Sociological Thinkers II

By Dr. Sangita Patel   |   Department of Sociology, School of Social Science, Gujarat University
Learners enrolled: 533
The current core course has been specifically designed for the students associated or willing to associate with the discipline of sociology at college or university level as per the UCG approved curriculum.
In addition, this said core course can also be studied by the undergraduate students pursuing courses in related and allied domains of Sociology. The current course has been an exploration of the emergence of sociology as a distinct discipline and the essential role that sociological theories play in understanding human behaviour and societal structures. This course provides an overview of the emergence of sociology along with classical, post-classical and post-modern sociological thought and Indian sociological thoughts. It also aims at examining the innovative perspectives that challenge and expand upon traditional theories. The central focus of this course is to explore the works of key sociological thinkers, such as Talcott Parsons and Claude Levi-Strauss, Adorno, Horkheimer, G.S Ghurye, I.P Desai etc. We will examine their major contributions to the field and how their theories have shaped our understanding of society. So, basically the entire idea here is to help the young and budding (growing) social scientists in understanding not only the sociological theories but also their process of emergence in the simplest way possible. During the course the students will be imparted comprehensive understanding on the classical schools of sociology, encountering the pioneering figures and foundational ideas that laid the groundwork for sociological thought. By equipping the students with the lenses of sociology, we can examine the structures, institutions, and patterns that shape our lives and communities.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 16 weeks
Category :
  • Sociology
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 27 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Exam Shift :

Shift 1

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

W1_Module 1 Emergence of Sociology and Need for Sociological Theory                                                                 
W1_Module 2 Classical Schools in Sociology
W2_Module 3 Modern Schools in Sociology
W2_Module 4 Post-Classical and Post-Modern Schools in Sociology
W2_Module 5 Introduction and works of Talcott Parsons
W3_Module 6 Major Contributions of Talcott Parsons
W3_Module 7 Theory of Action System
W3_Module 8 Introduction and works of Claude Levi- Strauss
W4_Module 9 Major Contribution of Claude Levi- Strauss
W4_Module 10 Structuralism
W4_Module 11 Introduction and works of G.H.Mead
W5_Module 12 Symbolic Interaction
W5_Module 13 Interactional Self
W5_Module 14 Introduction and works of Erving Goffman
W6_Module 15 Major Sociological Contribution of Erving Goffman
W6_Module 16 Concept of Dramaturgy
W6_Module 17 Introduction and works of Peter L.Berger
W7_Module 18 Introduction and works of Thomas Luckman
W7_Module 19 Social Construction of Reality
W7_Module 20 Introduction and works of Max Horkheimer
W8_Module 21 Introduction and works of Adorno
W8_Module 22 Herbert Marcuse and Critical Social Theory
W8_Module 23 Introduction and Major Contributions of Pierre Bourdieu
W9_Module 24 Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Practice
W9_Module 25 Introduction and works of G.S. Ghurye
W9_Module 26 Major Contributions of G. S. Ghurye
W10_Module 27 Caste Study: G. S Ghurye
W10_Module 28 Indian Sadhus - G. S. Ghurye
W10_Module 29 Introduction and works of I.P. Desai
W11_Module 30 Major Contributions of I.P. Desai
W11_Module 31 Some aspects of Family in Mahuva; I.P. Desai
W11_Module 32 I.P.Desai's Perspective in Indian Sociology
W12_Module 33 Introduction and Works of M.N.Srinivas
W12_Module 34 Major Contributions of M.N.Srinivas
W12_Module 35 Process of Change
W13_Module 36 Indian Sociologists: An Overview
W13_Module 37 Emergence of Sociology and Development of Sociological Thought: An Overview part-1
W13_Module 38 Emergence of Sociology and Development of Sociological Thought: An Overview part-2
W14_Module 39 Overview of Critical Theory (Part-1)
W14_Module 40 Overview of Critical Theory (Part-2)
W14_Module 41 Overview of Talcott Parsons & His Theories (Part-1)
W15_Module 42 Overview of Talcott Parsons & His Theories (Part-2)
W15_Module 43 Overview of Symbolic Interaction Theory (Part-1)
W15_Module 44 Overview of Symbolic Interaction Theory (Part-2)

Books and references

1. Bottommore. T.B. 1972, Sociology: A guide to problems and literature. Bombay :George Allen and Unwin (India) 
2. Harlambos, M.1998. Sociology: Themes and perspectives. New Delhi Oxford University Press 
3. Inkeles, Alex, 1987. What is Sociology? New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India 
4. Jaiaram, No. 1988 . What is Sociology .Madras:Macmillan, India :
5. Johnson, Harry M. 1995. Sociology: A Systematic Introduction. New Delhi , Allied Publishers
6. Ashley, David and D. M. Orenstein, Sociological Theory: Classical Statements (Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1990), second edition.
7. Chyko, Mary. (2015). The first web theorist? Georg Simmel and the legacy of ‘The web of group-affiliations’. Information Communication and Society Reviews; Vol 18, 2015 –https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369118X.2015.1042394
8. Frisby, David, ed. (2004) Georg Simmel: the philosophy of money. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415341738
9. Prakash, D. (2010). Sociological Thought. New Delhi: Global Publications.
10. Ritzer, George, Sociological Theory (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992), third edition.
11. Beck, U. (1992). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: SAGE Publications.
12. Durkheim, E. (1984). The Division of Labour in Society. (W. D. Halls, Trans.) New York: Palgrave. 
13. Feng, F., & Xing, L. (2006). A Contemporary Interpretation of Marx's Thought on Modernity. 
14. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 254-268. Giddens, A. (1990). 
15. The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. Giddens, A., & Pierson, C. (1998). 
16. Conversations with Anthony Giddens: Making Sense of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. 
17. Lyotard, J.-F. (1985). The Post-Modem Condition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 
18. Weber, M. (1992). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (T. Parsons, Trans.) London and New York: Routledge.

Instructor bio

Dr. Sangita Patel

Department of Sociology, School of Social Science, Gujarat University
Dr. Sangita Patel is an accomplished Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the School of Social Science, Gujarat University. She has a strong track record of research, having successfully completed major and minor projects funded by prestigious organizations such as UNICEF, ICSSR, and the Tourism Department of the Government of Gujarat. Her dedication to academic mentorship is evident in her guidance of 6 students to successful completion of M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees. She has also played a pivotal role in academic program coordination, coordinating 4 online refresher courses in social sciences organized by UGC-MMTC, Gujarat University. Her contributions extend to academic committees and boards, where she has served as a course reviewer and member of boards of studies for various universities. Dr. Patel is a sought-after resource person for faculty development programs, refresher courses, seminars, and workshops. Her extensive publications include 35+ research papers and 7 books. She has effectively applied her academic expertise and experience to the development of course curriculum, syllabus, methods, modules, and the selection of subject matter experts.

Course certificate

70% end term exam and 30% internal assessment
Minimum 40% in each would be required to pass the course and get completion certificate

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