Advanced Corporate Strategy

By Prof. R Srinivasan, Prof. Sai Yayavaram   |   Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Learners enrolled: 4130
This course is offered for students who seek advanced exposure to corporate strategy. It builds on IIMBx course “Strategic Management” which dealt with strategies for single business firms. The principal focus of this course will be the strategic issues that are faced by firms operating in more complex, multi-dimensional environments.

The course deals with:

(a) Theoretical roots of corporate strategy

(b) The impact of context on corporate strategy of businesses

(c) Exploration of the boundaries of firm

(d) Formulation of corporate strategy and appreciation of its limits.

This course provides students with the requisite combination of analytical and conceptual skills needed to grapple with the complex problems of development and execution of corporate strategy for firms that operate across industries and across national boundaries.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 6 weeks
Category :
  • Management Studies
Credit Points : 2
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 31 Jan 2020
End Date : 30 Apr 2020
Enrollment Ends : 08 Mar 2020
Exam Date : 09 May 2020 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout


Week 1: Corporate Advantage
This module covers corporate advantage, synergies of a multi-business firm, costs of a multi-business firm, managing a portfolio of businesses and role of Corporate Office.

Week 2: Product Diversification
This module covers product diversification, different types of diversification, the varying motives for diversification, the performance effects of diversification and diversification in emerging economies.

Week 3: Vertical Integration
This module covers vertical integration, different types of vertical integration, the underlying motives for vertical integration, the performance effects of vertical integration and vertical integration in emerging economies.

Week 4: Geographic Diversification
This module covers geographic diversification, broad trends in geographic diversification and globalization, the underlying motives for geographic diversification, how to manage a globally diversified firm and the performance effects of geographic diversification. We will conclude with a discussion on the special issues that arise when firms from emerging economies engage in geographic diversification.

Week 5: Modes of Diversification
This module covers various modes of diversification including alliances, joint ventures, outsourcing, M&A/divestitures and internationalization.

Books and references

Refer to "Strategic Management" course from IIMB for understanding the basics.

Instructor bio

Prof. R Srinivasan

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

R Srinivasan is Professor of Strategy at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. His current research focuses on studying platform business firms; digital transformation of large corporations; and strategic decision making in top management teams. Srinivasan received his doctoral degree from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad in 1998. He received the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund scholarship for his doctoral research at IIM Ahmedabad. His areas of teaching at the postgraduate and doctoral levels have been Platform Business Models, Cormpetitive & corporate Strategies, and Strategy Process Research. He has been visiting faculty at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany and other European Universities, delivering courses and lectures on Platform Business Models and Open Innovation. He closely works as advisor and researches on a variety of firms that create and operate platform-based business models. Srinivasan has published his work in various international journals; authored several cases on platform strategies, growth, strategy, and innovation and has presented his research in a number of international academic conferences.

Prof. Sai Yayavaram

Dr. Sai Yayavaram is a Professor of Strategy at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. He received his PhD in Strategic Management from the University of Texas at Austin, PGDM (MBA) from IIM Ahmedabad and B.Tech from IIT Madras. He worked as a consultant in the Tata Strategic Management Group, Bombay from 1994-98. His research focuses on technology management, complexity and strategic rents and has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, and Organization Science. He is currently a Member of the Editorial Review Boards of Strategic Management Journal and Global Strategy Journal and a Senior Editor at Management and Organization Review. He teaches Corporate Strategy to post-graduate students and Strategy Content to doctoral students. He also conducts executive education programmes on strategic management and management of innovation for senior managers.

Areas of expertise
• Competitive Strategy
• Corporate Strategy
• Innovation Management

Course certificate

Type of exam: Computer based exam

You will have to appear at the allotted exam centre and produce your Hall ticket and Government Photo Identification Card (Example: Driving License, Passport, PAN card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-ID with your Name, date of birth, photograph and signature) for verification and take the exam in person. You can find the final allotted exam centre details in the hall ticket.

The questions will be on the computer and the answers will have to be entered on the computer; type of questions may include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks etc.


Weightage: 100% weightage for final exam.

Passing Marks: You will be Eligible for Certificate Only if you score minimum 40% in Final Exam. If you score less than 40% in final exam, you will not receive the certificate.

The final score will determine if you will/will not receive a certificate.

1. Final score < 40%: NO certificate.

2. Final score between 40% -49.99%: Grade D.

3. Final score between 50% -59.99%: Grade C.

4. Final score between 60% -84.99%: Grade B

5. Final score of 85% and above: Grade A

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