Print and Broadcast Journalism

By Dr. Neeta Khandelwal   |   ASPEE College of Home Science and Nutrition, Sardarkurshinagar Dantiwada Agriculture University, Gujarat
Learners enrolled: 917
This 4 credit, 15 weeks MOOCs course is being offered for Post Graduate students interested in making a career in the field of Journalism. 

The pedagogy of the course is designed in such a way that the course is broadly structured in four sections: covering 40 modules. 
The first section will provide an overview of journalism. The topic is open up with the concept, meaning, and importance of print and broadcast journalism, including the role and responsibility of journalist in the society. Along with ethical aspects, basic terminology used in print and broadcast journalism for writing news will also discuss in this section. 
The second unit is all about print journalism, which will include the concept, definition, element, types, and sources of news at first. The emphasis will be given on component of news writing; different styles of news writing; and basics of reporting. Gathering information is comparatively easy for students, but they don't have skills in analyzing and writing about it, this lecture will shed light on principle and techniques of journalistic writing and teach the students how to organize and make a good story and how to write for different forms of journalistic writing, for instance, feature writing, article, opinion piece, narrative writing. As well as the difference between writing for each form will also pick up at last in the section. 
The third section of the course will delve deeper into broadcast journalism, and the topic includes characteristics of TV and radio news and their comparison with print media; different types of TV and radio formats like a talk show, interview, documentary etc; writing script, its layout, storyboard and broadcast writing techniques for TV and radio programme. 
The Final section will develop an understanding of editing. The topic includes meaning, objective, and principle of editing; function and responsibility of editor and subeditor; use of graphics, cartoon, and statistics in writing. The section will conclude with editing style and layout and brief of proofreading.

Course Objective:
The first primary goal of the course is to offer students, a basic understanding of print & broadcast journalism and its role in the welfare of society. The learner will familiarise with the basics of good journalistic writing& ethics in journalism. 
The second objective of the course is to acquaint students with various types of news and different formats of TV and radio programme. It will demonstrate the critical thinking skills necessary to collect, evaluate, write and organize the news. 
The student will learn the process and technique of writing & editing for print journalism in-depth. The third goal is to develop the foundation skills needed to write the script in proper format & creating a storyboard for the TV and radio programme. 
It will introduce the process of selecting, editing and presenting news with the graphic for the news to the students.

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 
Selected concepts and methods involved in the academic discipline of print and broadcast journalism that deals with media ethics, news writing, reporting and editing, writing script for TV and radio programme and developing the storyboard.
Students will be able to write news stories, press releases, script, and storyboard following accepted journalistic standards. 
It will help students to understand the news values and know the components of reporting and write efficiently as per the news report. 
Students are expected to deepen their appreciation for the value of a free expression in a democracy and build their knowledge of the news media industry in its many forms   
It will prepare the students for a successful career as a journalist, reporter, content writer and sub-editor with a good understanding of journalism issues globally, as well as they might work at newspapers, magazines or for TV or radio stations by combining their print and electronic journalism skills.

You are welcome to join this course to learn more about print and broadcast journalism. 
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Not Applicable
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Journalism (mass media)
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 25 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 6.5
Exam Shift: :

2 (3:00 pm on May 25, 2025)

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Print and Broadcast Journalism 
(Course Schedule) 

Week 1

1. Concept and Importance of Journalism 

2. Type of Journalism 

3. Development Journalism

MCQ Quiz

Week 2

4. Citizen Journalism 

5. Photo Journalism
6.     Online Journalism

MCQ Quiz

Week 3

7. Role and Responsibility of a Journalist

8. Ethical Aspects of Print & Broadcast Journalism
9.     Media Policies and Law

MCQ Quiz

First Assignment

Week 4

10. News: Definition, Concept and Elements

11. Writing Different Types of News

12. Component of News Writing

MCQ Quiz

Week 5

13. Style of News Writing

14. Different Forms of Journalistic Writing

MCQ Quiz

Week 6

15. Writing Skills for Opinion Piece/Feature

16. Writing Skills for Editorial & Farm News

17. Writing Skills for Press note/ Press Release

MCQ Quiz

Second Assignment

Week 7

18. Scope and Challenges  in Print Journalism

19. Basic Terminology Used in Print Journalism

MCQ Quiz

Week 8

20. The Basics of Reporting

21. Types of Reporting

22. News Gathering Techniques

MCQ Quiz

Week 9

23. Qualities of Reporter 

24. Meaning, Objective and Principles of Editing

25. Function and Responsibility of the Editor

MCQ Quiz

Third Assignment

Week 10

26. Use of Graphics and Cartoon in Print Media

27. Editing Style and Layout

28. Copy Editing

MCQ Quiz

Week 11

29. Proof Reading

30. Characteristics of Radio News
31. Different Types of Radio Formats 

MCQ Quiz

Week 12

32. Broadcast Writing Style for Radio Programme

33. Script Writing and Layout for Radio

MCQ Quiz

Fourth Assignment

Week 13

34. Characteristics of TV News

35. Different Types of TV Formats

MCQ Quiz

Week 14

36. Broadcast Writing Style for TV Programme

37. Script Writing and Layout for TV

MCQ Quiz

Week 15

38. Developing Storyboard for TV Programme

39. TV Programme Production

40. Basic Terminology Used in Broadcast Journalism

MCQ Quiz

Fifth Assignment

Books and references

Print Media and Broadcast Journalism (ISBN: 9788197252082)
Editor: Dr. Neeta Khandelwal

Instructor bio

Dr. Neeta Khandelwal

ASPEE College of Home Science and Nutrition, Sardarkurshinagar Dantiwada Agriculture University, Gujarat
Neeta Khandelwal is an Assistant Professor at Dept. of Home Science Extension Education, SDA University, Gujarat, since 2013. Dr Khandelwal studied M.Sc. (Home Sciences Extension) at Home Science College, Udaipur and obtained PhD (Extension Education) from MPUAT, Udaipur. She joined as Assistant Professor at SDA University, Gujarat in 2013. She teaches to B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of HECM Dept. Her major field of research is Conservation of Natural Resources, Role of Women in Conservation, Indigenous Knowledge and Women in Ancient India. She has published several research papers in these areas and is also guiding students for M.Sc. Dissertation. She has delivered talks in several seminars and given invited lectures.

Course certificate

  • The course is free to enroll and learn from for everyone, irrespective of backgrounds.
  • However, if you wish to get a certificate, you need to pay examination fee, complete assignments (internal assessment) and appear for the proctored exam, which will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
  • Weightage: For Internal assessment-30% for in-course assessment, and 70% for end-term proctored exam. Minimum 40% marks need to be secured both in internal and proctored exams.
  • Exam registration fee (excluding Applicable service/processing charges and GST): Rs. 750/- (for General category students) OR 500/- (for Gen-EWS, OBC-(NCL)/SC/ST/PwD category students).
  • Date of exam registration: to be announced (All related information will be notified on SWAYAM platform).
  • Once succeed in the examination, a certificate will be issued by the MoE (previously MHRD) and credit transfer certificate for eligible participants will be issued by SDA University, Gujarat.

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