Indian Knowledge System

By Dr. Roli Pradhan   |   National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research, Bhopal
Learners enrolled: 11189

The NEP 2020 recommends the inclusion of the Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) into the modern-day educational practices. The incorporation of Indian Knowledge Systems with the in-depth conceptual knowledge would rightly empower the youth of present India. The course throws light on the rich legacy possessed by Bharat and aims to communicate “Be proud of India’s heritage and legacy.” The Indian civilization has two unique and distinguishing characteristics. Firstly, it is the only LIVING civilization in the modern world which still has a living connection to its past. Secondly, when anyone, anywhere in the world, faces the eternal questions of life, death, meaning and purpose of existence, and wants to experience the eternal truth embodied in life and living, the solace is found in India. A new India can be shaped through a deep thinking and taking learnings from the rich past practices that were much ahead of their time and were sustainable. This Swayam MOOC provides a platform for all the teachers of higher education institutes to develop awareness about the Indian Knowledge system. It attempts to showcase the practices of the ancient India that in the present day look as a scientific marvel and the practices were much ahead of their times. The course can be taken as an overview and exposure for the teachers in the IKS area. The concepts learnt would act as an aid to undertake the sessions on IKS fundamentals that can be offered as an independent course in the technical and nontechnical diploma/ UG/PG Programs. The concepts can also be mapped with existing professional courses at suitable places with examples.


This course will prepare the teachers and aspiring teachers to understand the Indian Knowledge system. With the introduction of New Education Policy-NEP 2020 Indian Knowledge Systems is a prime focus and Intelligence Traditions of India have to be showcased to the world. This course gives an overview of the rich and varied knowledge traditions of India. This also helps the learner to know the legacy possessed by ancient India. The prevalent practices of the past that were beyond time and were sustainable. In the present context there is much need to evaluate the past practices and deploy them for the betterment of society. This course also enables the learner think independently and originally with Indian frameworks and models for solving the problems of the present-day professional world. This Swayam MOOC’s provides a platform for all the teachers of higher education institutes to develop awareness about the Indian Knowledge system. It attempts to showcase the practices of the ancient India that in the present day look as a scientific marvel and the practices were much ahead of their times. The course can be taken as an overview and exposure for the teachers in the IKS area. The concepts learnt would act as an aid to undertake the sessions on IKS fundamentals that can be offered as an independent course in the technical and non-technical diploma/ UG/PG Programs. The concepts can also be mapped with existing professional courses at suitable places with examples.

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Teacher Education
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate
Start Date : 20 Jan 2025
End Date : 11 Apr 2025
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2025
Exam Date : 17 May 2025 IST
Translation Languages : English
NCrF Level   : 4.5

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout



Unit & Title

Lesson No & Title


Unit1- History of Indian Knowledge System


Lesson No 1.1 Genesis of Bhartiya Knowledge System

Lesson No: 1.2   History of IKS


Unit2- India’s characteristic knowledge & India’s epistemology

Lesson No. 2.1 IKS: Nature, Philosophy and Character

Lesson No. 2.2 India’s Epistemology

Lesson No 2.3      Knowledge Frameworks & Classification


Unit3- Ancient Scriptures

Lesson No.3.1      Ancient Scriptures


Unit4- Ancient Education System

Lesson No 4.1      Ancient Education

Lesson No 4.2      Educating Sciences


Unit5-Scientific approaches of IKS & Torch-bearers

Lesson No 5.1 Khagol Vijnana (Astronomy)

Lesson No 5.2 Vastukala (Architecture)

Lesson No 5.3 Ayurveda

Lesson No 5.4 Krishi Vijnana (Agricultural) Practices


Unit6- Scientific approaches of IKS & Torch-bearers



Lesson No 6.1 Dhatu Vijnana (Metallurgy)

Lesson No 6.2 Ganita: Mathematics in India

Lesson No 6.3 Yuddha Vidhya (Military Sciences)

Lesson No 6.4 Niyuddha Kala (Martial Arts)

Lesson No 6.5 Environmental Sciences


Unit7- Literary Aspects of IKS & Torch-bearers.


Lesson No 7.1 Chandashastra (Prosody)

Lesson No 7.2 Bhasa Va Vyakarana (Language and Grammar)

Lesson No 7.3 Bharata’s Natyashastra (Science of Drama, Dance and Music)


Unit8- Governance in IKS & Way Forward


Lesson No 8.1 Science of Consciousness in Ancient India (Cognitive Science)

Lesson No 8.2 Anviksiki (Logic and Disputation)

Lesson No 8.3  Governance & Public Administration

Lesson No 8.4  IKS way forward

Books and references

1.     Introduction to Indian Knowledge System: Concepts and Applications, Archak, K.B. (2012). Kaveri Books, New Delhi.ISBN-13:978-9391818203

2.     Introduction To Indian Knowledge System: Concepts and Applications, Mahadevan, B.Bhat, Vinayak Rajat,Nagendra Pavana R.N.PHI, ISBN: 9789391818203

3.     Glimpse into Kautilya’s Arthashastra Ramachandrudu P. (2010), Sanskrit Academy, Hyderabad

4.     ISBN:9788380171074

5.     “Introduction” in Studies in Epics and Purāas, (Eds.), KM Munshi and N Chandrashekara Aiyer Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan

Instructor bio

Dr. Roli Pradhan

National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research, Bhopal

Dr. Roli Pradhan is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Management in National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Bhopal. Has an experience of ten years into Technical Teachers’ Training, Education and Research at NITTTR Bhopal. Prior to NITTTR Bhopal she has been associated with MANIT and RGPV for ten years contributing to UG, PG engineering programmes.

Dr. R.K. Dixit is currently working as Professor in the Department of Management Education at National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Bhopal. He is having 33 years of experience in training, education, research, industry, consultancy and extension activities. He has published more than 50 research papers. He has conducted more than 50 visits for accreditation of under-graduate and post graduate engineering programmes as well as diploma (engineering) programmes as a chairman and an expert-member. He has been consultant, the World Bank, The Govt. of Madagascar, National Project Implementation Unit and various state governments for technical education. Email-rkdixit@nitttrbpl.ac.in, Mobile: 9425163874.

Course certificate

"The SWAYAM Course Enrolment and learning is free. However, to obtain a certificate, the learner must register and take the proctored exam in person at one of the designated exam centres. The registration URL will be announced by NTA once the registration form becomes available. To receive the certification, you need to complete the online registration form and pay the examination fee. Additional details, including any updates, will be provided upon the publication of the exam registration form. For more information about the exam locations and the terms associated with completing the form, please refer to the form itself."


Grading Policy:


- Internal Assignment Score: This accounts for 30% of the final grade and is calculated based on the average of the best three assignments out of all the assignments given in the course.

- Final Proctored Exam Score: This makes up 70% of the final grade and is derived from the proctored exam score out of 100.

- Final Score: The final score is the sum of the average assignment score and the exam score.


Eligibility for Certification:


- To qualify for a certificate, you must achieve an average assignment score of at least 10 out of 30, and an exam score of at least 30 out of 70. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >=40/100.

Certificate Details:


- The certificate will include your name, photograph, roll number, and the percentage score from the final exam. It will also feature the logos of the Ministry of Education, SWAYAM, and NITTTR.

- Certificate Format: Only electronic certificates (e-certificates) will be issued; hard copies will not be dispatched.


Once again, thanks for your interest in our online courses and certification. Happy Learning.



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