Textile Study

By Dr. A. Sarada Devi   |   English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad (Host University)
Learners enrolled: 518

The Textile study course is designed to give a comprehensive overview of  textile fibres, their production, types, characteristics, spinning into yarns, designing, formation of fabrics of different types through weaving and other methods of fabric construction, care of fabrics etc. Textile study is very valuable course that deals with the manufacture and spinning of the man-made and synthetic fibres in different ways to suit the end use of the yarn finally produced. It provides description of fabrics available in the market for consumer identification. Explanation about various methods of fabric construction widen the knowledge of students. The designing process for production of woven and printed designs is captivating. Textile dyeing and printing part of the subject is very fascinating and the students may develop interest in this field to take up self-employment. Detailed description of the maintenance of the garments made of different fibre types is vital to the consumers of textiles.  

The modules of this course provide understanding of the following aspects:

  • Types of fibres and their preparation and manufacture
  • Identification of fibres
  • Methods of yarn and Fabric construction
  • Differentiating blends, union fabrics 
  • Colouring and surface decoration of textiles  
  • Use of natural dyes for environmental well being
  • Quality aspects of textiles 
  • Appropriate care of textiles for better performance
  • Better consumers in selection of fabrics for various end uses
  • Discerning counterfeit textiles

Textile study course is of 15 weeks duration with 5 credits and possess 60 modules with practical video, text, practical illustrations, other learning material, exciting and thought-provoking assignments and self-assessment. The weekly schedules in sequence are provided to make it easy for the student to acquire the knowledge. Students are inspired to put the knowledge into practice from the previous weeks and prepare a presentation of their work as a basic collection portfolio in the form of assignments. 

Rationale for developing this Course

The textile markets are flooded with many varieties of fabrics. It is difficult for the consumer to differentiate one fabric from the other as sometimes the fabrics look alike but differ in price. When worn as apparel, some fabrics give comfort and others create discomfort. Some fabrics are durable and the others may become unsightly in few washes. Now a days the fabrics are given many functional finishes that broaden its use for many applications. Number of counterfeit textiles that look like pure silk or genuine wool or 100% cotton are abundantly available in the market making more confusion to the consumer. 

To understand a fabric, one needs to have knowledge of fibres from which the fabrics are made, their properties, suitability to intended endues, etc.  Textile study helps the consumers to distinguish quality in fabrics and provide capability in taking intelligent decisions while buying and comprehend the ideas of what to buy and how to buy. 

Therefore, the knowledge of textiles is imperative to all categories of consumers, students, especially personnel in the apparel and textile industries, entrepreneurs and so on.     

Objectives and learning outcomes of the course 

  • Develop the basic knowledge of textile fibres, their characteristics and use.
  • Develop concepts related to consumer preferences of natural and synthetic textiles
  • Understand the advancement of weaving and knitting technology
  • Be able to understand various finishing techniques of fabrics for enhancing the functional properties
  • Help students to develop design-based concepts of dyeing and printing textiles
  • Be able to develop Computer Aided Textile Designs
  • Be aware of the utility of different testing methods and principles involved in evaluation of textiles
  • Be aware of various quality parameters of fabrics for various end uses
  • Be able to take appropriate care of textiles for better performance
  • Integrate knowledge, skills, and practices required for careers in textiles and apparel
  • Enable students to become better consumers of textiles and discern counterfeit textiles
  • Be confident to pursue further studies in this field 
  • Pursue careers in the field of textiles / apparel
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Textile Engineering
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 13 Jan 2025
End Date : 30 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 24 May 2025 IST
NCrF Level   : 4.5
Industry Details : Textile & Apparel Manufacturing
Exam Shift: :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1:
1. Introduction to Textiles– classification and terminology- Part 1
2. Introduction to Textiles– classification and terminology - Part 2
3. Cotton- Part1 – history, composition, types, production and physical properties
4. Cotton -Part2 –Chemical & Biological Properties and  Consumer preferences
                 (1 Objective)

Week 2:
1. Linen – history, composition, properties, production and uses
2. Wool – history, composition, types, properties, production and uses
3. Silk– history, composition, types, properties, production and uses
4. Rayon fibre- history, composition, types, properties, production and uses
                                                                                                                       (1 Objective)

Week 3:
1. Nylon fibre - history, composition, types, properties, production and uses
2. Polyester- history, composition, types, properties, production and uses,
        consumer preference, blends and uses
3. Acrylic fibre - history, composition, types, properties, production and uses 
4. Identification of Textile Fibres                                                                    
                                                                                                                     (1 Objective)

Week 4:
1. Methods of spinning – mechanical spinning
2. Methods of spinning -chemical spinning
3. Yarns- Part I 
4. Yarns- Part II                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                               (1 Objective)

Week 5:
1. Fabric construction methods- Part 1
2. Fabric construction methods - Part 2
3. Introduction to fabric finishes - Part 1 
4. Mechanical Finishes - Part 2                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                (1 Objective)
Week 6:   
1. Chemical finishes - Part 3 
2. Special purpose finishes – Part 1
3. Special purpose finishes – Part 2
4. Weaving- introduction & Basics of Loom operations                                                     

                                                                                                                                               (1 Objective)
Week 7:
1. Types of looms
2. Jacquard looms- principle and functions
3. Shuttle less looms 
4. Preparation for weaving -warp preparation process,
        drafts and peg plans for various weaves
                                                                                                                                                (1 Objective)

Week 8:
1. Weaving calculations- weft consumption, loom setting – sectional and peg warping
2. Fundamental weaves
3. Complex weaves – introduction, colour and weave effects
4. Complex weaves – leno, mock leno, bed ford cord                                                            
                                                                                                                                             (1 Objective)

