutional provisions and Social Movements in India.
The objectives of this course are to give the target students/audience an understanding of:
Fundamentals of Indian Political System analyzed from varied perspectives
Philosophical basis of Indian Constitution
Working of Indian Constitution as a living document
Theoretical Basis and Practices of Directive Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Rights as available in the Constitution
Institutional Structure and functions of Indian Polity
Social Issues in India and Political Responses to approach them
Political Economy of Indian State
Nature and Purpose of Social Movements in India

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Political Science
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Exam Shift: :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

Week 1 
Day 1 Approaches to the Study of Indian Politics
Day 2 Nature of Indian State: Liberal Perspective
Day 3 Nature of Indian State: Marxist and Gandhian Perspectives
Day 4 Constituent Assembly: Overview

Week 2 
Day 1 Constituent Assembly: Debate
Day 2 Basic Features of Indian Constitution
Day 3 Ideological Basis of Indian Constitution: Democracy, Secularism and Socialism
Day 4 Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution: Classification and Content—Part I

Week 3 
Day 1 Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution: Classification and Content—Part II
Day 2 Introduction to the Directive Principles of State Policy
Day 3 Classification of Directive Principles of State Policy
Day 4 President: Powers and Functions

Week 4 
Day 1 Prime Minister— Appointment, Powers, Functions and Role
Day 2 Prime Minister— Features and Role
Day 3 Parliament of India— Origin, Functions and Composition
Day 4 Parliament of India— Thoughtful Choice, Committees and Sovereignty

Week 5 
Day 1 Independence of Judiciary in India
Day 2 Judicial Review— A conceptual framework
Day 3 Judicial Review in India
Day 4 Judicial Activism in India

Week 6 
Day 1 Public Interest Litigation
Day 2 Federalism in India— Part I 
Day 3 Federalism in India— Part II 
Day 4 Governance, Decentralization and Panchayati Raj

Week 7 
Day 1 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts
Day 2 Election Commission of India
Day 3 Electoral Reforms in India
Day 4 Planning in India

Week 8 
Day 1 Party System - A conceptual framework
Day 2 Party System in India
Day 3 Pre-Independence Women’s movement in India
Day 4 Post-Independence Women’s movement in India

Week 9 
Day 1 Political Participation of Women in India
Day 2 Caste and Power in India
Day 3 Dalit movement – Emergence and Contours
Day 4 Religion and Politics in India

Week 10 
Day 1 Peasant movement in India—Theoretical Enigma and Practical Politics
Day 2 Peasant movement in Colonial and Post-Colonial India
Day 3 Workers Movement in India
Day 4 Environmental Movement in India—Part I

Week 11 
Day 1 Environmental Movement in India—Part II
Day 2 Development Strategies in India
Day 3 Neo-Liberalism and Economic Reforms in India –Part I
Day 4 Neo-Liberalism and Economic Reforms in India—Part II

Books and references

1. Niraja Gopal Jayal and Pratap Bhanu Mehta. (2011) The Oxford Companion to Politics in India, Oxford University Press, India.
2. Bidyut Chakrabarty and Rajendra Kumar Pandey. (2008) Indian Government and Politics, Sage Publication, India.
3. Himanshu Roy and Mahendra Prasad Singh. (2012) Indian Political System, 4th Edition, PEARSON India.
4. Pravin Kumar Jha. (2012) Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective, Pearson Education India.
5. Abhay Prasad Singh and Krishna Murari. (2019) Political Process in Contemporary India, Pearson Education India.
6. Niraja Gopal Jayal. (2007) Democracy in India (Themes in Politics), Oxford University Press.
7. Neera Chandhoke & Praveen Priyadarshi. (2011) Contemporary India – Economy, Society, Politics, PEARSON India.
8. Rajni Kothari. (2012) Politics in India, 2nd Edition, , Orient BackSwan, India.
9. Granville Austin. (1999) The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of A Nation, Oxford University Press.
10. Atul Kohli and Prerna Singh, (ed.).  (2013) Routledge handbook of Indian politics, Routledge.
11. B.L Fadia. (2010) “Indian Government and Politics” Agra: Shohitya  Bhawas Publications.
12. Basu, Durga Das. (1985), Introduction to the Constitution of India (Prentice-Hall, New Delhi..
13. Sujit Choudhry, Madhav Khosla, And Pratap Bhanu Mehta, (ed.), (2016), The Oxford Handbook Of The Indian Constitution, Oxford University Press.
14. Kohli, Atul. (1990), Democracy and Discontent: India’s Growing Crisis of Governability, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,.

Instructor bio

Aijaz Ashraf Wani (PhD)

Department of Political Science, University of Kashmir

Aijaz Ashraf Wani (PhD) is Associate Professor at Department of Political Science, University of Kashmir. He is author of What Happened to Governance in Kashmir? Oxford University Press, 2019; and Co-editor of Democracy in South Asia, Routledge, 2024, & Government and Politics of Jammu and Kashmir: From Princely State to Union Territory, SAGE, 2022.  His research has appeared in national and international journals including Journal of Borderlands Studies, Studies in Indian Politics, Indian Journal of Public Administration, South Asian Survey, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Historic Review, Urban India etc. Besides he has chapters in books published by Routledge, Orient Blackswan, and Palgrave Macmillan. He has completed two major research projects sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi and is working on another Research Project on the theme of Urban Governance, funded by ICSSR. Besides he has completed number of minor projects on Electoral Studies sponsored by CSDS, New Delhi. 

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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