By Dr. Jeetendra Pande   |   Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani
Learners enrolled: 16964
Internet has led to widespread and drastic changes in our lives. Due to its reach and coverage, more and more processes and activities in organizations large and small are shifting online. Banking and Communication sectors are just a couple of glaring examples of this development. However, the ease of use brought about by computers has brought with it a significant rise in malicious attacks on digital devices and software systems. With increased dependence on computers and Internet, organizations are constantly exposed to high levels of business, operational and strategic risks. Hence, it is a challenge for these organizations to protect their data and systems from unauthorized access. This foundation program is geared towards generating and enhancing awareness about cyber security challenges and the concepts of cyber security and cyber ethics among the stake holders to help them become responsible cyber citizens and participate safely and securely in the rapidly evolving information-age society. This course is in line with the directions of UGC to introduce an elementary course in cyber security at UG and PG level across all the Indian Universities/ Institutions. Thus, the course aims to address information gaps among people with respect to cyber security and can be used as an foundation course in cyber security across all the Indian Universities. The course content will contain recorded videos, which are based on the syllabus designed by the experts. All the participants, who are enrolled for the course, can take the course online. Also they can download the video/text material for later use. After the completion of each lecture, the students can clarify their doubts with the instructor, who is available online. At the end of the course, the students have an option to undergo an online test which is objective in nature. On successful completion of the exam, the student shall be provided with a certificate declaring the participation and successful completion of the course by the candidate as per the guidelines
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Computer Science and Engineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date :
End Date :
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout


      Introduction to Cyber Security

Week 1: Introduction to Cyber Space
History of Internet   [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Cyber Crime    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Information Security    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande,  Uttarakhand Open University]
Computer Ethics and Security Policies    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]

Week 2: Choosing the Best Browser according to the requirement and email security
Guidelines to choose web browsers    [Mr. Arun Kumar- CISSP]
Securing web browser [Mr. Arun Kumar- CISSP]
Antivirus    [Mr. Arun Kumar- CISSP]
Email security    [Dr. Ajay Prasad, UPES, Dehradun]

Week 3: Guidelines for secure password and wi-fi security
Guidelines for setting up a Secure password    [Mr. Arun Kumar- CISSP]
Two-steps authentication    [Mr. Arun Kumar- CISSP]
Password Manager    [Mr. Arun Kumar- CISSP]
Wi-Fi Security  [Dr. Jeetendra Pande]  

Week 4: Guidelines for social media and basic Windows security
Guidelines for social media security    [Dr. V.V. Rao, Scientist- CERT-In]
Tips and best practices for safer Social Networking     [Dr. V..V. Rao, Scientist- CERT-In]
Basic Security for Windows     [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
User Account Password    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]

Week 5: Smartphone security guidelines
Introduction to mobile phones    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Smartphone Security    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande,  Uttarakhand Open University]
Android Security    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
IOS Security    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]

Week 6: Cyber Security Initiatives in India
Counter Cyber Security Initiatives in India    [Mr. Ashutosh Bahuguna- Scientist- CERT-In]
Cyber Security Exercise    [Mr. Ashutosh Bahuguna- Scientist- CERT-In]
Cyber Security Incident Handling     [Mr. Ashutosh Bahuguna- Scientist- CERT-In]
Cyber Security Assurance     [Mr. Ashutosh Bahuguna- Scientist- CERT-In]

Week 7: Online Banking, Credit Card and UPI Security
Online Banking Security    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Mobile Banking Security    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Security of Debit and Credit Card    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
UPI Security     [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]

Week 8: Micro ATM, e-wallet and POS Security
Security of Micro ATMs     [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
e-wallet Security Guidelines    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Security Guidelines for Point of Sales(POS)    [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]

Week 9: Social Engineering
Social Engineering     [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Types of Social Engineering     [Dr. Jeetendra Pande,Uttarakhand Open University]
How Cyber Criminal Works     [Er. Jayash Sharma, Anand Engineering College]
How to prevent for being a victim of Cyber Crime  [Er. Jayash Sharma, Anand Engineering College]

Week 10: Cyber Security Threat Landscape and Techniques
Cyber Security Threat Landscape    [Dr. A Murli Rao, IGNOU]
Emerging Cyber Security Threats     [Dr. A Murli Rao, IGNOU]
Cyber Security Techniques     [Ms. Tripti Misra and Ms. Shahina Anwaru, Assistant Professor- UPES, Dehradun]
Firewall    [Dr. Ajay Prasad, UPES, Dehradun]

Week 11: IT Security Act and Misc. Topics
IT Act [Dr. Darpan Anand, Associate Professor- Chandigarh University]
    [Dr. A Murli Rao, Head- Computer Division, IGNOU]     
Web Application Security    [Dr. A Murli Rao, Head- Computer Division, IGNOU]       
Digital Infrastructure Security    [Dr. A Murli Rao, Head- Computer Division, IGNOU] 
Defensive Programming      [Dr. A Murli Rao, Head- Computer Division, IGNOU]        

Week 12: Information Destroying and Recovery Tools
Recovering from Information Loss   [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
Destroying Sensitive Information     [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]
CCleaner for Windows                     [Dr. Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University]

10th November, 2019 from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Books and references

1      Introduction to Cyber Security available at http://uou.ac.in/foundation-course
2.     Fundamentals of Information Security http://uou.ac.in/progdetail?pid=CEGCS-17
3.     Cyber Security Techniques http://uou.ac.in/progdetail?pid=CEGCS-17
4.     Cyber Attacks and Counter Measures: User Perspective http://uou.ac.in/progdetail?pid=CEGCS-17
5.   Information System http://uou.ac.in/progdetail?pid=CEGCS-17

Instructor bio


Dr. Jeetendra Pande is working as an Assistant Director(Research) and Assistant Professor(Computer Science) at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. He has to his credit more than 09 research papers in International Journals, 12 papers in conference proceedings and 03 refereed books. His current area of interests are cyber security, computer forensics, component based software development, mobile learning and Open Educational Resources.

Dr. Pande has worked in the areas Component Based Software Development and Cyber Security. He has been involved in development of pliability metric for optimal component selection for component based software development. He has carried out many projects as a Principal Investigator sanctioned by Commonwealth Educational Media Center for Asia, USERC and Govt. of Uttarakhand. Presently is he working on an International Project funded by Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. He has recently been awarded by a ‘Gold Medal’ for Innovations in Open and Distance Learning during the 32nd Convocation of the Indra Gandhi National Open University(IGNOU) by the Hon’ble Vice President of India.

Dr. Pande has been reviewer for several archived journals at the International level. International Journal Of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering(World Scientific, Singapore), Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (World Scientific, Singapore), International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering (United Kingdom) are to name a few of them. He is a member of several academic and professional bodies in the area of computer science and distance education.

Course certificate

There shall be two components for evaluation: Internal assessment of 20 marks and proctored examination for 80 marks. 

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