Total Productive Maintenance

By Dr. Anil Kumar Srivastava   |   QCI
Learners enrolled: 2925
This course aims at introducing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) at the beginner’s level where we will talk about the history and evolution of TPM, differentiating it from Total Quality Management. We will discuss about different Productive Maintenance (PM) Systems used for the maintenance activities in the organizations with examples and the success stories and also about the difficulties in implementing TPM. Thus, the participants will be able to appreciate TPM as a corporate culture that not only prevents losses, but effectively involve everyone from top management to workers to actively participate in small groups and acts as the key to maximize company-wide productivity.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Describe TPM as a distinct approach to conventional maintenance practices which optimizes equipment effectiveness by eliminating breakdowns
  • Explain how TPM has revolutionized the maintenance  
  • Appreciate the basic objective of TPM which seeks to create a sense of joint responsibility between supervision, operators and maintenance workers in order to keep the machines and equipments working smoothly and to optimize their overall performance
  • Describe the famous 8 Pillars of TPM, their benefits and implementation 
  • Explain the common features of the workplace with poor TPM practices and about different types of TPM losses and their causes and the barriers which are there in the process of implementation of TPM
  • Explain the steps involved in effective implementation of TPM 
  • List the use of autonomous maintenance as a strategic tool in maintenance wherein the operator performs day-to-day activities pertaining to his area of work by himself and how the Autonomous maintenance facilitates cultural change.
  • Describe how TPM optimizes the availability of process machinery, reduces the cost of maintenance and provides the means to improve quality, productivity and profitability of manufacturing plants
  • List different TPM education methods and about the Tools Management System and how to measure the goals and effectiveness of TPM using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) ratio.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Management Studies
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 31 Jan 2023
End Date : 30 Apr 2023
Enrollment Ends : 15 Mar 2023
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Module 1: “Introduction to TPM”
  • What does PM means?
  • PM as a Postponed Maintenance 
  • What is TPM?
  • What does TPM stands for?
  • History of TPM
  • Difference between TQM & TPM
  • Need of TPM in organization
  • Principles of TPM
  • TPM-A Zero sum game
  • Second Video- 
  • Goals and objectives of TPM
  • Difficulty in implementation of TPM
  • The TPM Paradigm Shift
  • TPM is a team effort
  • Expectation from TPM
  • Pre-TPM checklist
  • Roles and Responsibilities in TPM
  • The Operators role
  • The Specialists role
  • Improvement teams role
Module 2: TPM pillars

  • TPM-8 pillars Introduction
  • Pillar 1: Autonomous maintenance (JishuHozen)
  • Pillar 2: Focused Improvement (Kobetsu Kaizen)
  • Pillar 3: Planned Maintenance
  • Pillar 4: Quality Maintenance
  • Pillar 5: Early Equipment Maintenance
  • Pillar 6: Education and Training
  • Pillar 7: Safety, health And Environment
  • Pillar 8: Office TPM
  • Case Study
Module 3: Maintenance under TPM
  • Autonomous Maintenance
  • Definition
  • Goals & objectives of autonomous maintenance
  • 7 Steps to autonomous maintenance
  • Step-1: Initial clean-up using 7S system
  • Step-2: Repair sources of defects
  • Step-3: Develop standards & data collection 
  • Step-4: Standards for monitoring key process parameters 
  • Step-5: Train operators on function & troubleshooting 
  • Step-6: Provide spare parts &tools orderliness 
  • Step-7: All out autonomous maintenance
  • Breakdown Maintenance
  • Definition
  • Goals and objectives of breakdown maintenance
  • 3 Steps to standardized breakdown work
  • Step-1: Identify root cause
  • Step-2: Eliminate cause
  • Step-3: Standardize preventive work to eliminate reoccurrence
  • Transition of breakdown maintenance to preventive maintenance
Module 4: Maintenance under TPM (contd.)
  • Planned Maintenance
  • Definition
  • Goals and objectives
  • 7Steps of planned maintenance
  • Step-1: Support to ‘Autonomous Maintenance’ activities
  • Step-2: Evaluation of breakdown status
  • Step-3: Reverse deterioration & correct weaknesses
  • Step-4: Build an ‘Information Management’ system
  • Step-5: Build a ‘Periodic Maintenance’ system
  • Step-6: Build a ‘Predictive Maintenance’ system
  • Step-7: Evaluate the planned Maintenance system
  • Upstream Maintenance
  • Definition
  • Goals and objectives
  • Short steps to maintenance excellence
Module 5: TPM losses
  • Definition of losses
  • Causes of losses
  • 6 Big losses of TPM
  • Breakdown losses
  • Setup and adjustment losses
  • Idling and minor stoppage
  • Reduced Speed losses
  • Quality defects and rework
  • Start-up losses
  • Basic quality management tools from TPM
  • Definitions of AR, QR, PR  & OEE
  • Zero Accident
  • Definition of zero accidents
  • Steps in zero accidents
Module 6: Prerequisites of TPM
  • 9 Essentials of TPM
  • 7 Steps of operator maintenance
  • Initial cleaning
  • Countermeasures at the sources of problems
  • Cleaning and lubrication standards
  • General inspection
  • Autonomous inspection
  • Organization and tidiness
  • Full autonomous maintenance
  • The new roll for the maintenance department
Module 7: TPM Education& Training
  • GEMBA Workshops
  • Key indicators
  • Strive workshop and  “7S” Initiatives
  • Visual management
  • Process flow
  • Autonomous work checklists
  • Display key process parameters
  • One-Point lessons
  • Tools management
  • Suggested Reading 

