course explores the multifaceted role of land in society, covering its
economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions. From ancient
civilizations to modern economies, land has been a cornerstone of development.
It is, however, observed that there is no comprehensive understanding of land,
given its complex nature. Therefore, this LAND 101 is being offered by FLAME University and Landstack, Odisha jointly to bridge
the knowledge gap. This course has no prerequisites, and is especially
beneficial for students and professionals in law, urban planning, environmental
sciences, and civil engineering.
The course
delves into India's complex land governance, historical context, and challenges
in current land administration. It also connects these issues to global goals
like the Sustainable Development Goals.Our diverse teaching team, including
experienced professors and professionals, ensures a comprehensive view of the
subject. The curriculum includes case studies, interactive discussions, and
real-world applications to provide a well-rounded understanding of land issues.
The course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills
needed to navigate and address the complexities of land management and
governance effectively.
Weeks |
Course Layout |
Week 1 |
Introduction to land governance
and courses overview |
Week 2 |
Land Rights and Ownership |
Week 3 |
Land Market and economic
Development |
Week 4 |
Land and sustainable Development |
Week 5 |
Land Administration |
Week 6 |
Emerging Trends in Land Governance |
Week 7 |
Conflict and Land Governance |
Prasad Pathak
FLAME University, Pune
Pathak is a physical geographer with expertise in remote sensing and geographic
information systems. Using these techniques Prasad studies various
environmental phenomena.Prasad has also worked as a postdoctoral fellow with GI
Science Centre at UNCG where he was involved in various research projects,
development of research proposals, preparation of manuscripts and development
and conduct of GIS training workshops.In India, Prasad has worked with several
prestigious institutions (government and private). He has also worked as an
intern at ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) headquarters in
California, USA.