Food Nutrition for Healthy Living

By Dr. Poonam Agrawal   |   DGS, NCERT, New Delhi
Learners enrolled: 4333
Dr. Yash Paul Sharma | CIET, NCERT, New Delhi

Dear Viewers, this course is just into its second year of the offer and it is already one top MOOC Course. Why? Because it generates curiosity and interest among all and answers many a questions that arise in minds of people relating to health and well being.
Who can imagine life without Food! Food is basic to our existence. Food is a key player in socialisation and social cohesion. There have been several reports of malnutrition or deaths due to poor nutrition, which have stirred the conscience of many. If you are one among those, we have this course for you. These days, nearly everyone is conscious about health and fitness. They want to know what to eat, how much to eat, how to prepare and how frequently to eat to remain active, healthy and fit. If you are one among those, this course is certainly for you. These days most people have heard about nutrient related terms through advertisements, their medical reports etc. They have heard about proteins, Calories, vit. D, iron, fibre, cholesterol etc. etc. They are eager to know which foods contain what, which foods to eat more in what conditions, which to avoid. Some people are concerned about the proper growth and development of their children. Adolescents are concerned about their figure. Parents are concerned about the performance of their children. Some are worried about their obesity while others are concerned about their low energy level. Commonly people ask how much should be their weight, how can they prevent their old age problems etc. If you are one among those this course is for you. Some people are confused with the glut of food and fitness products available in the market, all claiming to be almost miraculous.
If you want to know whether these will do any good to you, this course is for you!

The course has 20 interesting modules which will answer most of your questions and concerns. If any remain, here are we, I and my team who will be there to interact with you and satisfy your quest for knowing what you are looking for.
The 20 modules of the course deal with all aspects of Food, Nutrition, Health, Fitness and Hygiene and their interrelationships. Some of the titles include General knowledge about food selection for health and fitness; assessment of nutritional status, malnutrition; meal planning and minimising food wastage; healthy lifestyle - eating behaviour, physical activity, sleep and stress management; food labelling; food safety; nutraceuticals and functional foods etc. Aren’t these fascinating!
Some of the things the course takers will be able to do after doing this course are
  1. Assess nutritional status.
  2. Preventive measures for better health.
  3. Identify what lifestyle changes are required for health and wellness.
  4. Interpret the food labels and make appropriate selection of foods and beverages.
  5. Identify the medicinal properties of foods and food ingredients.
This is a 5 months duration course. One module shall be delivered per week. Each module of the course will have four quadrants, text, Video along with transcription; web links (to know more about the concept from other resources over the web), self assessment questions (MCQs, true/false, one word answers etc.) and learner will be motivated to have more interaction in discussion forums.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Not Applicable
Language for course content : English
Duration : 24 weeks
Category :
  • School
Level : School
Start Date : 01 Nov 2020
End Date : 11 Apr 2021
Enrollment Ends : 31 Mar 2021
Exam Date : 04 Apr 2021 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Module No.

Module Name

Subject Matter Expert

Module 1

Food, Nutrition, Health And Hygiene – Interrelationships

Ms. Shipra Gupta
Institute of Home Economics, New Delhi

Module 2

Assessment of Nutritional Status - I

Ms. Shipra Gupta
Institute of Home Economics, New Delhi

Module 3

Assessment of Nutritional Status - II

Ms. Shipra Gupta
Institute of Home Economics, New Delhi

Module 4

Common Health Problems

Dr. Anjana Agarwal
National Institute of Open Schooling, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Module 5

Nutrients in Food - Macronutrients

Ms. Shaily Dubey Sabharwal
OPG world School, Dwarka, New Delhi

Module 6

Nutrients in Food - Micronutrients

Ms. Shaily Dubey Sabharwal
OPG world School, Dwarka, New Delhi

Module 7

Balance diet - I

Dr. Neena Bhatia and Ms. Preeti Kamboj
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 8

Balance diet - II

Dr. Neena Bhatia and Ms. Preeti Kamboj
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 9