Module 8: Measuring TPM effectiveness
  • The philosophy of setting goals
  • Types of indicators
  • Evaluating TPM
  • Overall Equipment efficiency
  • Definition of OEE
  • OEE  Factors
  • The Role of OEE in Total Productive Maintenance
  • How to calculate?
  • How To Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Direct & Indirect benefits of TPM

Module 9:  Predictive maintenance 
  • Definition of Predictive maintenance.
  • Benefits of Predictive Maintenance
  • Risks associated with poorly maintained equipment
  • Equipment condition monitoring thro Statistics
  • Analyzing data 
  • Determining maintenance needs 
  • Maintenance planning, execution & reporting

Books and references

  • A History of Managing for Quality; Joseph M.Juran
  • Quality in HealthCare: Theory, Application, and Evolution; Nancy O.Graham
  • The Textbook of Total Quality in Healthcare;  A.F.Al-Assaf, June Schmele
  • Health Care Quality: The Clinician's Primer; David B. Nash, MD, Janice Clarke, RN, Alexis Skoufalos, Ed and Melissa Horowitz
  • Yuanzhi Wang(2011)“Education Management, Education Theory and Education Application”, Springer Science &Business Media
  • Author Erick Jones(2014)“QualityManagementforOrganizationsUsingLeanSixSigmaTechniques”,CRCPress
  • Author RalphL., Kliem(2013)“Creative, Efficient and Effective Project Management,CRC Press
  • Author William Lewis,1998“PDCA/Test”, CRC Press

Instructor bio

Dr. Anil Kumar Srivastava

Dr. Anil K. Srivastava is a retired as Professor of Statistics from the University of Lucknow. He is well known across the wide spectrum of industries and institutions of higher education in India and abroad for establishing the subject Quality Management as an academic discipline at post graduate level. He was one of the founding Directors of the Quality Management program under the aegis of which the University of Lucknow started a Masters level degree course, viz. Master of Total Quality Management (MTQM).
Having obtained his Master’s and Doctoral Degree in Statistics, Dr. Srivastava has widely published in Econometrics, Regression Analysis & Forecasting and in Statistical Inference. He has supervised more than 600 projects related to the field of Quality Management in various sectors of industries.
Dr. Srivastava has been closely associated with Quality Council of India (QCI) in its various endeavours for a long time and has been appointed as its Principal Advisor. Currently Dr. Srivastava lectures on various aspects of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Total Productivity Management (TPM) .
He is also the Director of the Institute of Applied Statistics & Quality Management (IASQM) at Lucknow and is an Executive Member of CIIs (Confederation of Indian Industries) Uttar Pradesh State Council.

Course certificate

Type of exam: Computer based exam 
  • You will have to appear at the allotted exam centre and take the exam in person. 
  • You can find the final allotted exam centre details in the hall ticket.
  • Type of questions may include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, essay type (subjective) type, etc. But, generally MCQs are most common type of questions.

Grading Policy:
  • Weightage: 25% weightage for weekly assignment + 75% weightage for final exam. 
  • Passing Marks: You will be eligible for Certificate only if you score minimum 40% in Weekly Assessment and minimum 40% in Final Exam. 

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