English XII, Part-1: Annual Preparatory Programme for Enhancement in Academics and Revision (APPEAR)

By Dr. Ganga Mahto   |   Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhopal
Learners enrolled: 1117
Annual Preparatory Programme for Enhancement in Academics and Revision (APPEAR) in English for class XII is a self-learning, revision and preparatory programme for class XII students of English Core from CBSE curriculum. 
The objectives of the course are:
  • Better comprehension of concepts and content
  • Help learners to develop language skills, and
  • Provide quality teaching even in remote areas.
The learning outcomes of the course are:
  • Listen to speeches, lectures, podcasts, audiobooks, etc.; reflects; and communicate through speech and writing 
  • Read unfamiliar authentic text, story, poetry, article etc. silently at reasonable speed with adequate comprehension
  • Write notice, poster, advertisement, invitation, letter, report, article speech and debate from verbal and visual clues
  • Review and revise topics, tasks and assignments with the help of text, audio and video for self-assessment
The modules of the course are structured well to suit your learning needs. Each module consists of the following:
  • Detailed discussion of the topic,
  • Activities to help the learners master the topics, 
  • Questions with sample answers, and 
  • 10 MCQs to check your understanding.
This course will provide self-learning material prepared by the subject experts. Interesting and interactive activities along with e-text, audios, videos and web resources will help the learners master the content and help them APPEAR well in Board Examinations.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 24 weeks
Category :
  • School
Level : School
Start Date : 20 Dec 2021
End Date : 31 May 2022
Enrollment Ends : 25 Apr 2022
Exam Date : 24 May 2022 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

S. No.



Reading Skills-I


Reading Skills-II


Reading Skills-III


Reading Skills-IV


Writing Skills-Notice


Writing Skills-Advertisement


Writing Skills-Poster


Writing Skills-Invitation


The Last Lesson


Lost Spring-Part I


Lost Spring-Part II


Deep Water


The Rattrap-Part I


The Rattrap-Part II


My Mother at Sixty-Six


An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum


The Third Level


The Tiger King


The Enemy-Part I


The Enemy-Part II

Instructor bio

Profile photo

Dr. Ganga Mahto

Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhopal
Dr. Ganga Mahto is an Assistant Professor (English) at NCERT, RIE, Bhopal. He is a teacher, trainer, content developer, and researcher in English language and literature. He has a rich experience of teaching students at senior secondary level in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) and graduates in Y.N. College, Dighwara, Saran (J.P. University).

Dr. Mahto has got his educational qualifications from The English and Foreign Languages University (EFL-U), Hyderabad [B.Ed. in English], Ranchi University [M.A. in English], Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha [PGDT, English-Hindi], and U.R. College, Rosera (Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga) [B.A. in English Honours]. Besides, he also holds a Ph.D. in English Literature on “Regionalism in the Major Works of R.K. Narayan.” He has the qualifications from both National Eligibility Test [NET, 2013], and State Level Eligibility Test [SLET, Jharkhand, 2007].

He has delivered lectures in more than 20 conferences and seminars in and outside the country. He has also authored many research papers, articles, teaching and training modules for SCERT in the area of English Language Teaching and training. He is a technology friendly person and exploits it for the benefits of teachers and learners. He has trained thousands of in-service teachers to teach language effectively in KVS and NCERT (NISHTHA). Currently, he is working on the impact of social media on English Language.

Course certificate

The final assessment will be conducted in the last week of the course i.e. from 24 May to 30 May 2022. The participants will get completion certificate if they score 70% and above in the final assessment.

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