Certificate course in Environmental Sustainability

By 1. Dr. M. Rajesh 2. Dr. Sindhu P Nair, 3. Dr. Jalajakumari VT, 4. Dr. P Unnikrishnan   |   IGNOU Regional Centre, Vatakara
Learners enrolled: 2874
The course is an unique effort to provide awareness about environmental issues from the perspective of social  sciences, technology,  education and law. It is expected that after going through the course, learners will have a comprehensive idea about the issue areas.

Credit - 4
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Agricultural and Food Engineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Diploma
Start Date : 01 Sep 2021
End Date :
Enrollment Ends : 30 Oct 2021
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1

1.  Introduction to environment and society

2.  Factors affecting environment and society-1

3.  Factors affecting environment and society-2

4.  Our Common Future

5.  Introduction to Terms of Significance -1

6.  Introduction to Terms of Significance -2

Week 2

1.  Trade & Environment- Concepts, issues and recent developments- part 1

2.  Trade & Environment, Part2- The Doha Round

3.  Legal Edifice of Environmental Protection

4.  Environmental Impact Assessment Norms and their application in India

5.  The Wild Life Protection Act, 1972

6.  Environmental Law and Coastal Regulation Zones

Week 3

1.  The Case of Western Ghats- The Gadgil Report

2.  The Kasturirangan Report

3.  The Forest Conservation Act, 1980

4.  The Water Act

5.  The Air –Prevention & Control of Pollution Act, 1981

6.  Seminal Cases in Environmental Protection

7.  The Environment Protection Act, 1986

Week 4

1.  Environmental Friendly Technologies- Concept and Need

2.  A Consumer Behaviour perspective to Environmental Sustainability

3.  Managing our environment for sustainability- Solar Energy part1

4.  Managing our environment for sustainability, Solar Energy part 2

5.  Managing our environment for sustainability, Wind Energy

6.  Managing our environment for sustainability- Geothermal, Hydro and Tidal Energy

7.  Sustainable Development and Environment friendly practices

Week 5

1.  Waste Management for Sustainable Development

2.  Environment Friendly practices and the use of Environment Friendly products

3.  Live Examples of Environment Friendly Technologies-1

4.  Live Examples of Environment Friendly Technologies-2

5.  Case Studies on environment and society-1

6.  Case Studies on environment and society-2

7.  Changing Interactions

Week 6

1.  Environment and the Constitution of India

2.  International Conventions and Treaties

3.  Sanitary and Phyto- Sanitary Agreement of the WTO

4.  Convention on biological Diversity

5.  Clean Development Mechanism

6.  Bonn Guidelines

Week 7

1.  Environmental Education- An Introduction

2.  Sensitivity towards environment and environmental issues-1

3.  Sensitivity towards environment and environmental issues-2

4.  Awareness through knowledge- part 1

5.  Awareness through knowledge- part 2

Week 8

1.  Attitude towards protection of the Environment

2.  Critical thinking, utilization of skills and reflective solutions

3.  Local strategies and innovations in Environmental Protection- Part 1

4.  Local strategies and innovations in Environmental Protection- Part 2

5.  Active Participation in the resolution of Environmental  Challenges-part 1

6.  Active Participation in the resolution of Environmental Challenges-part 2

Week 9

1.  Motivational Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability – the conclusion

Books and references

1. Discussion Paper of GoI on Climate Change- https://dea.gov.in/sites/default/files/Final%20Print.pdf
3.Environmental Impact Assessment- http://www.moef.gov.in/citizen/specinfo/eia.html
4.Wildlife Protection Act 1972- http://envfor.nic.in/legis/wildlife/wildlife1.html
5.Coastal Regulation Zone Regulations 2018- http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=186875
6.Gadgil Committee Report-    http://www.moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/wg-23052012.pdf
7.The Kasturirangan Committee Report- http://www.moef.gov.in/sites/default/files/1%20HLWG-Report-Part-1_0.pdf
8.Forest Conservation Act 1980 with Ammendments- http://punjabtourism.gov.in/Downloads/Policies/Forest_Conservation_Act-1980.pdf
9.Forest Conservation Act 1980 with Ammendments- http://punjabtourism.gov.in/Downloads/Policies/Forest_Conservation_Act-1980.pdf
10. The Water Act- http://www.envfor.nic.in/legis/water/wat1.html
11.The Air Act- http://www.envfor.nic.in/legis/air/air1.html
12. Environment Protection Act- http://envfor.nic.in/legis/env/env1.html
