CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing

By Dr. K.Tamil Mannan   |   Indira Gandhi National Open University
Learners enrolled: 4109
The Computer Aided design (CAD) is a Process use of Computers and software’s to aid in the creation, Modification, Analysis, or Optimization of a design. 

Module 1: Introduction to CAD and this CAD part gives knowledge and skills on 2D and 3D Drafting.

Module 2: It describes about 2D and 3D Modelling, Modelling of Curves, Solids, Mechanisms and Assemblies. In this course also explains the Hardware and Software of CAD.

Module 3: It describes the CAD Display devices, Principles and Techniques of CAD display devises, Input and Output devices, Wireframe & Solid Modelling and its techniques, Operations, Comparison of wireframe & solid Modelling and Applications of CAD.

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is a Process is the use of computer and software to operate and control machine tools and facilitate the manufacturing of workpieces and products.

Module 4: Introduction of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and   gives knowledge and skills on the Numerical Control (NC) & Computer Numerical Control Machines (CNC).

Module 5: It describes the Principles of CNC and Coordinate Systems, Motion Control, working and operation of CNC, Advantages and disadvantages of CNC machines.

Module 6: It describes the various manufacturing systems as Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), Components and types, approaches, layouts, problems, advantages and disadvantages. Also discussed about Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS), Types and control systems, charging and guidance methods, safety elements and task allocation and Computer Inventory Control, Management information Systems (MIS), Functions, storages and Decision support systems (DSS) components and benefits. Also discussed about Robotics, Types of Robots and features, robot anatomy, defining parameter, control systems and robot applications.

Course Credit: 2
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 6 weeks
Category :
  • Mechanical Engineering
Credit Points : 2
Level : Diploma
Start Date : 15 Aug 2022
End Date :
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1: Introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Week 2: 2 D & 3 D Modelling and CAD Functions & Applications.

Week 3: Display Devises, Working Principles and its various Techniques.

Week 4: Introduction to CAM.

Week 5: Working Principles of NC & CNC Machines.

Week 6 : Advanced Manufacturing Systems & its Applications

Books and references

  1. CAD/CAM/CIM: Radhakrishnan P, New Age International Publishers 1994.
  2. CAD/CAM: Groover, Mikell P and Zimmer’s Emory W, Prentice Hall India (P) Ltd, 2001.
  3. CAD/CAM: Principles and Applications: Rao P N, Tata McGraw Hill Higher Education P Ltd 2002.
  4. Mastering CAD/CAM: Ibrahim Zeid, Tata McGraw Hill Higher Education P Ltd 2004

Instructor bio

Dr. K.Tamil Mannan

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Dr. K.Tamil Mannan is working as Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. He has 23 Years’ Experience in Teaching at State and Central Universities and One Year Experience in Industry. He has published in more than 50 publications in Reputed International Journals & International and National Conferences. Also, He has Produced 03 PhD Research Scholars. He has recipient of Best Entrepreneur Cell Coordinator Award 2016 by SEED, Chennai, Creative Innovation Award 2016 awarded by ECONS, New Delhi and Best Skill Development Coordinator Award 2017 by SEED, Chennai for Skill Development Projects. He has completed IGNOU-ISTE Collaborative Projects on Skill Developments and also initiating Project Proposal in Skill Development Programmes. Also, He is the Expert member of Evaluation Accreditation Committee in National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi. He has organized and Participated in various Workshops, Short Term Training Programmes and Faculty Training Programmes sponsored by TEQIP, ISTE, New Delhi & AICTE, New Delhi.

Work Experience:

S. No.

Teaching in State and Central Universities (Years)

 Industry (Years)





Si No


Name of the Event



Keynote Address Chair

International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Manufacturing (ICECME 2016),

11-12, May, 2016

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Technical Session Chair

International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Manufacturing (ICECME 2016),

11-12, May, 2016

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore



 Name of the Fellowship/Awards

Granting/ Awarding Institution



Creative Innovation Award

Econs Education Submit and Award 2016, ECONS, New Delhi



Best Entrepreneurship Cell Coordinator

Sustainable Institute Industry Partnership (SIIP - 2016)– Individual Award

Society for Educational & Entrepreneurship Development (SEED), Chennai



Best Skill Development Cell Coordinator

6th National Submit on Education, Employability, Employment and Entrepreneurship.

Society for Educational & Entrepreneurship Development (SEED), Chennai



BOOKS: 3 (authored) = 3


Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals: 23

Papers presented at International/ National Conferences: 39


Membership of Professional body/ Statutory body

Name of statutory body/ institution


Life Member, [ LM-29730]

Indian Society for Technical Education

Life Period

Life Member, [ LM-120]

Association of Mechanics and Machines

Life Period

Life Member, [ LM-164541]

International Association of Engineers

Life Period

Life Member, [LT-542]

Centre for Education Growth and Research

Life Period

Life Member, [ PM-034]

Integrated Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Life Period

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