Classical Genres of Urdu Poetry

By Dr Kausar Rasool   |   Department of Urdu, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar
Learners enrolled: 275
Urdu is a rich tradition of poetry and has many different forms. It is an important part of the cultures of South Asia. Besides all these genres are fundamentally performative poetry and itsĀ  popularity among the masses remains unaltered. This paper contains two major classical genres of Urdu poetry i.e,
Marsiya, and Qaseeda, Marsiya is a narrative form of poetry which is an allegory typically composed about the death of Imam e Hussain and Relatives. Qaseeda is usually an ode to a benefactor, a satire or an account of an event. It uses the same rhyme system as Ghazal, but is longer.
In both the classical genres we will discuss the various aspects of Urdu poetry and the famous classic urdu poets and their style and contribution to the history of Urdu poetry.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : Urdu
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Language
Credit Points : 2
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

1. Urdu Marsiyai Ka Aagaz Wa Irtiqa 
2. Urdu Marsiya ki Sinfi Shinakht
3. Urdu Mein Marsiyai Ki Ifadiyat
4. Urdu Mein Shakhsi Marsiyah Ek Jaizah

5. Mir Anees Ki Marsiya Nigari
6. Mirza Salamat Ali Dabeer Ki Marsiya Nigari
7. Shumali Hind Mein Marsiyai Ka Faroog
8. Janoobi Hind Mein Marsiyai Kai Naqoosh

9. Mir Anees Ka Marsiya
10. Mirza Dabeer Ka Marsiya
11. Allama Iqbal Kay Shaksi Marsiya Mirza Ghalib Aur Marsiyae Daag
12. Urdu Marsiyai Ka Aagaz O Irtiqa

13. Qaseday ka Fun
14. Shumali Hind Mein Urdu Qasidah Nigari
15. Janubi Hind Mein Urdu Qasidah Nigari
16. Urdu Qasiday Kai Zawal Kai Asbaab

17. Sooda Ki Qasidah Goye
18.  Sooda Ki Qasidah 
19. Sheikh Mohammad Ibrahim Zoaq Ka Qasidah
20. Mohsin Kakorvi Ka Qasidah

21. Mohsin Kakorvi Ka Naatiya Qasidah Goye
22. Sheikh Mohammad Ibrahim Zoaq Ka Qasidah Goye

Books and references

1. Urdu Masnawi Shumali Hindustan Mein by Giyan Chand
2. Urdu Masnawi ka Irtiqa by Sarwari.
3. Urdu ki Teen masnawiyan by Raheed Hassan Khan.
4. Urdu Qaseeda nigari by Abbu Mohd. Sahr
5. Urdu Mein Qaseeda nigari by Abu Mohd. Sehr.
6. Urdu Marsiya ka Irtiqa by Maseeh u Zaman
7. Muwazina e Anees o Dabeer by Shabli Naumani
8. Anees Shanasi by Ghopichand Narang

Instructor bio

Dr Kausar Rasool

Department of Urdu, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar
Dr. Kausar Rasool is a faculty member and currently teaches in the Department of Urdu, University of Kashmir. She holds a masters degree in Urdu with gold medal in the year 2001. She qualified NET and SLET in 2002, She completed her M-Phill in 2005 and her Ph.D in 2011 on the topic of feminism in Urdu Novel. She was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urdu in 2009. Her basic Research interest include Feminism and novel, Literary Theory, History of Urdu Literature Classic Urdu poetry, Drama and Fiction.
She has published a good number of research papers with impact factors. She has one research book to her credit as well. She is an author of various e-content modules. Under Her supervision many scholars have completed their research degrees. Presently she is also supervising four integrated Ph.D Scholars. Dr. Kausar Rasool is on the editorial board of the Departmental Journal and has been an invited speaker of few conferences/reputed institutions, TV, Radio Educational and Academic programs. Dr Kausar Rasool developed mooc on the topic URDU LITERATURE AND CULTURE, for the Staff Academic College of University of Kashmir, which received overwhelming response from the listeners/participants.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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