Block | Unit | Unit Title | Video No. | Video Title | Week |
Block 1 | 1 | Human Resource Planning | 1 | Human Resource Planning | 1 |
2 | Human Resource Planning in Hospitality industry |
3 | Qualitative Dimensions of Human Resource |
2 | Demand and Supply Forecasting: Methods and Techniques | 4 | Introduction to Manpower Forecasting |
5 | Macro and Micro Forecasting |
6 | Manpower Forecasting Techniques | 2 |
7 | Manpower Supply Forecasting Techniques |
3 | Human Resource Information System | 8 | Human Resource Information at Micro and Macro Level |
9 | Application of Computers in Human Resource Management |
4 | Human Resource Audit | 10 | Introduction to Human Resource Audit |
11 | Essential Steps In Human Resource Audit | 3 |
12 | A Four Step Approach In Human Resource: Audit as an Improvement Tool |
5 | Human Resource Accounting | 13 | Introduction to Human Resource Accounting |
14 | Accounting for Human Resource Costs |
15 | Accounting for Human Resource Value |
16 | Applications and Implementations | 4 |
6 | Job Evaluation: Concept, Scope and Limitation | 17 | Introduction to Job Evaluation and Its Objectives |
18 | Anomalies in Salaries and Need for a Rational and Equitable Pay Structure |
19 | Basic Assumptions in Job Evaluation and Trigger Points |
20 | Advantages and Problems Associated with Job Evaluation |
7 | Job Analysis and Job Description | 21 | Introduction to Job Analysis | 5 |
22 | Job Description, Job Specifications and Job Analysis: Linkages |
23 | Design and Uses of Job Description
8 | Job Evaluation Methods | 24 | Job Evaluation Methods and Job Ranking |
25 | Job Classification or Grade Description |
26 | Point Rating | 6 |
27 | The Factor of Comparison Method |
28 | Recent Developments in Job Evaluation |
9 | Task Analysis | 29 | Introduction to Task Analysis and its Uses |
30 | Contextual, Activity, Competency, Performance and Discrepancy Analysis |
31 | Task Analysis as a Supervisory Tool | 7 |
10 | Personnel Office: Functions and Operations | 32 | Characteristics and Objectives of Personnel Management |
33 | Position of Personnel Department in the Organisation |
34 | Organization of a Personnel Office |
35 | Personnel Manager's Role |
11 | Recruitment and Selection | 36 | Introduction to Recruitment and Selection | 8 |
37 | Recruitment Process |
38 | Interviews |
39 | Selection Tests |
40 | Methods of Recruitment, Selection and Tests |
12 | Induction and Placement | 41 | Induction and Placement-I | 9 |
42 | Induction and Placement-II |
43 | Induction and Placement-III |
Block 2 | 13 | Staff Training and Development | 44 | Introduction to Training and Development |
45 | Need, Benefits , Objectives, Training Policy and Training Methods |
46 | Evaluation of Training Programmes | 10 |
47 | Management Development: Needs, Concepts, Objectives, Organizational Climate and Techniques |
14 | Motivation and Productivity | 48 | Introduction to Motivation and Productivity |
49 | Hierarchy of Human Needs: Maslow's Theory |
50 | Social Needs and Productivity |
51 | Creating Proper Motivational Climate | 11 |
15 | Employees’ Motivation and Job Enrichment | 52 | Theories and Types of Motivation |
53 | Motivation of Employees in Actual Practice |
54 | Job Enrichment - Meaning, Nature and Objectives |
16 | Career Planning | 55 | Introduction to Career Planning |
56 | Why Career Planning | 12 |
57 | Process of Career Planning and Development |
58 | Limitations of Career Planning |
17 | Employees’ Counselling | 59 | Introduction to Employees’ Counselling |
60 | Counselling Functions and Counsellors |
61 | Counselling: Types, Skills and Techniques | 13 |
18 | Performance Monitoring and Appraisal | 62 | Introduction to Performance Appraisal |
63 | Job Performance: Measurement, Validity and Reliability |
64 | Methods of Performance Appraisal |
19 | Transfer, Promotion and Reward Policies | 65 | Transfer: Introduction, Need and Types |
66 | Promotions and Promotion Policy | 14 |
67 | Reward Policies and Processes |
20 | Disciplinary Issues and Employees’ Grievance Handling | 68 | Discipline: Issues, Actions-Suspension, Dismissal, and Discharge |
69 | Retrenchment and Lay Off |
70 | Grievance Handling |
21 | Compensation and Salary Administration | 71 | Aims and Principles of Salary Formulation | 15 |
72 | Components of Salary Administration and Pay Structure |
73 | Salary Administration Procedures |
22 | Employee Benefits and Welfare Schemes | 74 | The Concept of Fringe Benefits and Labour Welfare |
75 | Social Security: Concept and Evolution |
23 | Gender and Other Sensitivities in Hospitality and Tourism | 76 | Position of women in Hospitality and Tourism | 16 |
77 | Sexual Harassment |
78 | Child Labour |
24 | Emerging Trends and Perspectives | 79 | HRD for Industrial Organization |
80 | Tourism: Trends in HRD |