Anthropology_Human Genetics

By Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir   |   Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir
Learners enrolled: 1468

The course on “Human Genetics” is a Discipline Specific Elective Course in Anthropology at undergraduate (UG) level under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). This is an introductory course designed primarily for students in the undergraduate or master’s programs interested in biomedical research, genetic counselling, medicine, and clinical genetics. This course is expected introduce the rapid advancements in our understanding the role of human genome in health and disease. The course is specially designed to supplement and enhance the understanding of students about different dimensions of human genetics starting from genes to proteins and mutations in genes to the genes in the evolution of humans. Furthermore, the course is focussed on history of human genetics, evolutionary genetics; Molecular evolution; DNA sequence variation and human origins. We would introduce key concepts of inheritance of human traits, pedigree analysis, and chromosome organization. Molecular biology tools used for understanding the genome, gene structure and gene mutations, gene mapping and gene cloning strategies will also be covered in this course. Objectives and outcome of human genome project, 1000 Genomes project and the HapMap project will also be discussed. The objectives of this course is to give the target audience/students an understanding of:  Structure, Function and Inheritance of the human genome, the DNA structure and its replication, Recombination and DNA repair Mechanisms and Expression of genetic Information. The relationship between genes and protein, Transcription and RNA processing, Decoding the codons: the role of transfer RNAs, Genomic Variation, Genotype-phenotype correlations, Pedigree analysis and Expressivity, Chromosomal Basis of Genetic Disorders and Genetic mapping. The course will also focus on Concept of non-mendelian inheritance and complex diseases, Genomic Diversity & Human Evolution

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Zoology
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 18 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout


History of Human Genetics 

Introduction to Hereditary and Inheritance

Human Genome

Structure of DNA


Replication of DNA

DNA repair and recombination

Gene expression

Coding and Non-coding regions of DNA


Basics of expression of Genetic information



Post translational modifications


Relationship between genes and protein

RNA processing 

Genetic Code 

Decoding the codons: encoding genetic information


Transfer RNAs (tRNA) and its role

Introduction to Genomic Variation

Origins of Genetic Diversity

Genomic Polymorphisms


SNPs, VNTR, CNVs, and Human Genetics

Haplotypes and haplogroups

Genotype-phenotype correlations 

Introduction to Epigenetics


Common mechanisms of Epigenetics

Epigenetics and diseases

Non-coding RNAs, micro-RNAs(miRNAs) & long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs)

Introduction to Genetic Study in Humans


Pedigree Analysis and Expressivity

Chromosomal Basis of Genetic Disorders

Karyotypes and identification of chromosome variation

Nucleic Acid Hybridization Assays


Cytogenetic mapping

Genetic mapping (Microsatellite and other DNA polymorphisms)

LOD score

Sequencing strategies (PCR based Sanger sequencing to Exome sequencing)



Concept of non-mendelian inheritance and complex diseases

Introduction to Genomic Diversity & Human Evolution

Human Evolution: An Overview

Evidence from mtDNA


Evidences from Y-chromosome

Evolutionary genetics

DNA sequence variation and human origins

Biological and cultural evolution of humans


Genetic Counselling

Assignment’s compilation


Books and references

1. Human Molecular Genetics by Tom Strachan, Andrew P. Read Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Group, 2011

2. Essentials Of Human Genetics Fifth Edition (University Press)

By Manu L. Kothari, ‎Lopa A. Mehta · 2009

3. Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications by Ricki Lewis

McGraw Hill Publishers 2020.

4. Human Genetics, 6th Edition, SD Gangane, Elsevier Publishers 2021

5. Principles of Genetics by EJ Gardner, MA, Simmons and DP Snustad, 8th Edition, Willey Press 2006. 


Dr. Pir Mohd Ishfaq
Department of Bioresources
University of Kashmir

Instructor bio

Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir

Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir

Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir holds Master’s Degree in Life Science, qualified CSIR-JRF-NET three times; completed his Ph. D from Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi through CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology Chandigarh in the field of Life Sciences. Dr Manzoor has published more than 50 high-impact research papers with a cumulative impact factor of more than 200, has published 20 books and 56 book chapters with international publishers like Elsevier USA, Springer-Nature, Nova Biomedical Science Publisher USA, IGI Global, etc. Dr. Manzoor has guided eight Ph. D scholars besides 27 Masters Project students. Dr Manzoor has currently two on-going research projects one from SERB-DST Govt of India and one from JKST&IC-DST Govt of J&K. Dr Manzoor has developed Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) in Immunology and Endocrinology and is currently developing two more MOOC courses on Human Genetics and Human Population Genetics for UGC-CEC-SWAYAM Ministry of Education Govt of India. He is member of many scientific organizations and societies like American Association of Cancer Research, American Oncology association, Fellow of Royal British Society, International Immunology Association, Indian Cancer Society, Indian Immunology Society, etc. He is on the editorial board and Reviewer of many prestigious journals. Dr Manzoor was awarded Teachers Associate Research Excellence Award by DST Govt of India in 2019 and Summer Research Fellowship by Indian Academy of Sciences and National Science Academy in 2020 and was awarded by JKST&IC Department of Science and Technology Govt of J&K for his Breast Cancer Awareness and Research during Kashmir-Expo-2022. Dr Manzoor has visited more than 10 countries for his scientific presentations like USA, China, UK, Spain, UAE etc. He was the first nodal officer and coordinator of Kupwara University Campus and is the coordinator of IIS-Gujrat University Collaboration. Presently he is Head Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir.

Website: http://bioresources.uok.edu.in/Main/ViewPage.aspx?Page=101 

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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