Retail and Channel Management

By Dr. Yamini Karmarkar and Dr. Geeta Nema   |   Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
Learners enrolled: 633

'Retail & Channel Management' MOOC is developed by subject expert Dr. Subin Sudhir - Associate Professor (Marketing), Indian Institute of Management, Indore

In this era of huge malls, hypermarkets and growing format of structured retailing, there is need for trained manpower in this filed. This course will help to understand the basics of retailing, store management, branding etc.

The business of retail in India has seen significant changes in the last few years. With the emergence of new formats and the applications of global concepts and constructs albeit with modifications to suit the Indian environment. The objective of this course is to give a complete insight on the knowledge of retailing and prepare students for careers in the area of retailing.

Proposed course is designed with the aim to create awareness, extend education and prepare the base for further studies in the area of marketing, retail management, technology in retail and branding for retail.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Management Studies
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 09 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 17 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.0
Industry Details : Retail Industry
Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

Week 1

In the Week 1, Learner will be able to: 

• Understand the impact of retail space and retail marketing in reaching out to customers.
• Explore the opportunities for marketers.
• Recognize the use of digital media for the creation of products and services.
• Differentiate factors that influence the consumer.
• Distinguish the different elements that make the consumer for retailers

W1_L1 Marketing : An Introduction
W1_L2 Basics of Consumer Behavior
W1_L3 Introduction to Retail Marketing


Week 2

In the Week 2, Learner will be able to:                                                               

• Identify the functions of the retail.
• Understand the history of origin of retail in India.
• Explain various channels and recognize main issues involved in channel design and management.
• Describe various forms of multi channel and omni channels.

W2_L1 Role of Retailer
W2_L2 Retail Channel Management 
W2_L3 Multi-channel and Omni-channels Retailing
W2_L4 Evolution of Retail in India


Week 3

In the Week 3, Learner will be able to:     
• Differentiate between different formats of retail industry in India 
• Identify the activities involved in Consumer Behaviour in retail.
• Summarize the patterns of Consumer Behavior in retail.
• Understand components of retail strategy framework.

W3_L1 Retail formats
W3_L2 Wheel of Retailing & Retail Life Cycle
W3_L3 Consumer Behavior in Retail
W3_L4 Retail Strategy Framework Part-1
W3_L5 Retail Strategy Framework Part-2


Week 4

In the Week 4, Learner will be able to:                                                               

• Explain the significance of retail location and site decisions.
• Infer the importance of promotion mix elements 
• Apply various elements of promotion mix in positioning of retailer and increasing the customer traffic.

W4_L1 Retail Location and Site Decisions - Part 1
W4_L2 Retail Location and Site Decisions - Part 2
W4_L3 Advertising and sales promotion in retail
W4_L4 Sales Promotion Part-1
W4_L5 Sales Promotion Part-2 Personal Selling


Week 5

In the Week 5, Learner will be able to:                                                               

• Analyse retail services provided for customer satisfaction.
• Discuss and Create right portfolio of customers.
• Design customer relationship management strategies as per the market requirements.

W5_L1 Managing Services (Retail)
W5_L2 Customer Relationship Management Part-1
W5_L3 Customer Relationship Management Part-2 Customer Portfolio Management


Week 6

In the Week 6, Learner will be able to:                                                               

• Identify the elements of store design and layout.
• Observe the role of visual merchandising to attract more footfalls.
• Understand and analyse different retail pricing methods for attracting and retaining customers

W6_L1 Elements of Store Design and Layout & Visual Merchandising  Part-1
W6_L2 Elements of Store Design and Layout & Visual Merchandising  Part-2
W6_L3 Store Layout
W6_L4 Retail Pricing Part-1 – HiLO


Week 7

In the Week 7, Learner will be able to:                                                               

• Describe EDLP as a pricing strategy to increase store traffic.
• Identify elements of HRM process.
• Discuss the role of HRM in fulfilling personal, organizational and societal objectives

W7_L1 Retail Pricing Part - 2 - EDLP
W7_L2 Retail Pricing Part - 3 - Price Adjustments
W7_L3 Human Resource management in Retail, Significance of HRM part-1
W7_L4 Human Resource management in Retail, Significance of HRM Part-2  :
                Process of Human Resource Management


Week 8

In the Week 8, Learner will be able to:                                                               

• Describe significance of information technology in retailing.
• Explain the sustenance of demand and supply of goods in retail sector?
• Appraise the importance of retail image in product or brand sales.
• Compare various strategies of customer experiences management.

W8_L1 Information Technology in Retailing Part-1
W8_L2 Information Technology in Retailing Part-2
W8_L3 Customer Experiences Management
W8_L4 Supply Chain Management in Retailing 
W8_L5 Retail Image


Week 9 

In the Week 9, Learner will be able to:                                                               

• Identify ways to do merchandise planning 
• Describe types of merchandising.
• List the sources where merchandise buying can be made
• Understand retail merchandising management process.

W9_L1 Merchandise Planning 
W9_L2 Category Management
W9_L3 Merchandise Buying


Week 10

In the Week 10, Learner will be able to:                                                              

• List the methods of identifying retail performance.
• Identify sources for collecting retail data.
• Conduct studies and researches to understand customers.
• Formulate strategies for improvement in retail performance.
• Apply retail analytics help to make smarter decisions towards higher profits, better customer satisfaction and having a more awesome store overall

W10_L1 Retail Analytics I – Sources for collecting data 
W10_L2 Retail Analytics II – Evaluating Retail performance 
W10_L3 Retail Analytics III – Understanding customers 


Week 11

In the Week 11, Learner will be able to:                                                              

• Understand significance of online retailing.
• Compare different business models of retailing.
• Comprehend the challenges of retail.
• Understand the role of exclusive retail on consumer buying behaviour.

W11_L1 Online Retailing
W11_L2 Long tail of retailing (Business Models)
W11_L3 Retail Challenges - 1
W11_L4 Retail Challenges - 2


Week 12

In the Week 12, Learner will be able to:                                                              

• Analyze applications of retailing through case studies 
• Analyse and appraise overall course of retail management.

W12_L1 Case study - 1 (Sanddy)
W12_L2 Case study - 2
W12_L3 Case study - 3
W12_L4 Review of Retail management course


Books and references

1. Retailing Management: Michael Levy and Barton A. Weitz: Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Limited, New Delhi
2. Retail Management: Text and cases: U.C.Mathur: I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. LTD, New Delhi
3. Retailing Management Text and cases: Swapna Pradhan: McGraw Hill Education
4. Retail management: Gibson G. Vedamani:. Pearson

Instructor bio

Dr. Yamini Karmarkar and Dr. Geeta Nema

Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
Dr. Yamini Karmarkar has done her post-graduation in Management and PhD in Economics from Devi Ahilya University, Indore. She did her FDP from IIM Ahmedabad. She has a teaching experience of 20 years as a regular faculty at Internaional Institute of Management Studies, Devi Ahilya University, Indore. She has published several papers and has guided  5 scholars for PhD. She is presently supervising a project funded by UGC in the area of Agri- Business Supply Chain Management.  

Dr. Geeta Nema has done her post-graduation and Ph.D.in Management from Devi Ahilya University, Indore. She has a teaching experience of 15 years as a regular faculty at International Institute of Management Studies, Devi Ahilya University, Indore. She has published several papers and has guided scholars for PhD and also guiding MBA students for doing their Major research projects. Her areas of interest are Branding, Retail marketing, Sales & Distribution Management and Rural marketing.

Course certificate

30% for in Course Assessment & 70% of End-term Proctored Exam.

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