13.Convention on Bio-Diversity- https://www.cbd.int/doc/legal/cbd-en.pdf
14. Sanitary and Phyto sanitary Agreement- https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/sps_e/spsagr_e.htm
15. For the latest development with respect to Coastal Regualtions, please visit, 
16. New CRZ norms, 2019- http://ncscm.res.in/pdf_docs/crz-2019.pdf

Instructor bio

1. Dr. M. Rajesh 2. Dr. Sindhu P Nair, 3. Dr. Jalajakumari VT, 4. Dr. P Unnikrishnan

IGNOU Regional Centre, Vatakara
Dr. M Rajesh (Course coordinator and SME) is presently heading the IGNOU Regional Centre at Vatakara as the Regional Director. He specialized in International Studies for his Masters Degree. He holds a Ph.D. degree. He completed his Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics and Law (LLb) respectively. Dr.M.Rajesh has also done other programmes such as PGDDE and PGDIBO and has contributed several articles in national and international journals of repute. He is guiding research students at various levels. He cleared JRF& NET in South Asian Studies and International Relations respectively. He is a reviewer for reputed journals and has conducted a large number of extension programmes among various segments of the society. Besides being a trainer for distance education functionaries, he has also served on the committees and boards of various institutions. 
 His current areas of research interest are Political Economy, International Relations, environmental law, delivery of education through digital mode and reaching out to the intellectually challenged.

Dr. Sindhu P Nair (SME)

Sindhu P Nair is Assistant Regional Director in Indira Gandhi National Open University. She holds a Bachelors degree in Technology and Master’s degree in Business Administration. Her research work is in the area of Consumer Behaviour. She also holds post graduate diploma in Distance Education, Higher Education Management and International Business Operations. After a couple of years of experience in research in a national research institute, she has been with Indira Gandhi National Open University for the last sixteen years. Her experience in Open and Distance education are in varied areas such as student enrolment, learner counselling, evaluation, training of functionaries of the Open University and in design and development of self-learning study material for Open Learning. Her interest areas are consumer behavior, learner studies, higher education management, use of technology in Education and innovations in higher education.

Dr. V. T. Jalajakumari (SME)

V. T Jalajakumari is an Assistant Regional Director of Indira Gandhi National Open University at its regional centre. Cochin, Ernakulam. She majored in Education with specialization in Educational Technology, Language and literature and sociology and received PHD in Education. Prior to join to IGNOU she was working as a secondary school teacher for three years and another 12 years in various posts as lecturer, reader and principal of a training college under Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala. During her academic career she had engaged with several educational development and assessment projects as project associate. During her profession at the post graduate level she guided more than hundred research topics as the part of Master of Education. She had presented and published a number of research papers and other articles in reputed journals and magazines. For many years she is an active member participant in many literary and cultural organizations.

Dr. Praseetha Unnikrishnan (SME)

Praseetha Unnikrishnan is an avid and enthusiastic researcher having keen interest in the field of Disability, Open and Distance Learning and Environmental Studies. She pursued her doctoral studies from the Department of Social Work, University of Delhi, Delhi. She has published three books and few papers including two books and papers exclusively dedicated to disability studies. Her doctoral work and M.Phil work has already been published as books entitled  ‘‘Mainstreaming Children with Visual Impairment – A Paradigm’ sponsored by ICSSR and ‘Inclusion of children with Special Needs – A Perspective’.  Besides, she has co-authored a book on Adolescents titled Turbulent Teens Approaches towards adjustment.  She has worked with UGC for around two years as an Assistant Director in the Distance Education Bureau. Presently she is working as an Assistant Director with the IGNOU Regional Centre, Cochin, Kerala

Course certificate

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