Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research for Management

By Prof. Rabi N Subudhi, Prof. Sumita Mishra   |   KIIT (Deemed to be) University Bhubaneswar, KIIT (Deemed to be) University Bhubaneswar
Learners enrolled: 1023
This 2-credit certificate course is designed to provide a forum create an awareness of developments in research methodologies, particularly to comprehensively understand different 
quantitative methodologies (within Mixed Methods of Research approach). To familiarize scholars with the need for mixed method research and methodologies herein in the domains of management and social science research.

Objectives of the course:
1. To help scholars understand stages and process of conducting research.
2. To make the scholars familiar with different types of research and research methodologies with quantitative) and qualitative dimensions (under mixed methods approach).
3. To facilitate the scholars in appreciating different quantitative analysis techniques under the rubric of various research methodologies.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Management Studies
Credit Points : 3
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 19 Jan 2024
End Date : 30 Apr 2024
Enrollment Ends : 29 Feb 2024
Exam Date : 19 May 2024 IST
Shift :

Shift 2

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Detailed Syllabus:
(What learners will learn in each week with details of subtopics)

Week 1 Introduction to Research: Types of Research; Quantitative & Mixed method research.
-Learners will understand the basic concepts of research types, stages of (doing) research and data concepts.

Week 2 Identification of Researchable Problems: Review of Literature, Identification of Research Gap [Reviewing literature in a domain of interest drawing research gaps and identifying a suitable researchable problem]

Week 3 Research Design & Sampling
-Learners will have understanding sampling concepts, requirement and designing of a research, as per need.]

Week 4 Measurement Scales & Data Collection Methods
-Here all types of measuring scales will be covered. Also, data concepts, types and collection methods will be covered.

Week 5 Concepts of Hypothesis, Hypothesis testing, Large & small sample

Week 6 Data Analysis Techniques – I: 
-Here all types of descriptive statistical analysis, using SPSS, will be covered. Univariate & bi-variate cases will be covered, through illustrative (numerical) examples.

Week 7:Data Analysis Techniques - II: 
-Here multi-variate statistical analysis, using SPSS/ Excel, will be covered. Concepts of Multiple regression, F-test, ANOVA

Week 8:  Review & Report writing: In this section, as part of experiential learning, each participant would come up with complete research project, applying the knowledge acquired (on ‘Research Design & Quantitative data Analysis Techniques’), during previous seven weeks.

Exam schedule 

Books and references

1. Methodological Issues in Management Research Advances, Challenges and the Way Ahead; Ed: RN Subudhi & Mishra; Emerald Publ., 2020
2. Zikmund et al. (2013). Business research methods: A South Asian perspective: Cengage.
3. Cooper & Schindler (latest). Business research method: Mc Graw Hill.
4. Advances in mixed methods research: Theories and applications, MM Bergman 2008-SAGE

Instructor bio

Prof. Rabi N Subudhi

KIIT (Deemed to be) University Bhubaneswar

Prof. RN Subudhi is presently a Senior Professor in the area of Quantitative Methods – Decision Sciences, with over 36 years of teaching experience at University level. He has served earlier at Berhampur University, VIT University, for their MBA programmes. He has done FDPM from IIM Ahmadabad. He had received Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) award of CSIR, Govt. of India, for his doctoral research.

He is an active member of many reputed international academic societies, like: American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM), ISA-RC (International Sociology Association ‘Research Methodology’ Section), IFORS, ORSI, ICA and ICAS (Int. Conv. of Asian Scholars). He has published/ edited 12 books and authored over 80 research papers. He is presently the editor of KIIT Management Research Journal – Parikalpana. He is a reviewer of many reputed international research journals. He has also published many articles in regional language and takes interest in Children’s literature.

Prof. Sumita Mishra

KIIT (Deemed to be) University Bhubaneswar

Dr Sumita Mishra is an alumnus of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, where she earned a master’s degree in social work. She is a Fellow from the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon. Besides having worked for organizations like CAPART, UNICEF and Tata Refractories Limited, she also has 16 years of teaching experience. She has published several papers in referred journals such as Journal of Human Values, Management Research Review, Asian Case Research Journal, Management and Labour Studies, Decision, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, IIMB Management Review, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Emerging Market Case Studies etc. and has also presented papers in national and international conferences of repute. Her interests are in the area of social science research methods, qualitative research, organizational culture, group culture, training transfer, social psychology and organization theory. She co-edited a book with Prof. R.N. Subudhi on Methodological Advances in Management Research published by Emerald. She currently is the Dean, KIIT School of Management, KIITDU. 

Prof. Subudhi & Prof. Mishra together have been taking Research Methodology for PhD scholars of University since last 8 years and also edited two useful books, published by Springer and Emerald publications.

Course certificate

Enrolling and learning from the course is free. However, if you wish to obtain a certificate, you must register and take the proctored exam in person at one of the designated exam centre’s. The registration URL will be announced when the registration form is open. To obtain the certification, you need to fill out the online registration form and pay the exam fee. More details will be provided when the exam registration form is published, including any potential changes. For further information on the exam locations and the conditions associated with filling out the form, please refer to the form.

Grading Policy: 

Assessment Type


Weekend Assessment


Final Exam


Certificate Eligibility:
  • 40% marks and above in weekend assessment
  • 40% marks and above in the final proctored exam


Type of Certificate



75 - 89


70 - 74


40 - 70

Successfully Completed


No Certificate

Sample Certificate:

Disclaimer: In order to be eligible for the certificate, you must register for enrolment and exams using the same email ID. If different email IDs are used, you will not be considered eligible for the certificate.

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