Material Science

By Dr. Shashank Srivastava   |   Indira Gandhi National Open University
Learners enrolled: 374
The course gives knowledge about different types of materials, their properties and behaviour that are utilized in various kinds of products that we use in daily life or in construction. It also gives an overview of the current development in material science and smart materials

Course Credit: 3
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 16 weeks
Category :
  • Metallurgy and Material science & Mining Engineering
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 31 Jul 2023
End Date :
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Module 1:Mechanical properties and their determination (4 weeks),
Module 2: Alloys (Ferrous and Non- Ferrous) (4 weeks),
Module 3: Ceramics, Refractory and Abrasive Materials (2 weeks),
Module 4: Smart Materials (2 weeks),
Module 5: Plastics, reinforced plastics and adhesives (3 weeks),
Module 6: Different criteria for design with fracture mechanics (3 weeks),
Module 7: Tribology, Surface treatment and coatings (2 weeks)

Books and references

Material Science and Engineering: William Calister
Material Science and Metallurgy: U C Jindal
Engineering Materials: Michael F Ashby

Instructor bio

Dr. Shashank Srivastava

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Shashank Srivastava is a bachelor in mechanical engineering with masters in Aerospace and doctorate in biomedical structural health monitoring from IIT Kanpur and IIT Delhi respectively. He has cumulative experience of 13 years in industry, DRDO and teaching. He has previously worked for the health monitoring of vapour compression and vapour absorption refrigeration systems in the industry and thereafter conducted research for developing life support systems for fighter pilots at DRDO. He is currently working as assistant professor at school of engineering and technology, IGNOU where he is involved in developing online courses and delivering lectures on Gyan Darshan and Gyan Vani channels. His areas of interest and application of smart materials for health monitoring of biomedical specimens, aerospace and mechanical structures.

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