Consumer Behavior

By Dr. Mamta Brahmbhatt   |   B .K. School Of Professional Studies And Management, Gujarat University
Learners enrolled: 2721

An essential component of marketing is consumer insight – both the obvious needs and wants that are on the surface of conscious thought, but also the deeper, possibly unconscious motives that drive human behavior at an implicit level.The course covers the major topics of consumer behavior, including attitudes, impulsive vs. deliberative purchase, psychographic profiling and assessment, brand loyalty, experiential marketing, self and identity, and product satisfaction. Focus of the course would be on the psychological and sociological elements and their impact on consumer decision making. The course will help the students take a holistic view of the buyer; it will help equip them with knowledge of various models and frameworks to help understand buyer behavior and align the knowledge with formulation of appropriate marketing strategies. 


To understand the conceptual foundations of consumer buying behavior.

To create awareness of the theories of motivation and perception as applied in consumer behavior.

To acquaint with the communication and consumer decision making.

Familiarize the students with the behavioral aspects of consumers.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Management Studies
  • Commerce
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 06 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 20 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Industry Details : All sector/Industry
Exam Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

Unit– 1:
Consumer Behaviour - Introduction :
Lecture 1: Nature, scope & application, Characteristics of consumer Behaviour
Lecture 2: Importance of Consumer behaviour in marketing decisions
Lecture 3: Role of consumer research, Consumer behavior - interdisciplinary approach

Unit– 1:
Consumer Behaviour - Introduction :
Lecture 4: Introduction to ‘Industrial Buying
Lecture 5: Market Segmentation
Lecture 6: Targeting and positioning

Unit – 2:
Consumer Needs, Motivation and Personality
Lecture 7: Characteristics of motivation, arousal of motives, Theories of needs & motivation: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 
Lecture 8: Mclelland’s APA theory, Murray’s list of psychogenic needs, 
Lecture 9: Bayton’s classification of motives, self-concept & its importance, types of involvement

Unit – 2:
Consumer Needs, Motivation and Personality
Lecture 10: Personality & Consumer Behaviour: Importance of personality, theories of personality- Freudian theory, Jungian theory
Lecture 11: Neo-Freudian theory, Trait theory: Theory of self-images; Role of self-consciousness.
Lecture 12: Traits Approach and Types Approach to Personality

Consumer Perception & attitude
Lecture 13: Customer Perception
Lecture 14:  Learning & Consumer Involvement
Lecture 15:  Learning Theory – I (Classical Conditioning & Instrumental Conditioning)

Consumer Perception & attitude
Lecture 16: Learning Theory – II (Cognitive learning & Involvement theory)
Lecture 17: Customer Attitude
Lecture 18:  Communication and Consumer Behavior

Unit 4
Influences on consumer behavior
Lecture 19: Group Dynamics & consumer reference groups
Lecture 20: Family & Consumer Behaviour
Lecture 21: Role of Children in Buying Behaviour

Unit 4
Influences on consumer behavior
Lecture 22: Determinants of social class, measuring & characteristics of social class
Lecture 23: Culture & Consumer Behaviour
Lecture 24: Opinion Leadership Process

Unit 5
Diffusion of Innovation
Lecture 25: Definition of innovation, product characteristics, influencing diffusion, resistance to innovation, adoption process
Lecture 26: Consumer Decision making process
Lecture 27: Models of Consumer Decision making – I
Lecture 28: Models of Consumer Decision making –II
Lecture 29: Interview

Instructor bio

Dr. Mamta Brahmbhatt

B .K. School Of Professional Studies And Management, Gujarat University
Dr. Mamta Brahmbhatt, Associate Professor at B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University.  From this academic year, she has established department of Business Intelligence at B.K. School and started MBA in Business Intelligence and PG diploma courses and certificate programs related to data analysis.  She is the coordinator of Post Graduate Diploma in International Business and Post Graduate Diploma in Research Methodology for Management Academy of BKSBM, Gujarat University. During the course of her academic journey, she has been awarded for “Best Research Paper Award” 21 times, she was selected for “Jewel of India Award” by Economic Growth Society of India and she is the recipient of National Education Award for Best Professor in Operation Management and Education Leadership Award from Dewang Mehta National Education and Teaching Excellence Award by Higher Education Forum_Gujarat Chapter. She is also recipient of  MTC Global Distinguished Teachers Award Management -2020 and National Eminent Young Researcher Award 2020 by International Institute of Organized Research. Dr. Brahmbhatt has published papers in several major international and national referred journals. Her publication includes 130 plus published research papers and 30 books. She has put her learning and academic & corporate experience behind development of this course, its syllabus, the methods & modules and the selection of subject matter experts.

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