Problem solving Aspects and Python Programming

By Dr.S.Malliga, Dr.R.Thangarajan, Dr.S.V.Kogilavani   |   Kongu Engineering College
Learners enrolled: 2606
The first part of the course cover problem solving aspects. Problem solving is the most important skill in computer science.  To become a good computer programmer, the student has to acquire problem solving skills. Most of the time, the emphasis is on learning a programming language rather than on inculcating the problem solving skills. Hence, the students feel that programming hard. The difficulty faced by students in understanding the real world problems and developing computer solutions has motivated us to offer this course. This course is designed for use by freshmen students taking their first course in programming. It deals with the techniques needed to practice computational thinking, the art of using computers to solve problems and the ways the computers can be used to solve problems. 

The Second part covers Python Programming.  Python is ranked as the 6th popular language by Stack Overflow Developer Survey and ranked as the 4th most wanted technology of the year 2016.

It is the 2nd most popular programming language in the world based on the Popularity of Programming Language Index. Python is used in many domains  fields from web and game development to machine learning, AI, scientific computing and academic research. It is easy to learn as a first language.  Hence, the course covers the basic of Python Programming in detail and the advanced concepts in a lighter way. The course would definitely kindle the students’ interest for further exploration

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Computer Science
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 09 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 17 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Industry Details : Software Development/IT
Exam Shift :

Shift - 1

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week- I

1. Introduction to Computers,  Characteristics of Computers, Uses of Computers
2. Types and Generations of Computers 
3. Units of a computer, CPU, ALU

Week - II

4. Memory Hierarchy, Registers 
5. I/O devices           

Week - III

6. Concept of problem solving , Problem definition,  Program  design
7. Debugging,  Types of errors in programming,  Documentation
8. Algorithms
9. Flowchart

Week - IV

10  Flowchart using Raptor Tool 
11. Pseudocode
12. Structured programming concepts
13. Programming methodologies viz. top-down and bottom-up programming   

Week - V

14. Structure of a Python Program, Elements of Python 
15. Python Interpreter, Using Python as calculator
16. Python shell, Indentation, Atoms, Identifiers and keywords 
17. Literals, Strings

Week - VI

18. Types of Operators
19. Input and Output Statements
20. Conditional Statements

Week - VII

21. Control statements :  while and for statements, nested loops
22. Difference between break, continue and pass
23. Lists
24. Tuples

Week - VIII

25. Dictionary, Date and time
26. Defining Function, User Defined Functions
27. Passing Arguments and Lambda Functions
28. Creating class and objects,  Constructors

Week - IX

29. Getter and setter methods, static methods
30. Inheritance
31. Exception Handling

Week - X

32. Modules,  import statement
33. Packages
34. File handling
35. Event Driven Programming

Week - XI

36. GUI Programming
37. Database Programming
38. Data Analytics with Python

Week - XII

39. Client server programming with Python
40. Internet Data Handling and  web Programming

Books and references


1. S.Kuppuswamy, S.Malliga, C.S.Kanimozhi Selvi, K.Kousalya. Problem Solving and Programming. 2019, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Bill Lubanovic, Introducing Python Modern Computing in Simple Packages, First Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2014.
3. Martin C. BrownPython. The Complete Reference Paperback, 2018 
4. R. Nageswara RaoCore Python Programming Paperback, 2018 
5. Yashavant Kanetkar Let Us Python, 2019 


1. https://raptor.martincarlisle.com/
2. https://programming-steps.blogspot.com/2013/10/raptor-flowchart
3. https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download

Instructor bio

Dr.S.Malliga, Dr.R.Thangarajan, Dr.S.V.Kogilavani

Kongu Engineering College
Dr.S.Malliga, one of the Course coordinators, is working as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamil Nadu. She has 23 years of teaching experience. She has taught Programming courses to the students many times. This motivated her to offer this course. She has also authored a book on Problem Solving and Programming. She is the recipient of Summer Research Fellowship during May 2018 to July 2018. She got funding from Computer Society of India for the project titled “Design of Cost-Effective Printer to Produce Tactile Images for Visually Impaired”.

R. Thangarajan is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamilnadu, India. He has around 24 years of teaching experience at under-graduate and post-graduate levels. His research interests are in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Theoretical Computer Science and Algorithms. He is very active in Research and Development. He has completed 2 sponsored projects and 4 sponsored seminars /workshops. He has published more than 30 papers in refereed national and international journals and presented many papers in international conferences.

Dr.S.V. Kogilavani completed her B.E (Computer Science and Engineering) in the year 1999 from Madras University, Chennai and obtained M.E (Computer Science and Engineering ) degree in the year 2007 from Anna University, Chennai. She got her Ph.D from Anna University, Chennai in the year 2013. Her research area is Data Mining, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval. She is associated with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering as Associate Professor, Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India. She has presented 25 papers in national and international conferences and published 20 papers in national and international journals. At present she is recognized Supervisor of Anna University, Chennai and guiding research scholars in ICE stream. She received Best Faculty, Young Researcher, INSPIRE Faculty awards.

Course certificate

30% for course Assignment  & 70% for end term Proctored Exam

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