Week 9:
1. Complex weaves – Extra warp and weft figuring and Spot designs
2. Knitting – terminology, characteristics
3. Warp knits – principle, characteristics of warp knits and types 
4. Khadi and Cottage Industries- Fiber, Yarn, weaving and dyeing                                              
                                                                                                                                               (1 Objective)
Week 10 :
1. Types of fabrics and their selection
2. Classification of design
3. Layout in design : repeat 
4. Introduction to computer design software CAD                                                            
                                                                                                                                             (1 Objective)

Week 11:
1. Introduction to dyeing and printing - principles of dyeing;   
        related terminology; Difference  between dyeing and printing
2. Different  types of dyes and their applicability to 
        different fibres  – Natural & Synthetic - Part A
3. Different  types of dyes and their applicability to 
        different  fibres – Natural & Synthetic - Part B
4. Types of dyeing- fiber, yarn and fabric                                                                      
                                                                                                                                          (1 Objective)

Week 12:
1. Natural dyes- history, sources, environmental advantages, method of moranting and dyeing
2. Styles of dyeing – Resist, discharge
3. Hand printing – painting, stencil, block, spray
4. Machine printing – flat bed and rotary, screen, spray, flock                                             
                                                                                                                                           (1 Objective)
Week 13:
1. Advanced methods of printing –Digital printing
2. Technical textiles and Smart Textiles 
3.  Major Fabric Faults and Fabric Inspection 
4.  Water – hard and soft
                                                                                                                                              (1 Objective)
Week 14:
1. Soaps and detergents
2. Bleaches- classification, application of  bleaches on various 
    fabrics, OBA additives
3. Starches and softeners – types and characteristics
4. Principles of laundering                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                 (1 Objective)
Week 15:
1. Principles of  dry cleaning
2. Stain removal, Preservation, storage and disinfection of clothes
3. Laundering of Cellulosics, silks and woollens
4.      Laundering of synthetics and special type of fabrics
                                                                                                                                                 (1 Objective)

Books and references

  1. Corbman, B.P. (1983). TEXTILES: Fiber to Fabric. USA; McGraw-Hill International. 6th Edition
  2. Joseph, M.L. (1981). Introductory Textile Science. New York: CBS College Publishing, 4th Edition
  3. Kadolph, S(2009) Textiles, Pearson education India, 10th edition
  4. Kathryn L Hatch (1993), Textile Science, West Publishing Company
  5. Hollen and Saddler (1993) Textiles, John Wiley, New York 
  6. Gokarnesan, N. (2004). Fabric Structure and Design. New age International. Delhi
  7. Anbumani, N (2007) Knitting-Fundamentals, machines, structures and developments, New Age International Ltd 
  8. Bell P and Miller (1994) Autocad for the apparel Industry, Delmar Publishers, USA 
  9. Norma Hollen, Jane saddler, 1979, textiles, 5 th edition, Macmillan Publishings.co., inc. New York.
  10. D’Souza, N (2008) Fabric Care, New age international publishers, New Delhi
  11. Dantyagi S (1996), Fundamentals of Textiles and their care, fifth edition, Orient Longman ltd, New Delhi

Instructor bio

Dr. A. Sarada Devi

English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad (Host University)

Dr. Anne Sarada Devi is the former Dean of Home Science from Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) and presently working as the ICAR Emeritus Scientist at the College of Home Science, Hyderabad and also serving as an Honorary Member of the All India Handloom Board, Govt of India. She is an outstanding academician and was a rank holder from the University of Madras in Masters in Home Science. She was conferred Ph.D from the Anna University, Chennai. She has contributed to the quality and the growth of ANGRAU with 35 years of service in teaching, research and extension including 11 years of senior level managerial stint and national technical coordinator for Home Science – Textiles & Clothing under ICAR for a plan period. She has also served as Member, Board of Management, ANGRAU from 2008-2011. The following are some glimpses of her contributions to research and special honours she held.


  • She was awarded on competitive basis and led two consortia entitled ‘A value chain in Natural dyes’ as CPI & e-courseware in Home Science as Associate PI with a total funding of Rs 7.82 crores under the World Bank sponsored ICAR’s National Agricultural Innovation projects.


  • Received Best Teacher Award of the University and The State of Andhra Pradesh
  • As an Expert member for the IV Deans’ Committee of ICAR and a Member of BSMA Task Force, ICAR the course curricula for Home Science Apparel & Textiles was formulated for both undergraduate and Post graduate programmes across all State Agricultural Universities.
  • Served as chairperson for developing e-courses in 5 disciplines of Home Science under UGC through EMMRC, EFLU.
  • As a Chairperson of BSMA Committee of ICAR for Community Science completed the task of finalization of curriculum and syllabus of PG and Ph.D syllabus of Community Science for all agricultural Universities. 
  • Offered Apparel Designing course twice and Textile Study once under SWAYAM.  
  • Received 3 patents related to natural dye surface paints, dyeing banana textiles with natural dyes and Identification kit for natural dyes.

Special Honours:

  • Invited by His Excellency the then President of America Mr. George Bush to establish natural dye research in Texas University. 
  • Invited two times by Taiwan Government as expert member for organization of Cultural and Creative Exposition in Taiwan 2013 and also International Forum on Natural dyes  and WEFT TAIWAN 2014 and International Fashion Show and chairperson for sessions conducted by National Taiwan Craft Research And Development Institute. 
  • Provided consultancy to FAO for establishment of natural dyeing units at Bhutan & UMANG, Raniketh.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and
70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.
Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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