Fundamentals of Philosophy

By Dr. Bhaskar Bhattacharyya and Dr. Tejasha Kalita   |   Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU), Guwahati
Learners enrolled: 64

This MOOC course titled Fundamentals of Philosophy introduces us to the basic concepts of philosophy. The basic concepts included in this course are- Nature and Scope of philosophy, utility of studying philosophy, Nature and Kinds of Knowledge, Theories of knowledge, theories of truth, concept of idealism and realism, mind-body relation, concept of universals, concept of logical positivism and existentialism, the concept of person, theories of punishment, and Individual and society. Apart from this this MOOC course has an interdisciplinary appeal, which we infer from the concepts mentioned in the above. Thus, learners from across the disciplines may get taste by enrolling in this course which has been specially designed for all categories of learners. By studying the different concepts in this course, learners may develop their innate capacities of learning, that is analytical skill or reasoning power present in human being. Besides It also enquires into the nature, meaning, purpose, origin and destiny of human life. Hence, this MOOC course has a relevance in case of exploring and flourishing human self by studying the epistemological and metaphysical concepts of philosophy.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Not Applicable
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Philosophy
Credit Points : 4
Level : Diploma
Start Date : 01 Jan 2025
End Date :
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout





Module 1

Nature of Philosophy


Unit 1

Nature,  Scope and Utility of Philosophy


Module 2

Nature of Knowledge


Unit 2

Nature and Kinds of Knowledge: ‘Knowledge by acquaintance’ and ‘Knowledge by Description’