Conserving and enhancing nutritive value of Food

Dr. Erram Rao
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, New Delhi

Module 10

Food Selection for Health and Fitness

Dr. Neena Bhatia and Ms. Preeti Kamboj
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 11

Meal Planning And Minimizing Food Wastage – I

Dr. Neena Bhatia and Ms. Preeti Kamboj
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 12

Meal Planning And Minimizing Food Wastage – II

Dr. Neena Bhatia and Ms. Preeti Kamboj
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 13

Healthy Lifestyle: Eating Behaviour

Dr. Upasana Seth,

Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 14

Healthy Lifestyle: Physical Activity, Sleep and Stress Management

Dr. Upasana Seth,

Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 15

Food Labelling

Dr. Upasana Seth,

Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 16


Dr. Anjana Agarwal
National Institute of Open Schooling, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Module 17

Personal Hygiene

Dr. Sangeeta Goomer
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 18

Food safety

Dr. Sangeeta Goomer
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Module 19

Medicinal Properties of the Food Ingredients

Dr. Anjana Agarwal
National Institute of Open Schooling, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Module 20

Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods

Dr. Bani Tamber Aeri
Institute of Home Economics, New Delhi

Final Assessment

Books and references

Instructor bio

Dr. Poonam Agrawal

DGS, NCERT, New Delhi
Dr. Poonam Agrawal, a scholar in Food and Nutrition possesses Marter’s degree in Foods & Nutrition, Doctorate in Biochemistry and Post Doctorate in Biotechnology from reputed national and international academic institutions including G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar; IARI, New Delhi; Institute of Wool Research, Aachen and Institute for Microbiology, University of Dusseldorf, W. Germany. She possesses more than 30 years’ experience on various responsible positions in Universities (in India and abroad), Ministry, Research Institutes in India & Abroad and NCERT involving administration, planning and coordination, research, teaching, development, training, extension, guidance, and monitoring. Out of these, about 24 years’ experience is as Professor and Head. She has extensive experience of teaching and research on various aspects of Foods and Nutrition in universities and research institutions of high repute. Besides senior faculty positions, she has also served as Senior Scientific Officer (Grade 1) at Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology; Science Officer, at University of Duesseldorf, Germany; Dean, at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar and Joint Director, PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education (NCERT). She is recipient of various awards and honors. Besides merit scholarships and honors during studies, she has been honored with Smt. Bhagwati Devi Rastogi Trust Award, Vishakhapatnam, India for pioneering work on diabetes; National Millennium Award by International College of Nutrition for her work on Clinical Nutrition, merit/appreciation certificates by Nutrition Society of India for research presentations conducted/guided; etc. Her research interests in Foods and Nutrition include clinical nutrition and nutrition education. She has published widely, presented and chaired sessions at various national and international conferences of repute. She is Life Member of well recognized professional bodies including Association of Food Scientist and Technologists (I), Nutrition Society of India and International College of Nutrition. Having headed various departments in NCERT such as Foods and Nutrition (Vocational), Department of Women’s Studies, International Relations Division, Department of Educational Research & Policy Perspectives; she is presently a Professor in the Department of Gender Studies.

Course certificate

The participants will get participation / completion certificate.


1. Prof. Suniti Sanwal: Professor and Head, Department of Elementary Education, NCERT, New Delhi.

2. Dr. Yash Paul Sharma: Dr. Yash Paul Sharma has been working in the Central Institute of Educational Technology, NCERT, New Delhi. With Ph.D. degree in Zoology and PostDoc (SRF-Extended) from CSIR, Dr. Sharma has interests in Taxonomy, evolutionary Biology and integrating ICT to teach biological concepts. Dr. Sharma has discovered several new species of ants from high altitude region of Himalaya with co-workers. Dr. Sharma has two books in his credit and published his Research work in International journals of repute with impact factor. A tech enthusiast, working on integrating futuristic technologies like Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial learning in education. Dr. Sharma has developed many eResources and won awards like Jury appreciation award for Virtually Reality resources in Education and one of his documentary was selected for National Science Film Festival. He has been actively involved in training programme across the country on eContent development and MOOCs.

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