By Dr. Abhishek Kumar   |   Banaras Hindu University
Learners enrolled: 23496

This course, for students majoring in Animation, Design Engineering & Game Technology. Here you learn about the design histories and theories to develop creative, technical and analytical skills in animation film production through the exploration of animation production pipeline (CG modelling, texturing, lighting, rigging, Animation and rendering) techniques relevant to a career in design engineering, Visual Effects and animation. In this course we explore animation across a variety of platforms including film, television, advertising, web, motion capture and game design. This course will provide the opportunity for students to develop their transferable employability and professional skills through project-based assessment for Media & Entertainment industry.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Computer Science and Engineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2019
End Date : 30 Oct 2019
Enrollment Ends : 10 Sep 2019
Exam Date : 09 Nov 2019 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1 
Fundamental of Animation
Week 2 
Poly Engineering - Basics of Modeling
Week 3 
Poly Engineering - Modeling Architectural Design
Week 4 
Poly-painting - Texturing Fundamental
Week 5
UVW Unwrapping & 3D Paint Tools
Week 6
Aesthetics development : Lighting Fundamental
Week 7
Indirect & Direct Lighting techniques
Week 8
Character Setup- Rigging
Week 9
Character Skinning & Blend shapes
Week 10
Animation Fundamentals
Week 11
Principal of Animation
Week 12
Animation Walk Cycle Project
Week 13
FX & Dynamics Simulations
Week 14
Scene integration : Compositing
Week 15
Case Study : Tips & Tricks

Books and references

Here is the full list of best reference books on 3D Graphics and Animation.

1. “Understanding 3D Animation Using Maya” by John Edgar Park
2. “Animated Storytelling: Simple Steps For Creating Animation and Motion Graphics” by Liz Blazer
3. “Gpu Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High – Performance Graphics and General – Purpose Computation” by Matt Pharr and Randima Fernando (Series Editor)
4. “Creating 3-D Animation: The Aardman Book of Filmmaking” by Peter Lord and Brian Sibley
5. “3D Animation Essentials (Essentials (John Wiley))” by Andy Beane
6. “Exploring 3D Animation with Maya 6 (Design Exploration)” by Peter Young and Patricia Beckmann
7. “Blender 3D by Example” by Romain Caudron and Pierre-Armand Nicq
8. “Blender 3D Incredible Machines” by Christopher Kuhn
9. “Blender 3D Basics” by Gordon Fisher
10. “IClone 4.31 3D Animation Beginner’s Guide” by M D McCallum
11. Animator’s Survival Kit – Richard William
12. The Illusion of Life – Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
13. Animation: From Script to Screen – Shamus Culhane
14. Cartoon Animation – Preston Blair
15. Character Animation Crash Course – Eric Goldberg
16. Timing For Animation – Harold Whitaker and John Halas
17. How To Make Animated Films – Tony White
18. The Art of Animal Drawing – Ken Hultgren
19. Humans and Animals in Motion – Eadweard Muybridge
20. Acting For Animators – Ed Hooks
21. Film Directing Shot by Shot: Visualizing From Concept to Screen – Steve Katz

Instructor bio

Dr. Abhishek Kumar is an Academician & Industry Professional having 10+ years of expertise in Training, Development (3D Animation, Film Making, Visual Effects, Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Media & Design), Administration and People Management.

Presently, Dr. Abhishek Kumar is working as an Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science at Banaras Hindu University.

Dr. Abhishek Kumar is Apple Certified Associate, Adobe Education Trainer & Certified by Autodesk also. He has Trained over 15000+ students across the globe from 153 Countries, top 5 countries are India, Germany, United States, Spain & Australia. His alumni have worked for several national & international movies like Ra-One, Krissh, Dhoom, Life of Pi, Avengers Series, Iron Man series, Gijoe 3D, 300, Prince of Persia, Titanic 3D, Transformers series, Bahubali 1 & 2, London has fallen, Warcraft, Aquaman 3D & a lots.

Within a short span of time his 15 research papers has been published in Scopus/WOS indexed “journal” & 7 accepted to publishing in IEEE & 5 in SPRINGER also 1 Patent published.

He has completed their professional studies related to Animation, Computer graphics, Virtual reality, Stereoscopy, Filmmaking, Visual Effects & photography from Norwich University of Arts, University of Edinburgh, Wizcraft MIME & FXPHD, Australia.

Subject Matter Experts:

Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University (Apple Certified Associate, Autodesk Maya Certified & Adobe certified Educator )

Dr. Achintya Singhal, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University

Dr. Jitendra Sheetlani, Dean, School of Computer Application, Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences

Bhuvnesh Kumar, Animation TL , Anibrain (Former TD Animation Dreamworks, Technicolor & MPC)

Alka K Ryan, TD Lighting, Course Content Developer Animation & VFX (Former Mentor Arena Animation & MAAC)

Prasoon Singh, Technical Director Animation, Prime Focus World (Former TD Animation DQ)

Mahmood Tariq, VFX TD, MPC, Montreal, Quebec,Canada (Former TD Lightiing/FX Tau Films & Rhythm & Hues)

Abhishek Chaturvedi, Compositor, DNEG, Vancover, British Columbia, Canada (Former Compositor Double negative, Singapore and  Rhythm & Hues)

Abhinav Goel, Animator ,CD Project RED, Warsaw, Poland  (Former Animator Xentrix Studio)

Suheena Gupta, Associate Professor , Animation & Game Technology, P. A. Inamdar College of Visual Effects. Design & Art, Pune, Maharashtra

Abhishek Basak, Lecturer, Animation & Game Technology, Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for external proctored examination

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