Module 3

Origin and Source of Knowledge


Unit 3

Theories of Knowledge: Rationalism and Empiricism


Unit 4

Kant’s critical theory


Unit 5

Scepticism: Hume


Module 4

Theories of Truth


Unit 6

Theories of Truth: Correspondence, Coherence, Pragmatic theory


Module 5

Concept of Realism


Unit 7

Realism: Naive and Scientific Realism


Module 6

Concept of Idealism


Unit 8

Idealism: Subjective


Unit 9

Idealism: Objective


Module 7

Mind-Body Relation


Unit 10

Mind-Body relation: Descartes and Spinoza


Module 8

Concept of Universals


Unit 11

Universals: Realism


Unit 12

Universals: Nominalism


Module 9

Logical Positivism


Unit 13

Outlines of Logical Positivism



Module 10

Concept of Existentialism


Unit 14



Module 11

Concept of Person


Unit 15

Concept of Person: Strawson


Module 12

Concept of Punishment and Individual and Society


Unit 16

Theories of Punishment


Unit 17

Individual and Society


Books and references

  • Cunningham, G.W.: Problems of Philosophy
  • Ewing, A.C.: Fundamental Questions of Philosophy
  • Hospers, John: An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis Revised Edition, London, Rout ledge & Kegan Paul, 1973
  • Sinha, Jadunath Sinha: Introduction to Philosophy, New Central  Book Agency, 1985
  • Bhattacharyya, H.M: The Principles of Philosophy
  • Moore, G.E. and Broader: Philosophy-The Power of Ideas
  • Russell, B. (1984). The Problems of Philosophy. New Delhi: Oxford.
  • Copleson, Frederick.(1964) A History of Philosophy (Vol. IV, V, VI) Image Books
  • Morton.( 2001). A Guide Through the Theory of Knowledge. Oxford, Blackwell
  • Thrilly, Frank.(1994). A History of Philosophy. Central Publishing House, Allahabad
  • Trusted, J.(1997). An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge, Macmillan
  • William, M. (2001). Problems of Knowledge: Oxford, OUP
  • Descartes, R. 1975. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes. Ed. J. Cottingham, R. Stoodhoff, and D. Murdoch, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Fogelin, R. 1994. Pyrrhonian reflections on Knowledge and Justifications, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Hume, D. Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals ed. P. Nidditch, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Dicker, Georges. 2004. Kant's theory of knowledge; an analytic introduction. Oxford University Press,
  • Guyer, Paul (ed.) 2006. The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern philosophy. Cambridge University Press
  • Descartes, R. 1975. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes. Ed. J. Cottingham, R. Stoodhoff, and D. Murdoch, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Fogelin, R. 1994. Pyrrhonian reflections on Knowledge and Justifications, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Hume, D. Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals ed. P. Nidditch, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Kant, Immanuel. 1929. Critique of Pure Reason trans. Norman Kemp Smith. New York: St. Martin's Press
  • Dicker, Georges. 2004. Kant's theory of knowledge; an analytic introduction. Oxford University Press,
  • Guyer, Paul (ed.) 2006. The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern philosophy. Cambridge University Press
  • Chatterji, Phanibhusan (1951) Outlines of General Philosophy, Calcutta: Published by the Author
  • Chakravarty, Sibapada (1992) An Introduction to Philosophy, J.N.Ghose & Sons, Calcutta.
  • Sharma,R.M (2010). Western and Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology. Surjeet Publication.
  • Masih, Y.(1990). A Critical History of Modern Philosophy, Delhi: Motilal Banarasidasss
  • Aaron, R. I. (1952): The Theory of Universals: Oxford.
  • Edman, I. (ed.) (1956): The Works of Plato: The Modern Library: New York
  • Sarma, Dr. Ramala (2013): Theory of Universals: N. L. Publications: Guwahati.
  • Warrington, J., (ed.) (1961) Aristotle’s Metaphysics: Everyman’s Library: London
  • Hume, D. (1967): A Treatise of Human Nature: Ed. by L. A. Oxford:Selby-Bigge:
  • Woozley, A. D. (1982): Theory of  Knowledge: New Delhi: B. I.Publications
  • C.W. Morris:  Logical Positivism, Pragmatism and Scientific Empiricism, AMS Press, Newyork, 1979
  • R.Carnap: Philosophy and Logical Syntax, K.Paul, Trench, Trbner &Co., ltd, London, 1935
  • R.Carnap:  Logical Syntax of Language, K.Paul, Trench, Trbner &Co., ltd, London, 1935
  • R.Carnap:   Logical Foundation of the Unity of Science, London: Kegan Paul, 1934
  • A.J.Ayer:    Language, Truth and Logic, Gollang, London, 1946
  • A.J.Ayer (ed.): Logical Positivism, The Free Press, New York, 1959
  • A.J.Ayer (ed.): The Revolution in Philosophy, Macmillan,1957
  • K.Popper: The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Routledge, London, 2003
  • K.Popper: Conjectures and Refutations, London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. 1972
  • L.Wittgenstein: Tractatus Logico Philosophicus, Trans by D.F. Pears and B. McGuinness, London: Routledge, 1961
  • W.P. Alston: Philosophy of Language, N.J. Prentice Hall, 1964
  • Sen, P.K.&Verma, R.R.(1995) (ed) The Philosophy Of P.F. Strawson. New Delhi: I.C.P.R.
  • Strawson, P.F.( 1974). Freedom and Resenement and Other Essays. London. Metheun &Co. Ltd.,
  • Shaffer, J. A. : (1988) Philosophy of Mind. New  Delhi. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
  • John. M. Mackenzie: A Manual of Ethics, Surjeet Publications, Delhi, 04
  • J.N. Sinha: A Manual of Ethics, New Central Agency, Calcutta, 1986
  • S. L. Doshi: Modernity, Postmodernity and Neo-Sociological Theories, Rawat Publications,2006.
  • M. Francis Abraham: Modern Sociological Theory, Oxford University Press,1982
  • John S. Mackenzie: A Manual of Ethics, Surjeet Publications, 2004
  • R.N. Sharma: Introduction to Ethics, Surjeet Publications,2006
  • H.K. Rawat: Sociology, Rawat Publications, 2007

Instructor bio

Dr. Bhaskar Bhattacharyya is Senior Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, India. He received his MA and PhD from Gauhati University, India, in 1999 and 2008, respectively, and served as a Junior Research Fellow of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research in 2001. His areas of interest are philosophy of language and analytic philosophy, and he has published a number of papers in these fields. He is also the author of the book Analytic Philosophy of Wittgenstein. Apart from this he has also edited a book Contemporary Issues in Philosophy, Culture, and Value published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, in the year 2024 He has also jointly given a MOOC on Essentials of Indian Philosophy on the SWAYAM platform.

Dr. Tejasha Kalita serves as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, located in Guwahati, Assam, India. She achieved her M.A. degree from Guwahati University in Assam, India, in the year 2005. Subsequently, she pursued her Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, also situated in Assam, India, and successfully completed it in 2013. As a Project Associate, she conducted a minor research project on Ethnic Philosophies, funded by the ICPR, at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Dr. Kalita's academic pursuits and research areas primarily encompass Applied Ethics, Social & Political Philosophy, and Contemporary Indian Philosophy. Her dedication to these fields is evident through her substantial contribution of numerous research papers. She has also jointly given a MOOC on Essentials of Indian Philosophy on the SWAYAM platform. 

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