Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services

By Prof. Divya Verma   |   Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
Learners enrolled: 1540

Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services

Join this course to develop expertise and skills in:

  • Financial Decision Making
  • Stock Market Investments
  • Corporate Placements 
  • Entrepreneurship and Startup Ventures
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the interrelationship between various subjects and their application to financial sector, including markets, institutions, regulators, and services and their impact on the Indian economy. 
  • The subject helps relate theories from economics, commerce, and see how these are implemented in the financial sector.
  • It helps understand decisions taken by companies in this changing world of investments and financial markets
  • The course provides the necessary skillset to understand the functioning of market players and the impact of their decisions on the financial sector.
  • The learners can better interpret the behaviour of the stock market, corporates, and investment clients.
  • This course will help learners in employability as they can better deal with the changing financial world and are also better prepared for the job market in the financial sector.
  • The course is especially useful for those learners who want to stay updated with the latest happenings in the financial world and make strategies for decision making. It also provides knowledge of the financial sector so that they can start entrepreneurial ventures as investment consultants, advisors, and investment banking.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Finance
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate
Start Date : 15 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 17 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 5.5
Industry Details : Finance, Markets,
Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services is a contemporary course which provides basic knowledge about the financial markets, institutions, regulators and financial services. The course starts with background from basic concept and composition of Introduction to Indian Financial System. It provides basic regulatory framework that governs financial system. The course takes learners through the types of financial institutions that play an important role in capital formation of the nation. The pillars of financial world, i.e. financial markets which run the money world have been explained in detail.
Financial services both fee based and fund based have been explained along with latest happenings in that sector.  Recent advances in financial markets, institutions and services have been imbibed in the course learners have an exposure to latest happenings and decision making strategies. The overall flavour of this course is application oriented where discussions and case studies are coming from latest happenings in the economy, financial sector and corporate organisations and their impact on Indian economy is discussed. This course will help students also develop skillset required for employment. 


Weeks Day Title of Lesson/Module
First Week Day 1 Financial System and its Components
Day 2 financial markets and institutions
Day 3 Financial intermediation
Day 4 Financial system and economic development
Day 5 Case Study - related to recent issues in financial markets
Second Week Day 1 Recent developments Indian financial system
Day 2 Money market – functions, organisation and instruments
Day 3 Role of central bank in money market
Day 4 Indian money market - Recent developments
Day 5 Capital Markets – functions, organisation and instruments
Third Week Day 1 Financial Regulators - SEBI, RBI, 
Day 2 Indian debt market
Day 3 Primary market 
Day 4 Book Building process and IPOs
Day 5 Case Study - related to recent examples of IPOs and money market instruments
Fourth Week Day 1 Secondary markets
Day 2 Role of stock exchanges in India 
Day 3 Assignment and Assessment
Day 4 Commercial banking – introduction, its role in project finance
Day 5 Working capital finance
Fifth Week Day 1 Development Financial institutions (DFIs)
Day 2 DFIs and role in Indian economy
Day 3 Developments in Indian banking Industry
Day 4 Life and non-life insurance companies in India
Day 5 Mutual Funds – Introduction and their role in capital market development
Sixth Week Day 1 Types of mutual fund
Day 2 Performance evaluation of mutual fund
Day 3 Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs)
Day 4 Case Study
Day 5 Overview of financial services industry
Seventh Week Day 1 Fund based services
Day 2 Fee based services
Day 3 Merchant banking
Day 4 Pre and post issue management
Day 5 Underwriting
Eight Week Day 1 Regulatory framework relating to merchant banking in India
Day 2 Leasing
Day 3 Hire–purchase
Day 4 Assignment and Assessment
Day 5 Consumer and housing finance
Ninth Week Day 1 Credit rating
Day 2 Venture capital finance
Day 3 Factoring services, bank guarantees and letter of credit
Day 4 Financial counseling
Day 5 Recent developments in financial services
Tenth Week Day 1 How to Invest in Stock Market
Day 2 Financial Inclusion and Literacy
Day 3 Startup Financing
Day 4 Non-Performing Assets
Day 5 Introduction to Derivatives
Eleventh Week Day 1 Structure and Analysis of Mutual Funds
Day 2 Non-Banking Financial Corporations (NBFCs)- Recent Developments
Day 3 Securitisation
Day 4 Innovations in Financial Markets and Services
Day 5 Stock Market Investment – Design Your Portfolio

Instructor bio

Prof. Divya Verma

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
Prof. Divya Verma is working as Professor, in the University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi since 2007. Before joining this institution, she worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. She has completed her doctoral research project on the subject “Web-based Corporate Reporting Practices in India” from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar. She has a bright academic record and have won University Gold Medal and scholarships during her graduation and post-graduation studies. She has also qualified DOEACC A Level computer course. Her areas of academic interest include Behavioural Finance, Behavioural Economics, Banking, FinTech, Financial Markets and institutions, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Financial Derivatives and Investment Management. She has authored Seven books namely Behavioural Finance, Micro and Macro Economics, Web-based Corporate Reporting Practices in India, Contemporary Issues in Corporate Finance, Emerging Issues in Indian Financial Markets and Financial Markets and Economic Development. She  has completed a UGC Major Research Project and a ICSSR sponsored Major Research Project. Three doctoral projects have been submitted under her supervision on asset pricing models, disinvestment in India and Illiquidity factor and six students are enrolled. She has published around 50 papers in national and international Journals and have presented papers in number of seminars and conferences in premier institutes like IIMs and IITs and presented papers abroad in Australia, New York, Scotland, Italy, Prague and Switzerland. She do live TV recordings on subject series on FinTech, Behavioural Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions with UGC higher education channel VYAS. She actively work on research softwares like SPSS, EViews, STATA, SMART PLS, and R

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